Bug#882126: [devscripts/dch] dch doesn't recognize jessie-backports-sloppy

Roger Shimizu rogershimizu at gmail.com
Sun Nov 19 11:27:19 UTC 2017

Package: devscripts
Version: 2.17.11~bpo9+1
Severity: normal

X-Debbugs-CC: debian-backports at lists.debian.org

Dear devscripts/dch Maintainer,

I'm a usual backporter for both stretch-backports and
I find dch command doesn't recognize jessie-backports-sloppy as a fair

Actually, I'm trying to create one alias command for backporting as team
It works fine with stretch-backports:
  alias bpostretchteam='dch --bpo -D stretch-backports "Team upload."; \
  git add debian/changelog; git commit -m "Rebuild as \
  $(dpkg-parsechangelog -SVersion) for stretch-backports"'

But it fails for jessie-backports-sloppy:
  alias bposloppyteam='dch --bpo -D jessie-backports-sloppy "Team \
  upload."; git add debian/changelog; git commit -m "Rebuild as \
  $(dpkg-parsechangelog -SVersion) for jessie-backports-sloppy"'

Now I can only use the alias below, with wrong distribution name and
wrong version.
  alias bposloppyteam='dch --team -D jessie-backports "Rebuild for \
  jessie-backports-sloppy."; git add debian/changelog; git commit -m \
  "Rebuild as $(dpkg-parsechangelog -SVersion) for jessie-backports-sloppy"'
I have to "git commit --amend" to fix those after running the alias

I hope dch can recognize "-sloppy" distributions and handle the version

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