[dpl-helpers] Suggested questions for the developer survey

Raphael Hertzog hertzog at debian.org
Fri Feb 21 11:05:06 UTC 2014


we discussed this quickly on IRC last time and I wanted to send a mail
so that we don't forget about it. Unfortunately I didn't find the time
do a proper write up of suggested questions, I'll thus just recap the
kind of questions I'd like to also see on that survey.

I'd like developers to rank/rate the multiple ideas of infrastructural
changes that are floating around:
- Debian PPA (although the answer is clear on this one)
- Git-only interface to package maintainance + upload
- Debian cloud to hand out throw away VM for experiments
  and early development of new services
- DEP2: Debian Package Maintenance Hub, fixing the information flow

We might want to seek ideas from other DD that would be interested
with some early feedback on their idea to know whether they should
spend more time on it or not.

I'd like also to ask some political questions:
- Would you like to rename testing as rolling and recommend it
  for some class of end users?
- How should the technical committe members be selected?
  + Co-opted by the tech-ctte with DPL approval (current situation)
  + Elected by project members
  + Co-opted by the tech-ctte but all members are subject
    to a regular vote of confidence.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Writer/Consultant ◈ Debian Developer

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