[Dwn-trans-commit] CVS public_html/src/Writing/DWN

CVS User joey joey at infodrom.org
Wed Sep 13 18:28:27 UTC 2006

Update of /var/cvs/infodrom.org/public_html/src/Writing/DWN
In directory finlandia:/home/users/joey/Projects/Web/public_html/src/Writing/DWN

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Corrections by Helge Kreutzmann

--- /var/cvs/infodrom.org/public_html/src/Writing/DWN/dwn-2006-38.wml	2006/09/13 15:04:43	1.12
+++ /var/cvs/infodrom.org/public_html/src/Writing/DWN/dwn-2006-38.wml	2006/09/13 18:28:27	1.13
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 Debian <a href="$(HOME)/events/2006/0909-come2linux-report">presence</a> at
 the <a href="$(HOME)/events/2006/0909-come2linux">Come 2 Linux</a> event in
 Essen, Germany.  The Debian project maintained a booth in the exhibition area
-and delivered two talk which were well received.  There was enough time and
+and delivered two talks which were well received.  There was enough time and
 space at the booth to take care of visitors without many people queueing
@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@
 href="http://blog.einval.com/2006/09/11#dc_team_20060909">reported</a> about
 several developers having <a
 href="http://wiki.debian.org/DebConf7Meetings/Minutes/2006-09-09">met</a> in
-Edinburgh to work out the bits that are needed for the Debian conference 7
+Edinburgh, Scotland, to work out the bits that are needed for the Debian conference 7
 next year.  The team visited Teviot, the student centre that is planned to
 use, and checked out several of the local hostels and public houses for
 <p><strong>Hurd with WLAN and PCMCIA.</strong> Michael Banck <a
-that the current GNU Mach upload has brought PCMCIA support to Debian GNU/Hurd
-Earlier he <a
+that the current GNU Mach upload has brought PCMCIA and WLAN with WEP
+encryption support to Debian GNU/Hurd.  Earlier he <a
 that the latest gnumach and hurd packages are up-to-date with the developer
 CVS repository and hence include the work towards Berkely Packet Filter
@@ -48,25 +48,26 @@
 <p><strong>Debian Steering Committee?</strong> David Nusinov <a
 href="http://gravityboy.livejournal.com/29046.html">pondered</a> about setting
 up a distribution steering committee.  Ingo Jürgensmann <a
-href="http://blog.windfluechter.net/?q=node/134">considered</a> a good idea in
+href="http://blog.windfluechter.net/?q=node/134">considered</a> this a good idea in
 general.  David <a href="http://gravityboy.livejournal.com/29306.html">\
-added</a> that a defining feature of Debian is that it has a bottom-up
-structure, rather than top-down.  Raphaël Hertzog <a
+added</a> that the bottom-up structure instead of top-down is a
+defining feature of Debian.  Raphaël Hertzog <a
 suggested</a> to replace the project leader it with a steering board.</p>
 <p><strong>Setting up Subversion.</strong> Bert Heymans <a
 href="http://www.howtoforge.com/debian_subversion_websvn">described</a> in
-detail the requires steps to set up a Subversion server including <a
+detail the required steps to set up a Subversion server including <a
 href="http://packages.debian.org/websvn">websvn</a> with code colouring for
 easy repository browsing.  This document includes the configuration of Apache
 2 for Subversion WebDAV and contains some Subversion test commands.</p>
-<p><strong>PostreSQL Transition Strategy.</strong> Peter Eisentraut <a
+<p><strong>PostgreSQL Transition Strategy.</strong> Peter Eisentraut <a
 that currently etch users who wish to install the <a
 href="http://packages.debian.org/postgresql">postgresql</a> package will end
-up with the older version and asked for advice.  This is due to the transition
+up with the older version and asked for advice.  This situation occurs due to
+the transition
 to versioned PostgreSQL packages that can be installed in parallel.</p>
 <p><strong>Security Updates.</strong> You know the drill.  Please make sure

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