Bug#850966: Please support ftp search with version number only in the directory name

Ben Finney bignose at debian.org
Thu Jan 12 08:22:31 UTC 2017

Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org> writes:

> I have the following sample download URL
> ftp://andromeda.star.bris.ac.uk/pub/star/stilts/v3.0-9/stilts_src.zip
> Corresponding Debian version number should be 3.0.9.

I see that you're asking for a new behaviour, thank you for the report.

How would you expect this to work?

> There is currently no way to get this downloaded via uscan. I tried
> version=3
> options="uversionmangle=s/\-/./,filenamemangle=s/\/$/.zip/" \
> ftp://andromeda.star.bris.ac.uk/pub/star/stilts/v([\d\.\-]+)/ stilts_src.zip

You're right. The only information UScan can use, is what information is
in the response document. It needs a *single* document with *all* the
relevant versions, as links in the document.

How would you propose UScan should detect all the relevant versions?
What URL will respond with a document containing the complete list of
versioned links?

 \            “I always had a repulsive need to be something more than |
  `\                                              human.” —David Bowie |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <bignose at debian.org>

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