[Docker-maint] Accepted docker.io 1.11.2~ds1-1 (source all amd64) into unstable, unstable

Dmitry Smirnov onlyjob at debian.org
Fri Jul 8 07:18:30 UTC 2016

Hi Tianon,

Thank you for uploading Docker 1.11 to unstable.
The whole world was waiting eagerly for so long but finally we've made it, 
thanks to you. :)

I'd like to share some feedback with you:

Although you've merged only minor least important commits of mine I'm quite 
surprised to see that I'm not even mentioned in changelog let alone that some 
changes are not documented...


Whilst you may recognize Files-Excluded method of cleaning bundled libs as 
not ideal, I want to say that IMHO it is simple, straightforward and 
_standard_ hence I would prefer it over your workaround.

I've submitted the following wishlist bug to introduce Files-Excluded-Ignore:


Hopefully we'll be able to use something like this eventually.


Your Build-Depends list is incorrect. Many dependencies in the list are not 
needed by Docker (not directly anyway) let alone needless use of versioning.

The latter is evident if you run "cme check dpkg-control" which reports many 
warnings regarding versioning.

As for indirect dependencies I'm quite disappointed that you did not merge
one of my most important (and time consuming) commits that addresses exactly 
that problem:


Simply translating list of _vendored_ libs from upstream "hack.sh" is wrong, 
inaccurate and ugly let alone obvious maintenance overhead.

Other than this Docker seems to work fine and this is great. :)

Let's think how we can resolve trust issues and team-maintain Docker more 
effectively? Docker is a strategically important package and I feel that 
channeling all changes through you is not very effective as you have your 
ways of doing almost everything and apparently strong resistance to 
There are too many workarounds specific to this particular package to my 
taste but I hope that we will be able to cooperate better as a team in the 
future. :)

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that
went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.
        -- George Orwell, Review of "A Coat of Many Colours: Occasional
           Essays" by Herbert Read, Poetry Quarterly (Winter 1945)

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