[Dict-common-dev] Are we ready or dict-common migration?
Agustín Martín Domingo
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 10:57:14 +0200
Rafael Laboissiere wrote:>
>>- Setting a deadline. For this we need to know time availability of
>> people. I will be at a Conference in Poland from June 30th to
>> July 07th, but after that I will be available until about July 20th.
> I will be completely unavailable during August. Hopefully, if the
> announcement happens before the Summer, it will not come too late in
I would have preferred doing things before summer, but I cannot avoid
fearing any unexpected problem in the middle of August when none of us
can take care of it. I have no idea about the availability of David,
Roland and the other IDWP maintainers, but considering the amount of
people involved I would find strange if we can do the whole transition
and still have a reasonable period of time to watch the behavior of the
packages before August comes.
>>- How transition will be carried out.
> I think that your proposal in ANNOUNCE.pre-final. We have just to
make sure
> that the IDWP mainainer feel themselves comfortable with the new
That is another thing. I do not know how maintainers would feel with a
two or three weeks deadline. For some of them is probably a very short
period of time.
I plan to rewrite the message to a 'dict-common news' covering the last
additions to the policy and the need to set a deadline. We can offer a
normal deadline at the first days of September, or if maintainers really
want to do the transition as soon as possible do that in a couple of
weeks, leaving July full for testing. In practice, this possibility of
choices probably means Septemper, but who knows.
In any case they should know the deadline before the 15th of July.
Agustin Martin Domingo, Dpto. de Fisica, ETS Arquitectura Madrid,
(U. Politecnica de Madrid) tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554,
email:agmartin@aq.upm.es, http://corbu.aq.upm.es/~agmartin/welcome.html