[Eyecatcher-general] The Babelbox demo and Eyecatcher

Christian Perrier bubulle+babelbox@debian.org
Wed, 26 Jan 2005 18:50:56 +0100

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Most of the subscribers in the -i18n list are probably aware of the
"Babelbox" project, aimed for the Debian booth at Solutions Linux next
week in Paris-La Défense.

This box will be running automated installs of Debian desktop systems
in 39 languages (those officially supported in D-I RC2).

Up to now, I planned to just open a Gnome session at the end of the
install and play a sound with a message saying "Hello and welcome to
your new Debian system in <language>". Several people in the project
contributed the sounds and I nearly succeeded in getting all of them
(a few missing which I hope to get soon).

Now, as I have a few days left, I will try to make the demo even
better by using the brand new "eyecatcher" system recently announced
by Alexander Schmehling (project "eyecatcher" on Alioth).

I will probably just run it very simply by just displaying one slide
saying "Welcome to the booth of the Debian project!" and another one
saying "This box runs an automated demonstration of the Debian sarge
installer in each of the 39 supported languages".

The text of the two slides is in the atatched two very small files.

I would appreciate if translators and teams send me a version of these
files in their languages. Please send them to me privately (see
Reply-To), not to the list.

I'm not sure whether I'll have enough time for completing this work
but, anyway, I will have a least tried..:-)

Of course, the result will be contributed back to the Eyecatcher project.


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Welcome to the booth of the Debian project!

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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="demo.txt"

This box runs an automated demonstration of the Debian sarge
installer in each of the 39 supported languages.
