[Dh-make-php-devel] debhelper

Charles Fry debian at frogcircus.org
Mon Jun 5 12:29:44 UTC 2006

> I already started the work for dh-make-php 0.2.0, but we can simply
> make a branch from 0.1.0 and release an intermediate release 0.1.1.
> If that sounds reasonable, fell free to create a branch from 0.1.0
> and commit your changes. I'll take care of the release on tuesday.

Perfect. You can checkout the branch from:


It would be good if you could upload it ASAP.

I already made the necessary change (it is exceedingly minor). Once you
upload it we'll need to copy the final changelog entry into the trunk.


Keep well
To the right
Of the oncoming car
Get your close shaves
From the half-pound jar
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