[dpl-helpers] Trademark work status update

Brian Gupta brian.gupta at brandorr.com
Sat May 25 19:04:25 UTC 2013


Lots of ongoing work and work in the queue. Please let me know if you
have any questions.

In progress:
- Register Logo - Waiting on SFLC to answer some questions before
getting final signoff
- Work towards getting all Debian.* domains under control of Debian Trusted Orgs
   - Compiling list of Debian "owned" domains
   - Get list of Debian Trusted Orgs
   - Compiling list of all debian.* domains

- Responding to trademark@ inquiries
- Looking for domains that include the string "debian" and make sure
they either get under TM license, or stop using the domain
- Email list of known "unfriendly" unauthorized users of Debian
Domains (Need to decide if I am going to write a template or handle
case by case.)
   - After sending email, if they don't respond within two weeks, we
are to refer to SFLC, and they will write an "official" legal request
- Email list of known "friendly" authorized users of Debian Domains
(using template)

- Talk to Lucas about codifying internal policies. (Where to document?)
- Write guidelines for internal project use of Trademark. (Largely
make sure all Debian websites list Trademark info).
   - Review all Debian owned domains to make sure they show "Trademark info"
- Write more documentation in general
- Check about http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/about/trademark-clearinghouse/faqs
and make sure we are a registered Trademark holder
- Talk to SFLC about legal status of having Domains held in trust by
Trusted Orgs that aren't SPI (SPI is the Trademark holder) I think it
should be fine, and we'd just need a formal policy on how to handle.
- Talk to Lucas about coordination with SPI: This is largely regarding
the fact that we are working directly with the SFLC, which is
technically SPI's attorney, but not necessarily looping SPI into the
comms. I think there might be a bug here.


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