[Fai-commit] r2996 - people/eartoast/features/fcopy-preinst/man

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Fri Nov 4 09:04:40 UTC 2005

Author: glaweh-guest
Date: 2005-11-04 09:04:39 +0000 (Fri, 04 Nov 2005)
New Revision: 2996

improve the fcopy-preinst manpage a bit to clarify the usage of
preinst scripts.

Modified: people/eartoast/features/fcopy-preinst/man/fcopy.8
--- people/eartoast/features/fcopy-preinst/man/fcopy.8	2005-11-04 08:45:05 UTC (rev 2995)
+++ people/eartoast/features/fcopy-preinst/man/fcopy.8	2005-11-04 09:04:39 UTC (rev 2996)
@@ -124,10 +124,11 @@
 If a file 'preinst' exists and is executable, it is used in the following way:
 .IP 1. 3
-a temporary copy of the file is created
+a temporary copy of the file for the used class is created
 .IP 2. 3
-preinst is called with the class being used and the full pathname to this 
-temporary copy (you can do substitutions or other modifications)
+preinst is called with the used class and the full pathname to this 
+temporary copy (you can do in-place substitutions or other modifications on this
 .IP 3. 3
 the copy is compared to the destination and replaces it only if there are 
 any differences

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