[Eyecatcher-general] Howdy

Don Wright wmail@wricomp.com
Tue, 04 Jan 2005 23:09:25 -0600

Checking in from the great state of Texas, where we have a lot of Debian
fans. I've put together a small HTML slide show[1] for our Linux User
Group to run during computer fairs, and I'm interested in this project as

My skills are in en_US text creation and proof-reading. I hope an artist
or two also joins us, as a good picture communicates quickly without
needing translation.

I'm sure some of what we generate will apply to Linux in general. I hope
to improve our User Group demo as a result.

How do we get this started? Is there a list of things to include and
things to avoid? We might start a new message thread for each of those
subjects if not.

Regards!  --Don Wright, San Antonio, Texas, USA

[1] The PC that runs the slide show was a surplus Pentium II box that's
way too small to be a Windows server, but Debian lets it serve Web pages,
stream music via Icecast, and be a file/DNS/DHCP/etc. server for the small
network we bring.