[Dict-common-dev] openoffice.org: dictionary.lst is gone

Agustin Martin agmartin at debian.org
Mon Dec 29 23:46:50 UTC 2008

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 11:28:36PM +0100, Agustin Martin wrote:
> I am attaching a first cut of an installdeb-myspell using the new locations
> and setting compatibility symlinks. There is plenty of room for improvement,
> and pod part is still unchanged, but seems to work in its current state.

Oops, changed the --srcdir behavior. Attached new file preserving old
--srcdir behavior. Ii also contains some some changes in the pod stuff

-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# lenny compatible registration with Openoffice.org dictionary list.

use Text::Wrap;
$Text::Wrap::columns = 72;

use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;

my $srcdir_flag = "srcdir";
my $srcdir      = '';
my $language    = '';
my $hyphenation = '';
my $thesaurus   = '';

# Hijacks the --${srcdir_flag} option from the command line, before
# debhelper's parseopt can see it.

if ( my @tmp = reverse grep {/^--$srcdir_flag=/} @ARGV ){
  $srcdir = shift @tmp;
  $srcdir =~ s/--$srcdir_flag=//;
  @ARGV = grep {!/^--$srcdir_flag=/} @ARGV;
  #print STDERR "*OPTS*: [" . join(', ', at ARGV) . "]\n";


my $class          = "myspell";
my $oooinfodir     = "/usr/share/myspell/infos/ooo";
my $old_installdir = "/usr/share/myspell/dicts";
my %installdir     = ( "hunspell"    => "/usr/share/hunspell",
		       "hyphenation" => "/usr/share/hyphen",
		       "thesauri"    => "/usr/share/mythes");

sub mydie {
  my $msg = shift;
  my $see = shift;
  die "$msg\nPlease see $see.\n";

sub mywarn {
  my $msg = shift;
  my $see = shift;
  warn "$msg\nPlease see $see.\n";
  exit 0;

foreach $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {

  my $do_mozlinks = "yes";

  # Process the debian/info-myspell file
  my $infofile = "";
  if (not ($infofile = pkgfile ($package, "info-$class"))) {
    mywarn ("There is no debian/info-$class file for package $package.",
	    "the dictionaries-common Policy");

  if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
    autoscript ($package, "postinst", "postinst-$class",
    autoscript ($package, "postrm", "postrm-$class",

  # Skip setting automatic mozilla links if debian/$package.links exists
  if ( pkgfile($package, "links") ){
    $do_mozlinks = '';
    print STDERR "[installdeb-myspell] " .
      pkgfile($package, "links") .
      " exists: Will not automatically set mozilla links\n";

  # Install the info file in the openoffice info dir.
  my $old_libdir = tmpdir ($package) . $oooinfodir;
  doit ("install", "-d", $old_libdir);
  doit ("install", "-m644", $infofile, "$old_libdir/$package");

  # Get language, hyphenation and thesaurus names from info file
  # if corresponding entries are present
  open INFOFILE, $infofile;
  while (<INFOFILE>){
    #print STDERR "** " . $_ . "\n";
    if ( m/^DICT.*/ ){
      next if $language;
      $language    = ( reverse split (/[\s\t]+/,$_))[0];
    } elsif ( m/^HYPH.*/ ){
      next if $hyphenation;
      $hyphenation = ( reverse split (/[\s\t]+/,$_))[0];
    } elsif ( m/^THES.*/ ){
      next if $thesaurus;
      $thesaurus = ( reverse split (/[\s\t]+/,$_))[0];
    last if ( $language and $hyphenation and $thesaurus );
  close INFOFILE;

  # Make sure the old myspell dict/hyphen/thesauri dir exists
  $old_libdir = tmpdir ($package) . $old_installdir;
  doit ("install", "-d", $old_libdir);

  # If --srcdir is passed, install .aff and .dic in dicts dir, as
  # well all the symlinks if the language name contains an underscore
  if ( $srcdir && $language ){
    my $destdir  = tmpdir ($package) . $installdir{"hunspell"};
    doit ("install", "-d", $destdir);
    for my $ext ("aff", "dic") {
      my $basefile = "$language.$ext";
      my $srcfile  = "$srcdir/$basefile";
      my $ltarget  = $installdir{"hunspell"} . "/$basefile";
      die ("There is no $srcfile file here\n")
	if not -f "$srcfile";
      doit ("install", "-m644", "$srcfile", $destdir);
      doit ("ln", "-fs", "$ltarget", "$old_libdir/$basefile");

      if ( $do_mozlinks && $file =~ /_/) {
	my $link = $file;
	$link    =~ tr/_/-/;
	doit ("ln", "-fs", $basefile, "$destdir/$link");
	doit ("ln", "-fs", $basefile, "$old_libdir/$link");

