[Dict-common-dev] debian ispell.el: adding a new dictionary for aspell
Nick Patavalis
Mon, 15 Mar 2004 14:09:25 +0200
On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 12:22:13PM +0100, Agustin Martin Domingo wrote:
> If aspell dicts want to use ispell.el they must register themselves with
> the required values, that is the only place where the dict-common policy
> affect aspell dictionaries. That is true both for dictionaries already
> defined in ispell.el and for dictionaries not defined in ispell.el. I do
> not know if there are currently aspell dicts using that, apart from my
> aspell-gl-minimos package.
Can you clarify a bit on that, or provide some pointers to existing
documentation? What do you mean "register themselves". What mechanism
is used for that. As far as I understand, "ispell.el" has a dictionary
alist specifying---among other things like valid word-characters and
so on---what options to pass to the "ispell" or "aspell" command (-d
greek) in order to select the requested dictionary. How can a dict
register itself?
> I think the way to go is aspell-el doing that. The info-aspell file
> would be something like the attached one (done after your patch, but
> that will of course need testing in a greek environment). I am not
> cc'ing aspell-el package since aspell-el maintainer reads this list.
> More info at
Who reads this "info-aspell" file? How does it affect "ispell.el"?
Does "ispell.el" consult a set of "info-aspell" files in order to
build its dictionary alist? Where are these "info-aspell" files
locate? Can you, please, explain a bit (or point to some code / doc)?
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