[Fai-commit] r3258 - in people/lazyboy/fai-distributions: classes/MANDRIVA/files classes/MANDRIVA/files/boot classes/MANDRIVA/files/boot/grub classes/MANDRIVA/files/boot/grub/menu.lst classes/MANDRIVA/hooks debian dists dists/centos3 dists/mandriva dists/ubuntu_breezy dists/ubuntu_hoary etc

Michael Tautschnig michael.tautschnig at zt-consulting.com
Sun Jan 22 07:55:11 UTC 2006


Just a few issues I spotted at first sight:

> +#*********************************************************************
> +#
> +# instsof-mandriva -- determine packages to install for mandriva linux
> +# and install them
instsoft-mandriva, probably

> Added: people/lazyboy/fai-distributions/dists/centos3/make-base-tgz
> ===================================================================
> --- people/lazyboy/fai-distributions/dists/centos3/make-base-tgz	2006-01-21 12:18:45 UTC (rev 3257)
> +++ people/lazyboy/fai-distributions/dists/centos3/make-base-tgz	2006-01-21 22:09:08 UTC (rev 3258)
> @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
> +#!/bin/sh
> +
> +# FIXME: can/should probably be defined somewhere in /etc/fai?
> +TMPDIR="/tmp/fai/${DISTRIBUTION}_debootstrap/"
> +echo "TMPDIT is $TMPDIR"
> +
> +rpmstrap centos3 $TMPDIR $MIRROR
> +
> +echo "Creating base-$DISTRIBUTION.tgz"
> +
> +cd $TMPDIR
> +tar cfz $NFSROOT/var/tmp/base-$DISTRIBUTION.tgz *
> +
> +#chroot $TMPDIR umount /dev
> +chroot $TMPDIR umount /.dev
> + 
That occurs at many more points, but I suggest you shouldn't call the variable
"TMPDIR", unless you did it intentionally - mktemp and others will use TMPDIR as
well and you might end up with lots of temporary files in your distribution...


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