[Fai-commit] r4927 - in people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2: . implementation implementation/lib
mt at alioth.debian.org
mt at alioth.debian.org
Mon Jun 2 15:16:55 UTC 2008
Author: mt
Date: 2008-06-02 15:16:54 +0000 (Mon, 02 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 4927
- preserve_*, fstabkey support for all kinds of volumes
- updated man page according to now extended syntax
- coding improvements as suggested by Thomas
Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/commands.pm
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/commands.pm 2008-06-02 12:38:37 UTC (rev 4926)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/commands.pm 2008-06-02 15:16:54 UTC (rev 4927)
@@ -69,12 +69,8 @@
($fs eq "xfs") and $create_options = "$create_options -f" unless ($create_options =~ m/-f/);
my $pre_encrypt = "exist_$device";
$pre_encrypt = "encrypt_$device" if ($partition->{encrypt});
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "$create_tool $create_options $device",
- pre => $pre_encrypt,
- post => "has_fs_$device"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "$create_tool $create_options $device", $pre_encrypt,
+ "has_fs_$device" );
# possibly tune the file system - this depends on whether the file system
# supports tuning at all
@@ -85,12 +81,8 @@
die "Don't know how to tune $fs\n" unless $tune_tool;
# add the tune command
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "$tune_tool $tune_options $device",
- pre => "has_fs_$device",
- post => "has_fs_$device"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "$tune_tool $tune_options $device", "has_fs_$device",
+ "has_fs_$device" );
@@ -117,26 +109,17 @@
my $keyfile = "$ENV{LOGDIR}/$enc_dev_short_name";
# generate a key for encryption
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "head -c 2048 /dev/urandom | head -n 47 | tail -n 46 | od | tee $keyfile",
- pre => "",
- post => "keyfile_$device"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command(
+ "head -c 2048 /dev/urandom | head -n 47 | tail -n 46 | od | tee $keyfile",
+ "", "keyfile_$device" );
# prepare encryption
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "yes YES | cryptsetup luksFormat $device $keyfile -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 -s 256",
- pre => "exist_$device,keyfile_$device",
- post => "crypt_format_$device"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "cryptsetup luksOpen $device $enc_dev_short_name --key-file $keyfile",
- pre => "crypt_format_$device",
- post => "encrypted_$device"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command(
+ "yes YES | cryptsetup luksFormat $device $keyfile -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 -s 256",
+ "exist_$device,keyfile_$device", "crypt_format_$device" );
+ &FAI::push_command(
+ "cryptsetup luksOpen $device $enc_dev_short_name --key-file $keyfile",
+ "crypt_format_$device", "encrypted_$device" );
# add entries to crypttab
push @FAI::crypttab, "$enc_dev_short_name\t$device\t$keyfile\tluks";
@@ -162,12 +145,8 @@
# as that may be created later on
(-b $disk) or die "Specified disk $disk does not exist in this system!\n";
# set the raid flag
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "parted -s $disk set $part_no $t on",
- pre => "exist_$d",
- post => "type_${t}_$d"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "parted -s $disk set $part_no $t on", "exist_$d",
+ "type_${t}_$d" );
@@ -184,12 +163,15 @@
($config eq "RAID") or &FAI::internal_error("Invalid config $config");
# create all raid devices
- foreach my $id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes} }) {
+ foreach my $id (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes} })) {
# keep a reference to the current volume
my $vol = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{volumes}->{$id};
# the desired RAID level
my $level = $vol->{mode};
+ warn "RAID implementation is incomplete - preserve is not supported\n" if
+ ($vol->{preserve});
# prepend "raid", if the mode is numeric-only
$level = "raid$level" if ($level =~ /^\d+$/);
@@ -219,12 +201,8 @@
my $pre_req_no_comma = $pre_req;
$pre_req_no_comma =~ s/^,//;
# wait for udev to set up all devices
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "udevsettle --timeout=10",
- pre => $pre_req_no_comma,
- post => "settle_for_mdadm_create$id"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "udevsettle --timeout=10", $pre_req_no_comma,
+ "settle_for_mdadm_create$id" );
# create the command
if (0 == $id) {
@@ -232,14 +210,11 @@
} else {
$pre_req = "settle_for_mdadm_create$id,exist_/dev/md" . ( $id - 1 ) . $pre_req;
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "yes | mdadm --create /dev/md$id --level=$level --force --run --raid-devices="
+ &FAI::push_command(
