[Fai-commit] r3647 -
fai-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org
fai-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org
Sun Jul 23 10:00:28 UTC 2006
Author: michael-guest
Date: 2006-07-23 10:00:28 +0000 (Sun, 23 Jul 2006)
New Revision: 3647
cleanup of parser code
Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/NOTES
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/NOTES 2006-07-23 09:51:50 UTC (rev 3646)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/NOTES 2006-07-23 10:00:28 UTC (rev 3647)
@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@
query commands
+split into functions, size computation must be fixed
Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2 2006-07-23 09:51:50 UTC (rev 3646)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2 2006-07-23 10:00:28 UTC (rev 3647)
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
package FAI;
+my $debug = 1;
require "shdd2-lib";
require "shdd2-init";
require "shdd2-parser";
Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2-lib
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2-lib 2006-07-23 09:51:50 UTC (rev 3646)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2-lib 2006-07-23 10:00:28 UTC (rev 3647)
@@ -12,30 +12,29 @@
foreach my $p (@path_list)
- if ( -x $p . "/mkfs.$filesystem" )
- {
- return 1;
- }
+ ( -x "$p/mkfs.$filesystem" ) and return 0;
- return 0;
+ return 1;
sub print_hash
+ ( $debug > 0 ) or return 0;
my ( $hash_ref, $k ) = @_;
- $k = $k . ">";
+ $k = "$k>";
foreach my $key ( keys %$hash_ref )
if ( ref( $hash_ref->{$key} ) )
- print "$k Schluessel: " . $key . " Wert: " . "Hash" . "\n";
+ print "$k KEY: $key VAL: hash\n";
&print_hash( $hash_ref->{$key}, $k );
- print "$k Schluessel: " . $key . " Wert: " . $hash_ref->{$key} . "\n";
+ print "$k KEY: $key VAL: $hash_ref->{$key}\n";
Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2-parser
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2-parser 2006-07-23 09:51:50 UTC (rev 3646)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2-parser 2006-07-23 10:00:28 UTC (rev 3647)
@@ -86,6 +86,134 @@
$FAI::partition_primary_counter = 0;
$FAI::partition_logical_counter = 0;
+sub init_disk_config
+ my ($disk) = @_;
+ if ( $disk =~ /^\d+$/ )
+ {
+ if ( $FAI::disks >= $disk )
+ {
+ $disk = $FAI::disks[ $disk - 1 ];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "this system does not have a physical disk $disk\n";
+ }
+ }
+ unless ( $disk =~ m{^/} )
+ {
+ $disk = "/dev/" . $disk;
+ }
+ ( -b $disk ) or die "$disk is not a valid device name\n";
+ $FAI::device = "PHY_" . $disk;
+ if ( defined( $FAI::configs{$FAI::device} ) )
+ {
+ die "Duplicate configuration for disk $FAI::disks[ $1-1 ]\n";
+ }
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device} = {
+ "virtual" => 0,
+ "disklabel" => "msdos",
+ "bootable" => -1,
+ "partitions" => {}
+ };
+sub init_part_config
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ if ( $type eq "primary" )
+ {
+ ( $FAI::device =~ /^PHY_/ ) or die "wrong partition type";
+ ( $FAI::partition_primary_counter < 4
+ || $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{"disklabel"} ne "msdos" )
+ or die "Too many primary partitions\n";
+ $FAI::partition_primary_counter++;
+ unless (
+ defined(
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{"partitions"}
+ {$FAI::partition_primary_counter}
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{"partitions"}
+ {$FAI::partition_primary_counter} = {};
+ }
+ $FAI::partition_pointer =
+ ( \%FAI::configs )->{$FAI::device}->{"partitions"}
+ ->{$FAI::partition_primary_counter};
+ $FAI::partition_pointer->{"number"} = $FAI::partition_primary_counter;
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "logical" )
+ {
+ ( $FAI::device =~ /^PHY_/
+ && $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{"disklabel"} eq "msdos" )
+ or die "wrong partition type";
+ {
