[Dh-make-php-devel] dh-make-php dependencies

Charles Fry debian at frogcircus.org
Tue Jun 6 13:00:49 UTC 2006

> > I've changed this both in the trunk, and in the branch (which I renamed
> > to pre-0-2-0).
> Why not R-0-1-2 or rev-0-1-2?

Because it is a branch and not a tag. We want a tag for every release,
but there is no reason to make a new branch for every pre-0.2.0 release.
So I thought that a pre-0.2.0 branch could be reused for all of the
pre-0.2.0 releases, assuming of course that we tag them each time we

> > Would you mind taking a look at it, and uploading 0.1.2 if it looks
> > good?
> > 
> > Sorry for the additional oversight. This is the first time I've done
> > something like this, and the dependency issue never crossed my mind
> > until I started explaining how to use pear.mk in an email.
> A friend of mine used to come to my office and started to explain
> something he got stuck with until he suddenly stoped explaining,
> said 'thanks for listenig', and went off. That was the point when
> he found the error he was actually seeking for. Explaining stuff
> helps a lot :-)

Yeah, thanks for your patience with me.


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