[Fai-commit] r3327 - trunk/doc

fai-repository at svn.debian.org fai-repository at svn.debian.org
Mon Mar 27 13:45:57 UTC 2006

Author: lange
Date: 2006-03-27 13:45:56 +0000 (Mon, 27 Mar 2006)
New Revision: 3327

add hint about ipcalc

Modified: trunk/doc/fai-guide.sgml
--- trunk/doc/fai-guide.sgml	2006-03-27 13:45:40 UTC (rev 3326)
+++ trunk/doc/fai-guide.sgml	2006-03-27 13:45:56 UTC (rev 3327)
@@ -2834,6 +2834,17 @@
 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root at installclient
+You can calculate the IP subnet adress (which is used in
+make-fai-nfsroot.conf for the variable <var>FAICLIENTS</var> by using
+the nice tool ipcalc. Following example gives you the notation for a
+class C network (16) when the server netork interface has the IP address
+ ipcalc -nb 16|grep Network:
 You can merge two directories which contain configuration
 information, if one is a global one, and the other a local one. We use
 it to merge the templates from the fai package, and our local

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