[Eyecatcher-general] Howdy
Gunnar Wolf
Wed, 05 Jan 2005 21:09:19 -0600
I will add the log of a chat I had with Sobel - I think this raises an
important point. I will cut some redundant parts of the log.
(17:29:08) zobel: yes. but have not yet started with work. i have an
idea what could be in but no time yet to write it down with mgp
(17:30:17) gwolf: Ok... The thing is... I think we could write
something that _produces_ a MGP - More or less the same way the Debian
Web site is managed... I do not think keeping in sync languages will
work if we work directly on mgp. Perhaps a templating system would be
(17:31:20) zobel: thats what tolimar and i thought as well
(17:32:27) zobel: once we have a presentation we can use,
debian-language teams can help us translating it in the other
(17:32:39) gwolf: ok... I just found the mailing list and
subscribed... I suppose (hope?) it will not be very high-traffic
(17:32:52) gwolf: Of course... But I think we should work on a
plausible infrastructure _first_, don't you?
(17:33:08) gwolf: I mean... It is quite easy to create a template for
(17:33:17) zobel: yaeh
(17:33:37) gwolf: Although it poses some risks (such as German text
scrolling under the display as the strings are way longer than
English)... But it could be managed
In other words: I think we should first focus on how we will manage
internationalization and then start writing the content. If we just
aim to somehow keep everything in sync, it will be easy in the
beginning, but will become painful over time.
Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)1451-2244 / 5554-9450
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