[Fai-commit] r4792 - people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2
michael-guest at alioth.debian.org
michael-guest at alioth.debian.org
Fri Nov 23 10:57:04 UTC 2007
Author: michael-guest
Date: 2007-11-23 10:57:04 +0000 (Fri, 23 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 4792
removed test script
Deleted: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/setup_harddisks_2
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/setup_harddisks_2 2007-11-22 15:07:23 UTC (rev 4791)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/setup_harddisks_2 2007-11-23 10:57:04 UTC (rev 4792)
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# A disk_config file is read line by line; the exact grammar can be found below,
-# using EBNF. A few examples are given to make things more obvious:
-# # Configure the device /dev/hda
-# disk_config hda preserve:6,7 disklabel:msdos bootable:3
-# # preserve the 6th and the 7th partition. Alternatively,
-# # one could say preserve7 below. The disklabel is msdos, which is the default
-# # for x86. Furthermore the 3rd partition is made bootable, which would have
-# # happened as well by default as it is mounted as /
-# primary /boot 20-100 ext3 rw
-# # create a primary partition /dev/hda1 with a size between 20 and 100 MB and mount it
-# # read-write as /boot; it is formatted using ext3 filesystem
-# primary swap 1000 swap sw
-# # /dev/hda2 will be a swap space of 1000 MB
-# primary / 12000 ext3 rw -b 2048
-# # /dev/hda3 should be formatted using ext3 filesystem; when calling mkfs.ext3
-# # the option "-b 2048" is appended.
-# logical /tmp 1000 ext3 rw,nosuid
-# # create the logical partition /dev/hda5
-# logical /usr preserve6 ext3 rw
-# logical /var 10%- ext3 rw
-# # make /dev/hda7 at least 10% of the disk size
-# logical /nobackup 0- xfs rw
-# # use mkfs.xfs to format the partition
-# # Configure the virtual device /dev/sda (for, e.g., Xen setups), all
-# # partitions are primary and sizes are ignored (so one could as well specify
-# # anything other than 0)
-# disk_config sda virtual
-# primary /boot 0 ext3 rw
-# primary / 0 ext3 rw
-# primary /tmp 0 ext3 rw
-# primary /usr 0 ext3 rw
-# primary /var 0 ext3 rw
-# # resizing partitions is possible by appending :resize to any given size
-# disk_config /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target1/lun0
-# primary / 3000-6000:resize ext3 rw
-# # resize to any value between 3000 and 6000 MB, as limited by the disk size,
-# # the desired sizes of the other partitions, and the data on the partition
-# primary /tmp 1000 ext3 rw
-# # Create a softRAID
-# disk_config raid
-# raid1 / sda1,sdd1 ext2 rw,errors=remount-ro
-# # create a RAID-1 on /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdd1, format using mkfs.ext2 and mount
-# # it as /
-# raid0 - disk2.2,sdc1,sde1:spare:missing ext2 default
-# # create a RAID-0 on the second partition of the second disk, /dev/sdc1, and
-# # /dev/sde1 as a spare partition, which (may?) me missing
-# # config an LVM
-# disk_config lvm
-# vg my_vg md2,md3
-# # create the physical volume group my_vg on the (RAID) devices /dev/md2 and
-# # /dev/md3
-# my_vg-_usr /usr 2048 reiser rw,notail
-# # create the logical volume _usr on the physical volume group my_vg
-# complete EBNF grammar:
-# file ::= <lines> EOF
-# lines ::= EOL
-# /* empty lines or whitespace only */
-# | <comment> EOL
-# | <config> EOL
-# comment ::= #.*
-# config ::= disk_config lvm
-# | disk_config raid
-# | disk_config end
-# | disk_config disk[[:digit:]]+( <option>)*
-# | disk_config [^[:space:]]+( <option>)*
-# /* fully qualified device-path or short form, like hda, whereby full
-# * path is assumed to be /dev/hda */
-# | <volume>
-# option ::= /* empty */
-# | preserve:[[:digit:]]+(,[[:digit:]]+)*
-# /* preserve partitions */
-# | disklabel:(msdos|sun)
-# /* write a disklabel - default is msdos */
-# | bootable:[[:digit:]]+
-# /* mark a partition bootable, default is / */
-# | virtual
-# /* do not assume the disk to be a physical device, use with xen */
-# volume ::= <type> <mountpoint> <size> <filesystem> <mount_options> <fs_options>
-# | vg <name> <size>
-# /* lvm vg */
-# type ::= primary
-# /* for physical disks only */
-# | logical
-# /* for physical disks only */
-# | raid[0156]
-# /* raid level */
-# | [^/[:space:]]+-[^/[:space:]]+
-# /* lvm logical volume: vg name and lv name*/
-# mountpoint ::= -
-# /* do not mount */
-# | swap
-# /* swap space */
-# | /[^[:space:]]*
-# /* fully qualified path */
-# name ::= [^/[:space:]]+
-# /* lvm volume group name */
-# size ::= [[:digit:]]+%?(-[[:digit:]]+%?)?(:resize)?
