No subject

Wed Jul 30 17:08:51 UTC 2008

 -d dict,dict2,...
    Set dictionaries by their base names with or without paths.

 Example of the syntax:

 -d en_US,en_geo,en_med,de_DE,de_med

    en_US  and  de_DE  are base dictionaries, they consist of aff and dic
    file pairs: en_US.aff, en_US.dic and de_DE.aff, de_DE.dic.  En_geo, en_med,
    de_med are special dictionaries: dictionaries without affix file. Special
    dictionaries are optional extension of the base dictionaries usually with
    special (medical, law etc.)  terms. There is no naming convention for
    special dictionaries, only the ".dic" extension: dictionaries without affix
    file will be an extension of the preceding base dictionary (right order of
    the parameter list needs for good suggestions). First item of -d parameter
    list must be a base dictionary.

Source for the German medical hunspell dictionary is named medicalterms,
and from its README,

README for medicalterms

The goal of this package is to create specialized dictionaries for medical
terms used in various languages. Those dictionaries can be used easily with
hunspell, an advanced spellchecker.

As of now, German is the only supported language. If you'd like to
contribute to the development of the package medicalterms, please contact me. You can
find the latest version on <>.

The dictionary supports old and new spelling variants. Currently, however,
only the new variant is generated for hunspell. There's currently no
configuration option to use the old orthography or both variants

I strongly suggest you to contact Tobias Quathamer, Debian package
maintainer and also upstream for medicalterms. Even if both projects cannot
be merged, is better if you know of each other.


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