+ if ( $FAI::partition_logical_counter == 0 )
+ {
+ ( $FAI::partition_primary_counter < 4 )
+ or die "Too many primary partitions\n";
+ $FAI::partition_primary_counter++;
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{"partitions"}
+ {$FAI::partition_primary_counter}{"size"}{"extended"} = 1;
+ unless (
+ defined(
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{"partitions"}
+ {$FAI::partition_primary_counter}{"size"}{"preserve"}
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{"partitions"}
+ {$FAI::partition_primary_counter}{"size"}{"preserve"} = 0;
+ }
+ unless (
+ defined(
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{"partitions"}
+ {$FAI::partition_primary_counter}{"size"}{"resize"}
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{"partitions"}
+ {$FAI::partition_primary_counter}{"size"}{"resize"} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $FAI::partition_logical_counter++;
+ unless (
+ defined(
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{"partitions"}
+ { $FAI::partition_logical_counter + 4 }
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{"partitions"}
+ { $FAI::partition_logical_counter + 4 } = {};
+ }
+ $FAI::partition_pointer =
+ ( \%FAI::configs )->{$FAI::device}->{"partitions"}
+ ->{ $FAI::partition_logical_counter + 4 };
+ $FAI::partition_pointer->{"number"} = $FAI::partition_logical_counter + 4;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "internal parser error\n";
+ }
+ $FAI::partition_pointer->{"size"}->{"extended"} = 0;
+ unless ( defined( $FAI::partition_pointer->{"size"}->{"preserve"} ) )
+ {
+ $FAI::partition_pointer->{"size"}->{"preserve"} = 0;
+ }
+ unless ( defined( $FAI::partition_pointer->{"size"}->{"resize"} ) )
+ {
+ $FAI::partition_pointer->{"size"}->{"resize"} = 0;
+ }
$FAI::Parser = Parse::RecDescent->new(
file: line(s?) /\Z/
@@ -112,54 +240,12 @@
| /^disk(\d+)/
- if( scalar( @FAI::disks ) >= $1 )
- {
- if( $FAI::disks[ $1-1 ] =~ m{^/} )
- {
- $FAI::device = "PHY_" . $FAI::disks[ $1-1 ];
- }
- else
- {
- $FAI::device = "PHY_/dev/" . $FAI::disks[ $1-1 ];
- }
- if( defined( $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device } ) )
- {
- die "Duplicate configuration for disk $FAI::disks[ $1-1 ]\n";
- }
- $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device } = {
- "virtual" => 0,
- "disklabel" => "msdos",
- "bootable" => -1,
- "partitions" => {}
- };
- }
- else
- {
- die "this system does not have a physical $item[1] "
- }
+ &FAI::init_disk_config( $1 );
| /^\S+/
- # TODO check for valid device name
- if( $item[ 1 ] =~ m{^/} )
- {
- $FAI::device = "PHY_" . $item[ 1 ];
- }
- else
- {
- $FAI::device = "PHY_/dev/" . $item[ 1 ];
- }
- if( defined( $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device } ) )
- {
- die "Duplicate configuration for disk $FAI::disks[ $1-1 ]\n";
- }
- $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device } = {
- "virtual" => 0,
- "disklabel" => "msdos",
- "bootable" => -1,
- "partitions" => {}
- };
+ &FAI::init_disk_config( $item[ 1 ] );
option: /^preserve:(\d+(,\d+)*)/
@@ -194,60 +280,19 @@
| 'vg' name size
type: 'primary'
- ( $FAI::device =~ /^PHY_/ ) or die "wrong partition type";
- {
- ( $FAI::partition_primary_counter < 4 || $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device }{ "disklabel" } ne "msdos" ) or die "Too many primary partitions\n";
- $FAI::partition_primary_counter++;
- if( ! defined( $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device }{ "partitions" }{ $FAI::partition_primary_counter } ) )
- {
- $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device }{ "partitions" }{ $FAI::partition_primary_counter }= {};
- }
- $FAI::partition_pointer = (\%FAI::configs)->{ $FAI::device }->{ "partitions" }->{ $FAI::partition_primary_counter };
- $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }->{ "extended" } = 0;