-# /* size in megabytes or %, possibly given as a range; physical
-# * partitions or lvm logical volumes only */
-# | -[[:digit:]]+%?(:resize)?
-# /* size in megabytes or % given as upper limit; physical partitions
-# * or lvm logical volumes only */
-# | preserve[[:digit:]]+
-# /* do not modify this partition */
-# | [^,:[:space:]]+(:(spare|missing))*(,[^,:[:space:]]+(:(spare|missing))*)*
-# /* devices and options for a raid or lvm vg */
-# mount_options ::= [^[:space:]]+
-# filesystem ::= -
-# | swap
-# | [^[:space:]]
-# /* mkfs.xxx must exist */
-# fs_options ::= .*
-# /* options appended to mkfs.xxx call */
-# * TODO - single function to read partition table for a given physical device and store it in
-# some internal format - /sbin/parted -s /dev/hda unit B print might be
-# helpful
-# * TODO - backend to write things to disk, using e.g. parted (parted -s)
-# * TODO - test mode, regression test suite
-# * TODO - command script:
-# - init_script
-# - make_cmds
-# > make_part_cmds
-# > make_raid_cmds
-# > make_lvm_cmds
-# - make_filesystems
-# * TODO - dependencies between LVM/RAID commands -> should be detected by
-# parser/semantic analysis
-# multiple RAID/LVM stanzas, but deps must be satisfied, global RAID-dev counter
-# * suggestions for modifications of the above format
-# - put options on a separate line
-# - size specification via size_sda1
-# - size specs by RAM size
-# - options for lvcreate (e.g. physical volume)
-# internal format, generated by parser:
-# - list of records: line_no[int], mode[string], type[string], size[string],
-# fs[string], fs_opts[string]
-# - map to store fstab-info: dev(unique), mount_point(unique), fs, mount_opts
-my $mode = "";
-my $line_no = 0;
- $line_no++;
- chomp;
- my $line = $_;
- # throw away trailing whitespace
- if( $line =~ /(.*?)\s+$/ )
- {
- $line = $1;
- }
- # comment
- if( $line =~ /^\s*#/ )
- {
- next;
- }
- # blank line
- elsif( $line =~ /^\s*$/ )
- {
- next;
- }
- # disk_config
- elsif( $line =~ /^disk_config\s+(end|lvm|raid|disk\d+(\s+.*)?|\S+(\s+.*)?)$/ )
- {
- my $dev = $1;
- my $dev_options = undef;
- # additional options appended
- if( $dev =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+.*)$/ )
- {
- $dev = $1;
- $dev_options = $2;
- }
- # end of disk_config
- if( $dev =~ /^end$/ )
- {
- $mode = "";
- }
- # lvm
- elsif( $dev =~ /^lvm$/ )
- {
- $mode = "lvm";
- }
- # raid
- elsif( $dev =~ /^raid$/ )
- {
- $mode = "raid";
- }
- # n-th of disklist
- elsif( $dev =~ /^disk(\d+)$/ )
- {
- $mode = "phy_";
- my $i = 0;
- foreach my $d ( split( /\s/, $ENV{disklist} ) )
- {
- $i++;
- if( $i == $1 )
- {
- $dev = "/dev/" . $d;
- last;
- }
- }
- $mode = $mode . $dev;
- }
- # device name, full path name given
- elsif( $dev =~ /^\// )
- {
- $mode = "phy_" . $dev;
- }
- # device name, short form
- else
- {
- $mode = "phy_/dev/" . $dev;
- }
