James McCoy removed from Uploaders

Benjamin Drung bdrung at debian.org
Tue Sep 26 22:45:29 UTC 2017

Am Freitag, den 15.09.2017, 00:15 +0900 schrieb Osamu Aoki:
> Hi,
> Thanks James for your good work and help.
> >  Maintainer: Devscripts Devel Team <devscripts-devel at lists.alioth.de
> > bian.org>
> > -Uploaders: James McCoy <jamessan at debian.org>,
> > -           Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel at debian.org>,
> > +Uploaders: Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel at debian.org>,
> >             Patrick Schoenfeld <schoenfeld at debian.org>,
> >             Benjamin Drung <bdrung at debian.org>
> I don't see Martin, Patrick, nor Benjamin uploading or committing
> in recent years (2013-).
> Is there any value or rationale to keep them here?

Wow, my last commit to devscripts was on 2016-01-13 (more changes in
2014) and my devscript-devel mailbox has 2789 unread mails. So I have to
admit that I do not have enough time to co-maintain devscripts and you
can remove me from uploaders. I still intend to contribute from time to
time as team member.

Benjamin Drung
Debian & Ubuntu Developer

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