- $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "number" } = $FAI::partition_primary_counter;
- if( ! defined( $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }->{ "preserve" } ) )
- {
- $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }->{ "preserve" } = 0;
- }
- }
+ &FAI::init_part_config( $item[ 1 ] );
| 'logical'
- ( $FAI::device =~ /^PHY_/ && $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device }{ "disklabel" } eq "msdos" ) or die "wrong partition type";
- {
- if( $FAI::partition_logical_counter == 0 )
- {
- ( $FAI::partition_primary_counter < 4 ) or die "Too many primary partitions\n";
- $FAI::partition_primary_counter++;
- $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device }{ "partitions" }{ $FAI::partition_primary_counter }{ "size" }{ "extended" } = 1;
- if( ! defined( $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device }{ "partitions" }{ $FAI::partition_primary_counter }{ "size" }{ "preserve" } ) )
- {
- $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device }{ "partitions" }{ $FAI::partition_primary_counter }{ "size" }{ "preserve" } = 0;
- }
- if( ! defined( $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device }{ "partitions" }{ $FAI::partition_primary_counter }{ "size" }{ "resize" } ) )
- {
- $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device }{ "partitions" }{ $FAI::partition_primary_counter }{ "size" }{ "resize" } = 0;
- }
- }
- $FAI::partition_logical_counter++;
- if( ! defined( $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device }{ "partitions" }{ $FAI::partition_logical_counter + 4 } ) )
- {
- $FAI::configs{ $FAI::device }{ "partitions" }{ $FAI::partition_logical_counter + 4 }= {};
- }
- $FAI::partition_pointer = (\%FAI::configs)->{ $FAI::device }->{ "partitions" }->{ $FAI::partition_logical_counter + 4 };
- $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }->{ "extended" } = 0;
- $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "number" } = $FAI::partition_logical_counter + 4;
- if( ! defined( $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }->{ "preserve" } ) )
- {
- $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }->{ "preserve" } = 0;
- }
- }
+ &FAI::init_part_config( $item[ 1 ] );
| /^raid[0156]/
+ # TODO
| m{^[^/\s]+-[^/\s]+}
+ # TODO
mountpoint: '-'
@@ -282,28 +327,20 @@
$range = $range . "100%";
$FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }->{ "range" } = $range;
- if( defined( $4 ) || defined( $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }{ "resize" } ) )
+ if( defined( $4 ) )
$FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }->{ "resize" } = 1;
- else
- {
- $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }->{ "resize" } = 0;
- }
| /^(-\d+%?)(:resize)?\s+/
$FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" } = {
"range" => "0" . $1
- if( defined( $2 ) || defined( $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }->{ "resize" } ) )
+ if( defined( $2 ) )
$FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }->{ "resize" } = 1;
- else
- {
- $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "size" }->{ "resize" } = 0;
- }
| /^preserve(\d+)\s+/
@@ -313,7 +350,7 @@
- die "partition number of to-be-preserved partition $1 changed to " . $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "number" } . "\n";
+ die "partition number of to-be-preserved partition $1 changed to $FAI::partition_pointer->{ "number" }\n";
| /^[^\d,:\s\-][^,:\s]*(:(spare|missing))*(,[^,:\s]+(:(spare|missing))*)*\s+/
@@ -343,7 +380,7 @@
| /^\S+/
- if ( !&FAI::in_path("$item[1]") )
+ unless ( &FAI::in_path("$item[1]") == 0 )
die "unknown/invalid filesystem type $item[1]";
@@ -363,7 +400,7 @@
my $input = <STDIN>;
$/ = $ifs;
- print "Input was:\n" . $input;
+ ( $debug > 0 ) and print "Input was:\n" . $input;
defined $FAI::Parser->file($input) or die "Syntax error\n";
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