Bug#880635: rmadison does not look in provides

Adam D. Barratt adam at adam-barratt.org.uk
Fri Nov 3 08:14:39 UTC 2017

Control: severity -1 normal
Control: affects -1 + devscripts
Control: clone -1 -2
Control: reassign -1 qa.debian.org
Control: retitle -1 should madison.cgi process provides?
Control: reassign -2 ftp.debian.org
Control: retitle -2 consider handling provides as dependencies

On 2017-11-03 6:04, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> package: devscripts
> version: 2.17.11
> severity: important
> Control: affects -1 npm2deb
> I think NEW queue web page

I'm not sure how you expect the devscripts team to change anything 

> and rmadison needs to be updated to look in
> provides as well.

Well, rmadison simply queries external sources, so it's those that would 
need to be updated.

I'm cloning and reassigning this bug to the relevant areas, but this 
would be a behvaiour change in dak, so I'm not sure how much success 
you'll have.



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