[Fai-commit] r4048 - people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation

fai-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org fai-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org
Sun Oct 1 22:16:25 UTC 2006

Author: michael-guest
Date: 2006-10-01 22:16:25 +0000 (Sun, 01 Oct 2006)
New Revision: 4048

whitespace cleanup only (by perltidy)

Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2-commands
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2-commands	2006-10-01 22:10:14 UTC (rev 4047)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2-commands	2006-10-01 22:16:25 UTC (rev 4048)
@@ -52,39 +52,50 @@
   # loop through all configs
   foreach my $config ( keys %FAI::configs )
     # TODO implement RAID/LVM support
     if ( $config eq "RAID" || $config =~ /^VG_/ )
       # TODO
     # configure a physical device
     elsif ( $config =~ /^PHY_(.*)$/ )
       # the device to be configured
-      my $disk        = $1;
+      my $disk = $1;
       # a list of partitions that must be preserved - TODO ???
       my @to_preserve = ();
       # the index of the existing extended partiton
-      my $extended    = -1;
+      my $extended = -1;
       # the desired disklabel - TODO ???
       my $target_label = $FAI::configs{$config}{'disklabel'};
       # the current disklabel - TODO ???
       my $source_label = $FAI::current_config{$disk}{'disklabel'};
       # find any existing extended partition on msdos disklabels
       if ( $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"disklabel"} eq "msdos" )
         # loop over all existing partitions
-        foreach
-        my $part_id ( sort keys %{ $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"} } )
+        foreach my $part_id (
+          sort keys %{ $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"} } )
-          if ( $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"is_extended"} == 1 )
+          if ( $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"}{$part_id}
+            {"is_extended"} == 1 )
             # TODO: should be handled properly
             ( $extended == -1 ) or die "INTERNAL ERROR: Can't handle more than 1
             extended partition\n";
             # set the id of the extended partition
             $extended = $part_id;

Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2-sizes
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2-sizes	2006-10-01 22:10:14 UTC (rev 4047)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/shdd2-sizes	2006-10-01 22:16:25 UTC (rev 4048)
@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@
 sub compute_sizes
   # loop through all device configurations
   foreach my $config ( keys %FAI::configs )
@@ -347,170 +348,213 @@
       # TODO compute the sizes of lvms, RAIDs
     # device is an effective disk
     elsif ( $config =~ /^PHY_(.*)$/ )
       # initialise variables
       # the id of the extended partition to be created, if required
-      my $extended            = -1;
+      my $extended = -1;
       # the device name of the disk
-      my $disk                = $1;
+      my $disk = $1;
       # remaining free space is to be shared by those partitions whose size is a
       # range; $redist_space keeps track of the maximum space to be
       # redistributed
-      my $redist_space        = 0;
+      my $redist_space = 0;
       # minimum space required by all partitions, i.e., the lower ends of the
       # ranges
       # $min_req_space counts up to the next preserved partition
-      my $min_req_space       = 0;
+      my $min_req_space = 0;
       # $min_req_total_space counts for the entire disk
       my $min_req_total_space = 0;
       # list of partition ids that require redistribution
-      my @redist_list         = ();
+      my @redist_list = ();
       # the start of a range of non-preserved disk space
-      my $range_start         = 0;
+      my $range_start = 0;
       # loop through all configured partitions in a sorted manner
-      my $part_id ( sort keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"} } )
+        my $part_id ( sort keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"} } )
         # find/handle the extended partition, if any
         if (
           $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"extended"} ==
           1 )
           # make sure that there is only one extended partition
-          ( $extended == -1 ) or die "INTERNAL ERROR: More than 1 extended partition\n";
+          ( $extended == -1 )
+            or die "INTERNAL ERROR: More than 1 extended partition\n";
           # ensure that it is a primary partition
           ( $part_id <= 4 )
-            or die "INTERNAL ERROR: Extended partition wouldn't be a primary one\n";
+            or die
+            "INTERNAL ERROR: Extended partition wouldn't be a primary one\n";
           # set the local variable to this id
           $extended = $part_id;
           # initialise the size of the extended partition to 0
           $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"eff_size"} =
-          0;
+            0;
         # the partition $pard_id need not be preserved
         elsif (
           $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"preserve"} ==
           0 )
           # make sure the size specification is a range (even though it might be
           # something like x-x) and store the dimensions
           ( $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"range"} =~
-            /^(\d+%?)-(\d+%?)$/ ) or die "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid range\n";
+              /^(\d+%?)-(\d+%?)$/ )
+            or die "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid range\n";
           my $start = $1;
           my $end   = $2;
           # start may be given in is percents of the size
           if ( $start =~ /^(\d+)%$/ )
             # rewrite it to bytes
             $start =
-            POSIX::floor(
+              POSIX::floor(
               $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"end_byte"} * $1 / 100 );
             # it is given in megabytes, make it bytes
             $start = $start * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
           # end may be given in is percents of the size
           if ( $end =~ /^(\d+)%$/ )
             # rewrite it to bytes
             $end =
-            POSIX::ceil(
-              $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"end_byte"} * $1 / 100 );
+              POSIX::ceil( $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"end_byte"} * $1 / 100 );
             # it is given in megabytes, make it bytes
             $end = $end * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
           # write back the size spec in bytes
           $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"range"} =
-          $start . "-" . $end;
+            $start . "-" . $end;
           # check, whether the size is fixed
           if ( $end == $start )
             # then set eff_size to a proper value
-            $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}
-            {"eff_size"} = $start;
+            $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"eff_size"} =
+              $start;
             # make sure that $end > $start
             ( $end > $start ) or die "INTERNAL ERROR: end < start\n";
             # effective size is not yet known, use -1 to indicate this
-            $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}
-            {"eff_size"} = -1;
+            $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"eff_size"} =
+              -1;
             # add the valid range to the space to be redistributed among the
             # non-fixed sizes
             $redist_space += $end - $start;
             # add this $part_id to the redistribution list
             push @redist_list, $part_id;
           # add the minimum size to the required space (locally)
-          $min_req_space       += $start;
+          $min_req_space += $start;
           # add the minimum size to the required space (entire disk)
           $min_req_total_space += $start;
         # partition must be preserved
           # a partition that should be preserved must exist already
-          defined( $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"}{$part_id} ) or
-          die "$part_id can't be preserved, it does not exist.\n";
+          defined( $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"}{$part_id} )
+            or die "$part_id can't be preserved, it does not exist.\n";
           # set the effective size to the value known already
           $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"eff_size"} =
-          $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"count_byte"};
+            $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"count_byte"};
           # and add it to the total disk space required by this config
           $min_req_total_space +=
-          $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"eff_size"};
+            $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"eff_size"};
           # check, whether there are partitions that require redistribution
           if ( scalar(@redist_list) > 0 )
