[Fai-commit] r4028 - trunk/debian

fai-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org fai-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org
Tue Sep 26 13:02:11 UTC 2006

Author: lange
Date: 2006-09-26 13:01:51 +0000 (Tue, 26 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 4028

minor changes

Modified: trunk/debian/NEWS
--- trunk/debian/NEWS	2006-09-26 12:35:49 UTC (rev 4027)
+++ trunk/debian/NEWS	2006-09-26 13:01:51 UTC (rev 4028)
@@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
 fai (3.0) unstable; urgency=low
-  - the fai-guide does not yet reflect the changes from FAI 2 to FAI 3
+  - WARNING: the fai-guide does not yet reflect the changes from FAI 2 to FAI 3
   - rename NEWS to NEWS.Debian
   - /etc/fai/sources.list moved to /etc/fai/apt/sources.list
-  - a lot of new pathes:
+  - lots of new pathes:
     use /srv/tftp/fai instead of /boot/fai
     use /srv/tftp/fai/pxelinux.cfg instead of /boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg
     use /srv/fai/config  instead of /usr/local/share/fai
     use /srv/fai/nfsroot instead of /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot
     use /var/lib/fai/config instead of /fai
     use /var/lib/fai/mirror instead of /mnt
-  - new file names
+  - changed file names
     variables.sh is now variables.log
+  - new config file /etc/fai/NFSROOT which contains the package list
+    for the nfsroot
   - changes in variables
-    remove FAI_REMOTESH and FAI_REMOTECP from fai.conf, use FAI_LOGPROTO instead
+    remove FAI_REMOTESH and FAI_REMOTECP from fai.conf,
+     use FAI_LOGPROTO instead 
     remove $installserver and $mirrorhost in fai.conf
-    replace FAI_LOCATION by FAI_CONFIG_SRC, default if undefined:
+    replace FAI_LOCATION by FAI_CONFIG_SRC, use default if undefined:
     LOGSERVER, LOGREMOTEDIR, LOGPASSWD removed from fai.conf, set
       them in the config space
     MNTPOINT now set to /media/mirror
     SERVERINTERFACE not needed by default in make-fai-nfsroot.conf
     NFSROOT moved to make-fai-nfsroot.conf
-    FAICLIENTS, NFSROOT_PACKAGES, packages removed from make-fai-nfsroot.conf
-    terror renamed to task_error
-    all flags from FAI_FLAGS are now defined as flag_xxx
+    FAICLIENTS, NFSROOT_PACKAGES removed from make-fai-nfsroot.conf
+    $terror renamed to $task_error
+    all flags from FAI_FLAGS are now defined as $flag_xxx
     $time_zone renamed to $TIMEZONE
     $videodrv renamed to $VIDEODRIVER
@@ -34,21 +35,18 @@
     $rootpw renamed to $ROOTPW
     $moduleslist renamed to $MODULESLIST
     new variable FAI_ALLOW_UNSIGNED
-  - new config file /etc/fai/NFSROOT which contains the package list
-    for the nfsroot
   - task_updatebase does not use updatebase.log any more
+  - task_updatebase now logs to fai.log
   - all IP addresses of the install server are added to $NFSROOT/etc/hosts
   - automatic reboot if no errors are found (if error.log is empty)
-  - uses discover1 for hardware detection (discover version 2 is not
-    maintained any more
-  - add task dirinst
+  - new task dirinst for creating a chroot environment
   - try ftar $FAI/basefiles before extracting base.tgz
   - install_packages: new option -p (see man install_packages)
   - make-fai-nfsroot: add option -V (see man make-fai-nfsroot)
   - fai-chboot: change in options, -d is now -D, -r is now -d, -r is
     not used any more
   - add policy-rc.d support
-  - move some -c to -C, so now all scripts use -C for cfdir, seting
+  - move some -c to -C, so now all scripts use -C for cfdir, setting
     $FAI_ETC_DIR does the same
   - fai-cd can now eject the CD after installation
   - fai-mirror remove option -a (now default), add -B
@@ -56,6 +54,7 @@
   - convert cfengine (version 1) scripts to cfengine2
   - rename class XFREE to XORG
   - new script ainsl, implements AppendIfNoSuchLine from cfeninge in Perl
+  - config space can be checked out from a subversion repository
  -- Thomas Lange <lange at debian.org>  Tue, 23 Sep 2006 11:47:24 +0200

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