Bug#863101: Uscan uses all available memory of the system when run against guitarix

Víctor Cuadrado Juan me at viccuad.me
Sun May 21 21:09:03 UTC 2017

On 21/05/17 22:05, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> I've been unable to reproduce this using either jessie or sid's uscan
> (running on a jessie host, admittedly). I'd be interested if anyone else
> can reproduce this or if there's anything unusual about the machine.

Seems that it isn't only present on uscan: while running debsign I get a
segmentation fault.

I've carried out heavy tasks on the machine (compiling,etc), and apart from this
everything looks fine.

I was able to reproduce it again on my workstation configuration deployed
into a fresh lxc container (using https://github.com/viccuad/salt-configs).
There, uscan consumes all the cpu until it gets killed by zsh, and debsign
the same.

> On a side note, looking at the watchfile:
> (?:|.*/)guitarix2(?:[_\-]v?|)(\d[^\s/]*)\.(?:tar\.xz|txz|tar\.bz2|tbz2|tar\.gz|tgz)

Well, that's a slipped leftover from the last maintainer. Thanks for the catch.

Using your d/watch I get the same behavior, both in my machine and the lxc

Víctor Cuadrado Juan           me at viccuad.me

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