[Dwn-trans-commit] jeb-guest - r4 - in /french: 2008/15/index.wml verification.pl

dwn-trans-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org dwn-trans-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org
Sun Nov 23 02:34:42 UTC 2008

Author: jeb-guest
Date: Sun Nov 23 02:34:42 2008
New Revision: 4

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dwn-trans/?sc=1&rev=4
Add more check to verification script and corrected an error in DPN15


Modified: french/2008/15/index.wml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dwn-trans/french/2008/15/index.wml?rev=4&op=diff
--- french/2008/15/index.wml (original)
+++ french/2008/15/index.wml Sun Nov 23 02:34:42 2008
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
  <li>un perfectionnement du CD sans installation (plus rapide et plus fiable
  que les versions précédentes) ;</li>
  <li>une compatibilité avec certains NAS utilisant des puces ARM compatibles
- avec la puce Marvell's Orion (QNAP TS-109/TS-209 et TS-409, HP  Media Vault
+ avec la puce Marvell's Orion (QNAP TS-109/TS-209 et TS-409, HP Media Vault
  mv2120, Buffalo Kurobox Pro) ;</li>
  <li>l'image d'installation pour Netwinder est de nouveau disponible ;</li>
  <li>l'image d'installation pour les hôtes Xen i386 invités ;</li>

Modified: french/verification.pl
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dwn-trans/french/verification.pl?rev=4&op=diff
--- french/verification.pl (original)
+++ french/verification.pl Sun Nov 23 02:34:42 2008
@@ -3,17 +3,32 @@
 # This script check for syntax error on the DPN
 use Getopt::Std;
+use utf8;
 die "Usage: $0 -f <file>" if (!defined($opt_f));
 open(FILE, $opt_f) or die "Can't open file $opt_f : $!";
 print "The script will check for:\n";
+print "\tBreakable space that should be non-breakeable, notice with BS and highlighted with '__'\n";
 print "\tDouble space, notice with DS and highlighted with '__'\n";
 print "\tCase erors, notice with CE and highlighted with '__'\n";
 print "\tSpace in link, notice with SL and highlighted with '__'\n";
 print "\n";
 while(<FILE>) {
+	# breakable space where non-breakeable should be used
+	if (/\s:/) {
+		s/(\s):/__$1__:/g;
+		print "BS : $_";
+	}
+	if (/\s»/) {
+		s/(\s)»/__$1__»/g;
+		print "BS : $_";
+	}
+	if (/\« /) {
+		s/\«( )/«__$1__/g;
+		print "BS : $_";
+	}
 	# Wrong space in link
 	if (/<a [^>]*?>(\s.*?|.*?\s)<\/a>/) {
 		s/(<a [^>]*?>)(\s.*?|.*?\s)(<\/a>)/$1__$2__$3/g;

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