Bug#814570: debdiff: [PATCH 0/4] Correctly match filesystem entries for different options.

Ben Finney bignose at debian.org
Sat Jul 8 06:10:31 UTC 2017

On 07-Jul-2017, James McCoy wrote:

> Seems good to me.  Thanks!

Thank you for the code review.

> Please leave out the munging of the changelog trailer.

What should I do with the existing changelog trailer, then? It seems
wrong to leave it unchanged, because it is now incorrect. It's not
released, so an un-finalised trailer seems the most correct trailer.

 \      “Software patents provide one more means of controlling access |
  `\      to information. They are the tool of choice for the internet |
_o__)                                     highwayman.” —Anthony Taylor |
Ben Finney <ben at benfinney.id.au>
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