[Dwn-trans-commit] CVS german/2008/08

CVS User kreutzm-guest dwn-trans-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org
Wed Aug 6 17:36:43 UTC 2008

Update of /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2008/08
In directory alioth:/tmp/cvs-serv987

Modified Files:
Log Message:
1.4: Beautifying links as suggested by LesleyB

--- /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2008/08/index.wml	2008/08/05 17:30:28	1.1
+++ /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2008/08/index.wml	2008/08/06 17:36:43	1.2
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 <p><strong>Schedule for 8th annual Debian Conference announced</strong></p>
 <p>J&ouml;rg Jaspert <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2008/08/msg00001.html">announced</a> the
-<a href="https://penta.debconf.org/dc8_schedule/">schedule for the 8th annual Debian Conference</a> which will be held
+<a href="https://penta.debconf.org/dc8_schedule/">schedule</a> for the 8th annual Debian Conference which will be held
 from August 10th to August 16th, 2008 in Mar del Plata, Argentina. As usual the schedule should considered a
 &quot;work in progress&quot; as session slots will be filled during the conference with spontaneous sessions, 
 including so called BoF (&quot;Birds of a feather&quot;) sessions.</p>
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@
 <a href="http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/">http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/</a>,
 where you can also find older DebConf videos.</p>
-<p>In related news, the organizers of the Debian Conference are
-<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2008/08/msg00000.html">soliciting
-location proposals</a> for the 10th annual Debian Conference to be held in
+<p>In related news, the organizers of the Debian Conference are soliciting
+<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2008/08/msg00000.html">location proposals</a>
+for the 10th annual Debian Conference to be held in
 2010.  Groups interested in hosting the 10th DebConf conference should prepare
-their proposal according to <a href="http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/LocationCheckList">this checklist</a> and
+their proposal according to this <a href="http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/LocationCheckList">checklist</a> and
 send it to <a href="mailto:debconf-team at lists.debconf.org">debconf-team at lists.debconf.org</a>.</p>

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