             # compute the available space and the resulting multiplier of all
             # ranges
             my $free_space =
-            $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"}{$part_id}
-            {"begin_byte"} - 1 - $range_start - $min_req_space;
+              $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"}{$part_id}
+              {"begin_byte"} - 1 - $range_start - $min_req_space;
             ( $free_space >= 0 ) or die "INTERNAL ERROR: negative free space\n";
-            # the multiplier for the amount added to the lower bounds of the ranges
+         # the multiplier for the amount added to the lower bounds of the ranges
             my $redist_factor = 1.0;
-            ( $free_space < $redist_space ) and $redist_factor = $free_space /
-            $redist_space;
+            ( $free_space < $redist_space )
+              and $redist_factor = $free_space / $redist_space;
             ( $FAI::debug > 0 ) and print "redist factor is $redist_factor\n";
             # redistribute the free space
             foreach my $part (@redist_list)
               # make sure the entry requires redistribution
               ( $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part}{"size"}
-                {"eff_size"} == -1 )
+                  {"eff_size"} == -1 )
                 or die "INTERNAL ERROR: invalid entry in redist_list\n";
               # re-check that the size is indeed a range and obtain the start
               # and end-points
-              ( $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part}{"size"}
-                {"range"} =~ /^(\d+%?)-(\d+%?)$/ ) or 
-              die "INTERNAL ERROR: invalid range spec\n";
+              ( $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part}{"size"}{"range"} =~
+                  /^(\d+%?)-(\d+%?)$/ )
+                or die "INTERNAL ERROR: invalid range spec\n";
               # store the start and end
               my $start = $1;
               my $end   = $2;
               # set the new effective size according to $redist_factor
-              {"eff_size"} =
-              POSIX::floor(
-                $start + ( ( $end - $start ) * $redist_factor ) );
+                {"eff_size"} =
+                POSIX::floor( $start + ( ( $end - $start ) * $redist_factor ) );
           # empty $redist_list;
           @redist_list = ();
           # set the range start past the preserved partition
           $range_start =
-          $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"end_byte"} + 1;
+            $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"end_byte"} + 1;
           # reset $redist space and $min_req_space to 0
           $redist_space  = 0;
           $min_req_space = 0;
@@ -521,62 +565,72 @@
       # check, whether there are partitions that require redistribution
       if ( scalar(@redist_list) > 0 )
         # compute the available space and the resulting multiplier of all
         # ranges
         my $free_space =
-        $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"}{$part_id}
-        {"begin_byte"} - 1 - $range_start - $min_req_space;
+          $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"begin_byte"} -
+          1 - $range_start - $min_req_space;
         ( $free_space >= 0 ) or die "INTERNAL ERROR: negative free space\n";
         # the multiplier for the amount added to the lower bounds of the ranges
         my $redist_factor = 1.0;
-        ( $free_space < $redist_space ) and $redist_factor = $free_space /
-        $redist_space;
+        ( $free_space < $redist_space )
+          and $redist_factor = $free_space / $redist_space;
         ( $FAI::debug > 0 ) and print "redist factor is $redist_factor\n";
         # redistribute the free space
         foreach my $part (@redist_list)
           # make sure the entry requires redistribution
-          ( $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part}{"size"}
-            {"eff_size"} == -1 )
+          ( $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part}{"size"}{"eff_size"} ==
+              -1 )
             or die "INTERNAL ERROR: invalid entry in redist_list\n";
           # re-check that the size is indeed a range and obtain the start
           # and end-points
-          ( $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part}{"size"}
-            {"range"} =~ /^(\d+%?)-(\d+%?)$/ ) or 
-          die "INTERNAL ERROR: invalid range spec\n";
+          ( $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part}{"size"}{"range"} =~
+              /^(\d+%?)-(\d+%?)$/ )
+            or die "INTERNAL ERROR: invalid range spec\n";
           # store the start and end
           my $start = $1;
           my $end   = $2;
           # set the new effective size according to $redist_factor
-          $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}
-          {"eff_size"} =
-          POSIX::floor(
-            $start + ( ( $end - $start ) * $redist_factor ) );
+          $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"eff_size"} =
+            POSIX::floor( $start + ( ( $end - $start ) * $redist_factor ) );
       # check, whether there is sufficient space on the disk
-      ( $min_req_total_space > $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"end_byte"} ) and
-      die "Disk is too small - at least $min_req_total_space is required\n";
+      ( $min_req_total_space > $FAI::current_config{$disk}{"end_byte"} )
+        and die
+        "Disk is too small - at least $min_req_total_space is required\n";
       # make sure, extended partitions are only created on msdos disklabels
-      ( $FAI::configs{$config}{"disklabel"} ne "msdos" && $extended > -1 ) and
-      die "INTERNAL ERROR: extended partitions are not supported by this disklabel\n";
+      ( $FAI::configs{$config}{"disklabel"} ne "msdos" && $extended > -1 )
+        and die
+"INTERNAL ERROR: extended partitions are not supported by this disklabel\n";
       # compute the size of the extended partition, if any
-      next unless ( $FAI::configs{$config}{"disklabel"} eq "msdos" && $extended > -1 )
+      next
+        unless ( $FAI::configs{$config}{"disklabel"} eq "msdos"
+        && $extended > -1 );
-      my $part_id ( sort keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"} } )
+        my $part_id ( sort keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"} } )
         # logical partitions have an id > 4
         next if ( $part_id <= 4 );
-        # add the effective size of $part_id to the size of the extended partition
+      # add the effective size of $part_id to the size of the extended partition
         $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$extended}{"size"}{"eff_size"} +=
-        $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"eff_size"};
+          $FAI::configs{$config}{"partitions"}{$part_id}{"size"}{"eff_size"};
     # an invalid config entry has been found

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