[dpl-helpers] next DPL helpers meeting tomorrow (2013-05-14)
Brian Gupta
brian.gupta at brandorr.com
Tue May 14 18:50:31 UTC 2013
On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 3:39 AM, Lucas Nussbaum <leader at debian.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> The next DPL helpers meeting is tomorrow on #debian-dpl:
> 2013-05-14 Tue 17:00 (date -d @1368550800)
> The agenda is online[1]. If you are listed on one of the pending
> actions, it would be great if you could describe its status, and the
> possible points needing discussion on titanpad (That should allow to be
> more efficient during the meeting).
> Also, feel free to add other points to discuss during the meeting.
> http://titanpad.com/debiandpl-20130514
Meeting concluded.
Minutes (text):
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