+ "yes | mdadm --create /dev/md$id --level=$level --force --run --raid-devices="
. scalar(@eff_devs) . " --spare-devices=" . scalar(@spares) . " "
. join(" ", @eff_devs) . " " . join(" ", @spares),
- pre => "$pre_req",
- post => "exist_/dev/md$id"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ "$pre_req", "exist_/dev/md$id" );
# create the filesystem on the volume
@@ -265,12 +240,7 @@
# foreach ( @{$devices_aref} );
my $device_list = join (" ", @{$devices_aref});
$FAI::debug and print "Erased devices: $device_list\n";
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "pvremove -ff -y $device_list",
- pre => "",
- post => "pv_sigs_removed"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "pvremove -ff -y $device_list", "", "pv_sigs_removed" );
# reload module
# push @FAI::commands, "modprobe dm_mod";
@@ -287,7 +257,7 @@
sub create_volume_group {
my ($config) = @_;
- ($config =~ /^VG_(.+)$/) or &FAI::internal_error("Invalid config $config");
+ ($config =~ /^VG_(.+)$/) and ($1 ne "--ANY--") or &FAI::internal_error("Invalid config $config");
my $vg = $1; # the actual volume group
# create the volume group, if it doesn't exist already
@@ -295,23 +265,13 @@
# create all the devices
my @devices = keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{devices} };
- foreach (@devices) {
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "pvcreate $_",
- pre => "pv_sigs_removed,exist_$_",
- post => "pv_done_$_"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
- }
+ &FAI::push_command( "pvcreate $_", "pv_sigs_removed,exist_$_",
+ "pv_done_$_" ) foreach (@devices);
# create the volume group
my $pre_dev = join(",pv_done_", @devices);
$pre_dev =~ s/^,//;
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "vgcreate $vg " . join (" ", @devices),
- pre => "$pre_dev",
- post => "vg_created_$vg"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "vgcreate $vg " . join (" ", @devices), "$pre_dev",
+ "vg_created_$vg" );
# we are done
@@ -329,24 +289,13 @@
# &FAI::erase_lvm_signature( \@new_devices );
# create all the devices
- foreach (@new_devices) {
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "pvcreate $_",
- pre => "exist_$_",
- post => "pv_done_$_"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
- }
+ &FAI::push_command( "pvcreate $_", "exist_$_", "pv_done_$_" ) foreach (@new_devices);
# extend the volume group by the new devices (includes the current ones)
my $pre_dev = join(",pv_done_", @new_devices);
$pre_dev =~ s/^,//;
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "vgextend $vg " . join (" ", @new_devices),
- pre => "$pre_dev",
- post => "vg_extended_$vg"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "vgextend $vg " . join (" ", @new_devices), "$pre_dev",
+ "vg_extended_$vg" );
# the devices to be removed
my %rm_devs = ();
@@ -358,19 +307,10 @@
# run vgreduce to get them removed
if (scalar (keys %rm_devs)) {
$pre_dev = join(",pv_done_", keys %rm_devs);
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "vgreduce $vg " . join (" ", keys %rm_devs),
- pre => "vg_extended_$vg$pre_dev",
- post => "vg_created_$vg"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "vgreduce $vg " . join (" ", keys %rm_devs),
+ "vg_extended_$vg$pre_dev", "vg_created_$vg" );
} else {
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "true",
- pre => "vg_extended_$vg",
- post => "vg_created_$vg"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "true", "vg_extended_$vg", "vg_created_$vg" );
@@ -385,7 +325,7 @@
sub setup_logical_volumes {
my ($config) = @_;
- ($config =~ /^VG_(.+)$/) or &FAI::internal_error("Invalid config $config");
+ ($config =~ /^VG_(.+)$/) and ($1 ne "--ANY--") or &FAI::internal_error("Invalid config $config");
my $vg = $1; # the actual volume group
my $lv_rm_pre = "";
@@ -401,12 +341,7 @@
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "lvremove -f $vg/$lv",
- pre => "vg_enabled_$vg",
- post => "lv_rm_$vg/$lv"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "lvremove -f $vg/$lv", "vg_enabled_$vg", "lv_rm_$vg/$lv");
$lv_rm_pre .= ",lv_rm_$vg/$lv";
$lv_rm_pre =~ s/^,//;
@@ -431,45 +366,23 @@
if ($lv_size->{eff_size} <
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "parted -s /dev/$vg/$lv resize 1 0 " . $lv_size->{eff_size} . "B",
- pre => "vg_enabled_$vg,$lv_rm_pre",
- post => "lv_shrink_$vg/$lv"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "lvresize -L " . $lv_size->{eff_size} . " $vg/$lv",
- pre => "vg_enabled_$vg,$lv_rm_pre,lv_shrink_$vg/$lv",
- post => "lv_created_$vg/$lv"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "parted -s /dev/$vg/$lv resize 1 0 " . $lv_size->{eff_size} . "B",
+ "vg_enabled_$vg,$lv_rm_pre", "lv_shrink_$vg/$lv" );
+ &FAI::push_command( "lvresize -L " . $lv_size->{eff_size} . " $vg/$lv",
