[Dmraid-debian-commits] [SCM] Maintenance of the dmraid package branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.0.rc15-1.exp7-2-g68c7ed1

Giuseppe Iuculano giuseppe at iuculano.it
Sat Feb 14 14:11:17 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 68c7ed1d0cbe69aaaaf1fcd576c5881f57ab5a8e
Author: Giuseppe Iuculano <giuseppe at iuculano.it>
Date:   Sat Feb 14 15:09:13 2009 +0100

    Added debian/README.source
    dmraid subversion repository has been converted into a git repository, hosted
    at git.debian.org.
    For dmraid-debian developers:
    git clone ssh://<your-login>@git.debian.org/git/users/derevko-guest/dmraid.git
    == Best practices ==
    * debian/changelog
    Do not update your change in debian/changelog, we will use git-dch(1) before
    doing a release or anytime between releases.
    The simplest way is doing all the changes to the debian-branch without touching
    debian/changelog at all. Then, when done, do:
    git-dch --release
    This will look up the latest released version in the changelog, increment the
    version in the Debian changelog, generate changelog messages from the
    corresponding Git commit id up to the branch head and finally spawns an editor
    for final changelog file editing by invoking dch --release.
    But what if you want to have an (unreleased) snapshot for intermediate testing:
    git-dch --snapshot
    will generate a snapshot release with a specially crafted version number and a
    warning in the changelog that this is a snapshort release:
    git-buildpackage (0.3.7~1.gbp470ce2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
      ** SNAPSHOT build @470ce29ec7877705c844474a2fd89869aea0406d **
      * add support for automatic snapshot
    During subsequent calls with --snapshot this version number will continue to
    increase. Since the snapshot banners contains the commit id of the current
    branch head, git-dch can figure out what to append to the changelog by itself:
    git-dch --snapshot --auto
    will fetch the commit id and add changelog entries from that point to the
    current HEAD - again auto incrementing the version number. If you don't want to
    start at that commit id, you can specify any id or tag with:
    git-dch --since=e76a6a180a57701ae4ae381f74523cacb3152780 --snapshot
    After testing you can remove the snapshot header by a final git-dch call:
    git-dch --since=HEAD --release
    This will add no further entries but simply remove the specially crafted version
    number and the snapshort header. Again you can use any commit id or tag instead
    of HEAD if you want to add further changelog entries - or you can (of course)
    use --auto again.
    * git commit
    Usually changelog entries should correspond to a single Git commit. In this case
    it's convenient to include the commit id in the changelog entry. This has the
    advantage that it's easy for people to identify changes without having to write
    very extensive changelog messages - the link back to Git can be automated via
    the Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git fields in debian/control.
    See Cl2vcs for how this looks: https://honk.sigxcpu.org/cl2vcs/index.cgi?pkg=dmraid
    For this reason it´s a good idea to begin the commit message with a single
    line summarizing the change (it will be the changelog entry, so add the Close:
    or LP: entry), followed by a blank line and then a more thorough description.
    * Configuration files
    Here my configuration files, if you like cowbuilder you can use them.
    ~/.gbp.conf :
    builder = /usr/bin/git-pbuilder
    cleaner = fakeroot debian/rules clean
    pristine-tar = True
    export-dir = ../build-area/
    tarball-dir = ../tarballs/
    sign-tags = True
            name = Giuseppe Iuculano
            email = giuseppe at iuculano.it
            diff = auto
            status = auto
            branch = auto
    [branch "master"]
            remote = origin
            merge = refs/heads/master
    [branch "upstream"]
            remote = origin
            merge = refs/heads/upstream
    [branch "pristine-tar"]
            remote = origin
            merge = refs/heads/pristine-tar
    set -e
    pdebuild --pbuilder cowbuilder --auto-debsign --debsign-k AE3BE9AA $PBUILDER_OPTS --debbuildopts "-i\.git/ -I.git $*"

diff --git a/debian/README.source b/debian/README.source
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64849e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/README.source
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+dmraid subversion repository has been converted into a git repository, hosted
+at git.debian.org.
+For dmraid-debian developers:
+git clone ssh://<your-login>@git.debian.org/git/users/derevko-guest/dmraid.git
+== Best practices ==
+* debian/changelog
+Do not update your change in debian/changelog, we will use git-dch(1) before
+doing a release or anytime between releases.
+The simplest way is doing all the changes to the debian-branch without touching
+debian/changelog at all. Then, when done, do:
+git-dch --release
+This will look up the latest released version in the changelog, increment the
+version in the Debian changelog, generate changelog messages from the
+corresponding Git commit id up to the branch head and finally spawns an editor
+for final changelog file editing by invoking dch --release.
+But what if you want to have an (unreleased) snapshot for intermediate testing:
+git-dch --snapshot
+will generate a snapshot release with a specially crafted version number and a
+warning in the changelog that this is a snapshort release:
+git-buildpackage (0.3.7~1.gbp470ce2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  ** SNAPSHOT build @470ce29ec7877705c844474a2fd89869aea0406d **
+  * add support for automatic snapshot 
+During subsequent calls with --snapshot this version number will continue to
+increase. Since the snapshot banners contains the commit id of the current
+branch head, git-dch can figure out what to append to the changelog by itself:
+git-dch --snapshot --auto
+will fetch the commit id and add changelog entries from that point to the
+current HEAD - again auto incrementing the version number. If you don't want to
+start at that commit id, you can specify any id or tag with:
+git-dch --since=e76a6a180a57701ae4ae381f74523cacb3152780 --snapshot
+After testing you can remove the snapshot header by a final git-dch call:
+git-dch --since=HEAD --release
+This will add no further entries but simply remove the specially crafted version
+number and the snapshort header. Again you can use any commit id or tag instead
+of HEAD if you want to add further changelog entries - or you can (of course)
+use --auto again. 
+* git commit
+Usually changelog entries should correspond to a single Git commit. In this case
+it's convenient to include the commit id in the changelog entry. This has the
+advantage that it's easy for people to identify changes without having to write
+very extensive changelog messages - the link back to Git can be automated via
+the Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git fields in debian/control.
+See Cl2vcs for how this looks: https://honk.sigxcpu.org/cl2vcs/index.cgi?pkg=dmraid
+For this reason it´s a good idea to begin the commit message with a single
+line summarizing the change (it will be the changelog entry, so add the Close:
+or LP: entry), followed by a blank line and then a more thorough description.
+* Configuration files
+Here my configuration files, if you like cowbuilder you can use them.
+~/.gbp.conf :
+builder = /usr/bin/git-pbuilder
+cleaner = fakeroot debian/rules clean
+pristine-tar = True
+export-dir = ../build-area/
+tarball-dir = ../tarballs/
+sign-tags = True
+#keyid = 0xAE3BE9AA
+	name = Giuseppe Iuculano
+	email = giuseppe at iuculano.it
+	diff = auto
+	status = auto
+	branch = auto
+[branch "master"]
+	remote = origin
+	merge = refs/heads/master
+[branch "upstream"]
+	remote = origin
+	merge = refs/heads/upstream
+[branch "pristine-tar"]
+	remote = origin
+	merge = refs/heads/pristine-tar
+# pbuilder helper for git-buildpackage
+# use this as "builder" in gbp.conf
+set -e
+# pass all options to dpkg-buildpackage:
+pdebuild --pbuilder cowbuilder --auto-debsign --debsign-k AE3BE9AA $PBUILDER_OPTS --debbuildopts "-i\.git/ -I.git $*"

Maintenance of the dmraid package

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