  # If --srcdir is passed, install first Openoffice hyphenation
  # file present in info file
  if ( $srcdir && $hyphenation ){
    my $basefile = "$hyphenation.dic";
    my $srcfile  = "$srcdir/$basefile";
    my $destdir  = tmpdir ($package) . $installdir{"hyphenation"};
    my $ltarget  = $installdir{"hyphenation"} . "/$basefile";
    die ("There is no $srcfile file here\n")
      if not -f "$srcfile";
    doit ("install", "-d", $destdir);
    doit ("install", "-m644", "$srcfile", $destdir);
    doit ("ln", "-fs", "$ltarget", "$old_libdir/$basefile");

  # If --srcdir is passed, install first Openoffice thesaurus file
  # present in info file
  if ( $srcdir && $thesaurus ){
    my $destdir = tmpdir ($package) . $installdir{"thesauri"};
    doit ("install", "-d", $destdir);
    foreach $ext ("dat","idx"){
      my $basefile = "$thesaurus.$ext";
      my $srcfile  = "$srcdir/$basefile";
      my $ltarget  = $installdir{"thesauri"} . "/$basefile";
      die ("There is no $srcfile file here\n")
	if not -f "$srcfile";
      doit ("install", "-m644", "$srcfile", $destdir);
      doit ("ln", "-fs", "$ltarget", "$old_libdir/$basefile");


=head1 NAME

B<installdeb-myspell> - compatibility debhelper-like utility for
maintainers of Openoffice.org myspell/hunspell dictionary Debian packages


 installdeb-myspell [--srcdir=dir] [debhelper options]


B<installdeb-myspell> is a debhelper like program that is
responsible for installing appropriate debhelper snippets in
a way a myspell/hunspell dictionary package can be used for
I<lenny> and newer releases under Openoffice.org, according to
the Debian Spell Dictionaries and Tools Policy.

I will also install Openoffice.org hyphenation or thesaurus
files if so requested when used from a Openoffice.org
hyphenation or thesaurus package and add appropriate debhelper
snippets so they are added to the dictionary.lst file.

For more details, see

The actions executed by B<installdeb-myspell> are the


=item Maintainer Scripts

B<installdeb-myspell> installs the necessary
scraps of code in the F<postinst> and F<postrm> scripts.

=item Language info file

B<installdeb-myspell> will look for a file containing
myspell dictionary information, called
F<debian/info-myspell> or
F<debian/package.info-myspell>.  If this file is
successfully parsed, it is installed in the
F<[tmpdir]/usr/share/myspell/infos/ooo> directory.

A typical info-myspell file for a myspell dictionary will
contain something like (all variants must refer to the same dict)

 # Spanish variants
 DICT es ES es_ES
 DICT es AR es_ES

while will, for a typical hyphenation file, be something like

 # Danish hyphenation
 HYPH da DK hyph_da_DK

or for a sample thesaurus,

 THES en US th_en_US

all with no leading whitespaces.

=item Dictionary files installation

If the B<--srcdir=dir> option is set B<installdeb-myspell> will look for
the F<.aff/.dic> files in the directory specified by dir and install them
in the default target directory (F<[tmpdir]/usr/share/myspell/dicts>).
Base name will be extracted from the F<info-myspell> file. Same for
hyphenation and thesaurus files. I<lenny> compatibility symlinks will be
installed as well.

=item Mozilla spellchecker compatibility

If the  F<.aff/.dic> files are installed, B<installdeb-myspell> will set
appropriate symlinks in destination (and compatibility) directory for mozilla
spellchecker compatibility unless debian/$package.links exists. If so,
symlink creation is expected to be handled through debhelper. This will be
needed for some languages (like eo) where mozilla expects the plain isolang
code instead of the lang-COUNTRY one.

=item Debconf files

As opposed to B<installdeb-ispell> and B<installdeb-wordlist>, B<installdeb-myspell>
does nothing related to debconf files, that are not needed for myspell. For that
reason if you need to add debconf stuff with debhelper
to your myspell dictionary package do it in the usual way and call
dh_installdebconf(1) as for any other package.


=head1 OPTIONS

--srcdir=dir  Will look for .aff/.dic files in the specified directory
              for myspell/hunspell dict packages, for .dat files in
              Openoffice.org hyphenation packages and for {.dat,.idx}
              files in Openoffice.org thesaurus packages, installing
              them if present in the default target directory. Base
              name will be extracted from the info-myspell file. If
              this option is specified and files are not present an
              error will appear.

The usual debhelper(1) options are accepted.

=head1 NOTES

This program is not part of debhelper, although it is intended to be used
in Openoffice.org myspell dictionary packages using debhelper in its

=head1 SEE ALSO


This program is part of the dictionaries-common-dev package.  It is
intended to be used by maintainers of Openoffice.org myspell and hunspell
See the documentation under /usr/share/doc/dictionaries-common-dev.

=head1 AUTHORS

Rafael Laboissiere


#  LocalWords:  debhelper Debian myspell Openoffice

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