+ "vg_enabled_$vg,$lv_rm_pre,lv_shrink_$vg/$lv", "lv_created_$vg/$lv" );
} else {
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "lvresize -L " . $lv_size->{eff_size} . " $vg/$lv",
- pre => "vg_enabled_$vg,$lv_rm_pre",
- post => "lv_grow_$vg/$lv"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "parted -s /dev/$vg/$lv resize 1 0 " . $lv_size->{eff_size} . "B",
- pre => "vg_enabled_$vg,$lv_rm_pre,lv_grow_$vg/$lv",
- post => "exist_/dev/$vg/$lv"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "lvresize -L " . $lv_size->{eff_size} . " $vg/$lv",
+ "vg_enabled_$vg,$lv_rm_pre", "lv_grow_$vg/$lv" );
+ &FAI::push_command( "parted -s /dev/$vg/$lv resize 1 0 " . $lv_size->{eff_size} . "B",
+ "vg_enabled_$vg,$lv_rm_pre,lv_grow_$vg/$lv", "exist_/dev/$vg/$lv" );
# create a new volume
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "lvcreate -n $lv -L " . $lv_size->{eff_size} . " $vg",
- pre => "vg_enabled_$vg,$lv_rm_pre",
- post => "exist_/dev/$vg/$lv"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "lvcreate -n $lv -L " . $lv_size->{eff_size} . " $vg",
+ "vg_enabled_$vg,$lv_rm_pre", "exist_/dev/$vg/$lv" );
# create the filesystem on the volume
@@ -492,6 +405,7 @@
# no physical devices or RAID here
next if ($config =~ /^PHY_./ || $config eq "RAID");
($config =~ /^VG_(.+)$/) or &FAI::internal_error("Invalid config $config");
+ next if ($1 eq "--ANY--");
my $vg = $1; # the volume group
# set proper partition types for LVM
@@ -500,22 +414,14 @@
my $type_pre = join(",type_lvm_", keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{devices} });
$type_pre =~ s/^,//;
# wait for udev to set up all devices
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "udevsettle --timeout=10",
- pre => "$type_pre",
- post => "settle_for_vgchange_$vg"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "udevsettle --timeout=10", "$type_pre",
+ "settle_for_vgchange_$vg" );
# create the volume group or add/remove devices
# enable the volume group
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "vgchange -a y $vg",
- pre => "settle_for_vgchange_$vg,vg_created_$vg",
- post => "vg_enabled_$vg"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "vgchange -a y $vg",
+ "settle_for_vgchange_$vg,vg_created_$vg", "vg_enabled_$vg" );
# perform all necessary operations on the underlying logical volumes
@@ -539,7 +445,7 @@
my @to_preserve = ();
# find partitions that should be preserved or resized
- foreach my $part_id ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} } ) {
+ foreach my $part_id (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} })) {
# reference to the current partition
my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
next unless ($part->{size}->{preserve} || $part->{size}->{resize});
@@ -558,7 +464,7 @@
# sort the list of preserved partitions
- @to_preserve = sort { $a <=> $b } @to_preserve;
+ @to_preserve = &numsort(@to_preserve);
# add the extended partition as well, if logical partitions must be
# preserved; and mark it as resize
@@ -594,14 +500,14 @@
# if the extended partition is not listed yet, find and add it now; note
# that we need to add the existing one
if ($has_logical && -1 == $extended) {
- foreach my $part_id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::current_config{$disk}{partitions} }) {
+ foreach my $part_id (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::current_config{$disk}{partitions} })) {
# no extended partition
next unless
# find the configured extended partition to set the mapping
- foreach my $p (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} }) {
+ foreach my $p (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} })) {
# reference to the current partition
my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$p};
next unless $part->{size}->{extended};
@@ -622,7 +528,7 @@
# sort the list of preserved partitions (again)
- @to_preserve = sort { $a <=> $b } @to_preserve;
+ @to_preserve = &numsort(@to_preserve);
@@ -694,12 +600,8 @@
$post = "rebuilt_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $part_nr) if
# build a parted command to create the partition
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "parted -s $disk mkpart $part_type $fs ${start}B ${end}B",
- pre => "cleared1_$disk",
- post => $post
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "parted -s $disk mkpart $part_type $fs ${start}B
+ ${end}B", "cleared1_$disk", $post );
@@ -728,19 +630,15 @@
or die "Can't change disklabel, partitions are to be preserved\n";
# write the disklabel to drop the previous partition table
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "parted -s $disk mklabel " . $FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel},
- pre => "exist_$disk",
- post => "cleared1_$disk"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "parted -s $disk mklabel " .
