[Dmraid-debian-commits] [SCM] Maintenance of the dmraid package annotated tag, debian/1.0.0.rc15-1.exp4, created. debian/1.0.0.rc15-1.exp4

Giuseppe Iuculano giuseppe at iuculano.it
Sat Dec 27 08:31:41 UTC 2008

The annotated tag, debian/1.0.0.rc15-1.exp4 has been created
        at  ad77688213b9909a504b4eab79770698e0b052aa (tag)
   tagging  068e9707ea6f124453775eb59d62481d4153907b (commit)
  replaces  debian/1.0.0.rc15-1.exp3
 tagged by  Giuseppe Iuculano
        on  Sat Dec 27 09:30:50 2008 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.0.0.rc15-1~exp4
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Giuseppe Iuculano (4):
      debian/patches/10_exit_code.dpatch: Fix exit-code for "No RAID disks" and "no block devices found" errors (LP: #300825)
      debian/rules: don't create a minimal binary for udeb, some features required from the installer are missing
      debian/patches/07_fix_dmraid_mini_build.dpatch: Removed
      Update changelog and releasing


Maintenance of the dmraid package

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