[dpl-helpers] Debian Society UK

Steve McIntyre steve at einval.com
Wed May 29 16:59:36 UTC 2013

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 11:58:17AM -0400, Brian Gupta wrote:

Hi Brian,

>As part of my work on Trademark team, I was looking for a list of
>trusted organizations, and was pointed to this list.
>http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Auditor/Organizations which lists the
>Debian UK Society.
>I know it is dissolved, with all assets transferred to SPI, as per:

Well, ish. :-) We've stopped doing anything with the society but I've
not (yet) got around to sending the money on elsewhere. Thanks for the
reminder, I'll get on to that.

>I'm going to be working with auditors to see if the list can be
>updated, and remove Debian Society UK from the list. (Among others.)

OK, cool.

>I'd also suggest you consider updating
>http://wiki.earth.li/DebianUKSociety to reflect its current status, as
>it might confuse folks who follow old links.

ACK, yes.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve at einval.com
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