[Dwn-trans-commit] CVS german/2008/08

CVS User kreutzm-guest dwn-trans-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org
Thu Aug 14 17:20:39 UTC 2008

Update of /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2008/08
In directory alioth:/tmp/cvs-serv30503

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Translate page header

--- /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2008/08/index.wml	2008/08/10 06:58:36	1.3
+++ /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2008/08/index.wml	2008/08/14 17:20:39	1.4
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-#use wml::debian::projectnews::header PUBDATE="2008-08-04" SUMMARY="Lenny frozen, Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 updated to include support for newer hardware, Schedule for 8th annual Debian Conference announced, Debian Days around the world"
+#use wml::debian::projectnews::header PUBDATE="2008-08-04" SUMMARY="Lenny eingefroren, Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 updated to include support for newer hardware, Schedule for 8th annual Debian Conference announced, Debian Days around the world"
+#use wml::debian::projectnews::header PUBDATE="2008-08-04" SUMMARY="Lenny frozen, Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 aktualisiert, um neue Hardware zu unterstützen, Terminplan für die achte jährliche Debian-Konferenz bekanntgegeben, Debian-Tage weltweit"
 <p>Welcome to this year's 8th issue of DPN, the newsletter for the Debian

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