Bug#734748: uscan with KDE sites

Maximiliano Curia maxy at debian.org
Sat Sep 26 15:00:31 UTC 2015

¡Hola Osamu!

El 2015-09-26 a las 22:40 +0900, Osamu Aoki escribió:

> Versort picks the largest version (even for bad version) and 
> coincidental alphabetic order "stable->testing->unstable" makes unstable 
> the choice of directory before looking into other directory content. 
> (That is the current known and well reasoned choice of this program with 
> history.  Multitar branch dod not touch it.)

That's exactly the reason why we don't use:
>>> http://download.kde.org/(un)?stable/plasma/([\d.]+)/kwin-([\d.]+)\.tar\.xz

Currently kde.org is publishing the files:

Note that the stable version is greater than the unstable one. The one that we 
need to care about is the newest (5.4.1).

Using two uscan lines we get the newest version and we can import it 

In any case, this is a side track comment from the feature request in 
question. The request is not about transversing unstable and stable paths but, 
when requested a specific version to at least try to fetch it.

Happy hacking,
"pi seconds is a nanocentury" -- Tom Duff
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/
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