[deriv-census] Cron <qa at lw08> cd /srv/qa.debian.org/export/derivs/census ; ./bin/snapshot-cron

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Mon Oct 19 05:18:51 UTC 2015

On Mon, 2015-10-19 at 02:45 +0000, Cron Daemon wrote:

> W: Failed to fetch http://apt.bayanihan.gov.ph/kalumbata/dists/stable/InRelease  ;

Sent a mail just now.

> W: Failed to fetch http://archive.tanglu.org/tanglu/dists/chromodoris-updates/main/binary-amd64/PackagesIndex  Hash Sum mismatch

Fixed by deleting the Tanglu apt data on lw08 and re-running make apt.

> W: Failed to fetch http://security.kali.org/kali-security/dists/kali/updates/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found

Fixed on the xanadu census page:


> +./BOSSlinux/sources.log:WARNING: incorrect sha1 for downloaded file,
> ignoring: 1a56dc2055cf1e26cad7f6186adb1e2c9b748fd8 !=
> a6167b6aa42a38045a6c2ba5c1db6e079f946cbb
> http://packages.bosslinux.in/boss/pool/anoop/main/b/boss/eazykeyboard
> /eazykeyboard_3.0.dsc

Already reported to them in an earlier mail.



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