[Dwn-trans-english] Remarks to DWN 2004/08
Jens Seidel
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 19:35:29 +0100
This is the first posting to this mailing list, which was created to
collect bugs and for remarks to DWN.
I finally finished translation of DWN 2004/08 into German. I will not
touch this file agian, Frank it's your turn.
I don't understand "two-up" in
"Postscript utilities for two-up printing, bbox, etc.". I know that
bbox stands for bounding box but what about 2-up?
Does this stand for level 2, 3, ... Postscript?
I had problems to find "recon" in my dictionary. First I assumed it's
an abbreviation for "reconnect" but it stands for "reconnaissance".
I hope this is useful for someone.
It follows a patch to Joey's DWN. I will not mail him!
Index: dwn-2004-08.wml
RCS file: /var/cvs/infodrom.org/public_html/src/Writing/DWN/dwn-2004-08.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 dwn-2004-08.wml
--- dwn-2004-08.wml 23 Feb 2004 15:49:12 -0000 1.10
+++ dwn-2004-08.wml 23 Feb 2004 18:31:56 -0000
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
<p><strong>Report from Solutions Linux.</strong> Julien Blache wrote a <a
href="$(HOME)/events/2004/0203-solutionslinux-report">report</a> about this
-years' <a href="$(HOME)/events/2004/0203-solutionslinux">Solution Linux</a>
+years' <a href="$(HOME)/events/2004/0203-solutionslinux">Solutions Linux</a>
exhibition and conference in France. Several Debian developers met at the
-Debian booth inside the .Org pavillon and were even intervewed by a French web
+Debian booth inside the .Org pavilion and were even interviewed by a French web
radio about Debian in general and the upcoming release of sarge. The number
of interested visitors at the booth also increased, compared to past
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/libdevel/pm-dev">pm-dev</a>
-- Proxy management protocol development files.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/proxycheck">proxycheck</a>
- -- simple tool to quickly recon a running open proxy server.
+ -- Simple tool to quickly recon a running open proxy server.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/pvpgn">pvpgn</a>
-- Gaming server that emulates Battle.net(R).
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/x11/rapidsvn">rapidsvn</a>