- # parse options
- if( $mode =~ /^phy/ && defined( $dev_options ) )
- {
- foreach my $o ( split( /\s+/, $dev_options ) )
- {
- if( $o =~ /^preserve:\d+(,\d+)*$/ )
- {
- }
- elsif( $o =~ /^disklabel:(msdos|sun)$/ )
- {
- }
- elsif( $o =~ /^bootable:\d+$/ )
- {
- }
- elsif( $o =~ /^virtual$/ )
- {
- }
- else
- {
- die "Syntax error in line " . $line_no . " - invalid option " . $o . "\n";
- }
- }
- }
- elsif( defined( $dev_options ) )
- {
- die "Syntax error in line " . $line_no . "\n";
- }
- }
- # volume
- else
- {
- my $type = "";
- my $mountpoint = "";
- my $size = "";
- my $mount_options = "";
- my $filesystem = "";
- my $fs_options = "";
- # volume group
- if( $mode eq "lvm" && $line =~ /^vg\s+([^\/\s]+)\s+(\S+)$/ )
- {
- $type = "vg";
- $mountpoint = $1;
- $size = $2;
- }
- # physical partition
- elsif( $mode =~ /^phy/ && $line =~ /^(primary|logical)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+([^,\s]+)\s+(\S+)(\s+(.*))?$/ )
- {
- $type = $1;
- $mountpoint = $2;
- $size = $3;
- $filesystem = $4;
- $mount_options = $5;
- $fs_options = $7;
- }
- # RAID definition
- elsif( $mode eq "raid" && $line =~ /^(raid[0156])\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+([^,\s]+)\s+(\S+)(\s+(.*))?$/ )
- {
- $type = $1;
- $mountpoint = $2;
- $size = $3;
- $filesystem = $4;
- $mount_options = $5;
- $fs_options = $7;
- }
- # logical volume
- elsif( $mode eq "lvm" && $line =~ /^(\S+\-\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+([^,\s]+)\s+(\S+)(\s+(.*))?$/ )
- {
- $type = $1;
- $mountpoint = $2;
- $size = $3;
- $filesystem = $4;
- $mount_options = $5;
- $fs_options = $7;
- }
- else
- {
- die "Syntax error in line " . $line_no . "\n";
- }
- # test for valid mount point
- if( $type ne "vg" && $mountpoint =~ /^(-|swap|\/(\S+)?)$/ )
- {
- }
- elsif( $type eq "vg" )
- {
- }
- else
- {
- die "Syntax error in line " . $line_no . " - invalid mount point " . $mountpoint . "\n";
- }
- # test valid size format
- if( $type eq "vg" && $size =~ /^[^,:\s]+(,[^,:\s]+)*$/ )
- {
- }
- elsif( $mode eq "raid" && $size =~ /^[^,:\s]+(:(spare|missing))*(,[^,\s]+(:(spare|missing))*)*$/ )
- {
- }
- elsif( ( $mode =~ /^phy/ || $type =~ /\S+\-\S+/ ) && ( $size =~ /^(\d+%?(-(\d+%?)?)?|-\d+%?)(:resize)?$/ ) )
- {
- }
- elsif( $mode =~ /^phy/ && ( $size =~ /^preserve\d+$/ ) )
- {
- }
- else
- {
- if( $type eq "vg" || $mode eq "raid" )
- {
- die "Syntax error in line " . $line_no . " - invalid device name\n";
- }
- else
- {
- die "Syntax error in line " . $line_no . " - invalid size\n";
- }
- }
- # make sure that filesystem creator exists
- if( $type ne "vg" )
- {
- if( $filesystem =~ /^(-|swap)$/ )
- {
- }
- else
- {
- # TODO - test for existance of mkfs.$filesystem
- }
- }
- if( $type =~ /\S+\-\S+/ )
- {
- # TODO - verify that vg name has been defined already
- }
- }
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