+ $FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel}, "exist_$disk", "cleared1_$disk" );
&FAI::rebuild_preserved_partitions($config, \@to_preserve);
my $pre_all_resize = "";
# resize partitions while checking for dependencies
- foreach my $part_id (reverse sort { $a <=> $b } (@to_preserve)) {
+ foreach my $part_id (reverse &numsort(@to_preserve)) {
# reference to the current partition
my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
# get the existing id
@@ -755,7 +653,7 @@
$pre_all_resize .= ",resized_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p);
my $deps = "";
# now walk all other partitions requiring a resize to check for overlaps
- foreach my $part_other (reverse sort { $a <=> $b } (@to_preserve)) {
+ foreach my $part_other (reverse &numsort(@to_preserve)) {
# don't compare to self
next if ($part_id == $part_other);
# reference to the current partition
@@ -815,47 +713,33 @@
my $eff_size = $part->{size}->{eff_size};
# wait for udev to set up all devices
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "udevsettle --timeout=10",
- pre => "rebuilt_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p) . $deps,
- post => "settle_for_resize_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p)
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "yes | ntfsresize -s $eff_size " . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p),
- pre => "settle_for_resize_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p),
- post => "ntfs_ready_for_rm_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p)
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "parted -s $disk rm $p",
- pre => "ntfs_ready_for_rm_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p),
- post => "resized_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p)
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "udevsettle --timeout=10", "rebuilt_" .
+ &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p) . $deps, "settle_for_resize_" .
+ &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p) );
+ &FAI::push_command( "yes | ntfsresize -s $eff_size " .
+ &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p), "settle_for_resize_" .
+ &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p), "ntfs_ready_for_rm_" .
+ &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p) );
+ &FAI::push_command( "parted -s $disk rm $p", "ntfs_ready_for_rm_" .
+ &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p), "resized_" .
+ &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p) );
} else {
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "parted -s $disk resize $p ${start}B ${end}B",
- pre => "rebuilt_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p),
- post => "resized_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p)
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "parted -s $disk resize $p ${start}B ${end}B",
+ "rebuilt_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p), "resized_" .
+ &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $p) );
# write the disklabel again to drop the partition table and create a new one
# that has the proper ids
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "parted -s $disk mklabel " . $FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel},
- pre => "cleared1_$disk$pre_all_resize",
- post => "cleared2_$disk"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "parted -s $disk mklabel " .
+ $FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel}, "cleared1_$disk$pre_all_resize",
+ "cleared2_$disk" );
my $prev_id = -1;
# generate the commands for creating all partitions
- foreach my $part_id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} }) {
+ foreach my $part_id (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} })) {
# reference to the current partition
my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
# get the existing id
@@ -889,23 +773,18 @@
my $pre = "";
$pre = ",exist_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $prev_id) if ($prev_id > -1);
# build a parted command to create the partition
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "parted -s $disk mkpart $part_type $fs ${start}B ${end}B",
- pre => "cleared2_$disk$pre",
- post => "exist_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $part_id)
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "parted -s $disk mkpart $part_type $fs ${start}B
+ ${end}B", "cleared2_$disk$pre", "exist_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk,
+ $part_id) );
$prev_id = $part_id;
# set the bootable flag, if requested at all
if ($FAI::configs{$config}{bootable} > -1) {
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "parted -s $disk set " . $FAI::configs{$config}{bootable} . " boot on",
- pre => "exist_" . &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $FAI::configs{$config}{bootable}),
- post => "boot_set_$disk"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "parted -s $disk set " .
+ $FAI::configs{$config}{bootable} . " boot on", "exist_" .
+ &FAI::make_device_name($disk, $FAI::configs{$config}{bootable}),
+ "boot_set_$disk" );
@@ -929,7 +808,7 @@
&FAI::setup_partitions($config) unless ($FAI::configs{$config}{virtual});
# generate the commands for creating all filesystems
- foreach my $part_id ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} } ) {
+ foreach my $part_id (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} })) {
# reference to the current partition
my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
@@ -958,7 +837,7 @@
. $FAI::current_config{$disk}{disklabel}, 0, 0);
# generate the commands for creating all partitions
- foreach my $part_id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::current_config{$disk}{partitions} }) {
+ foreach my $part_id (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::current_config{$disk}{partitions} })) {
# reference to the current partition
my $curr_part = (\%FAI::current_config)->{$disk}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
@@ -1020,12 +899,8 @@
die "Cannot satisfy pre-depends for " . $FAI::commands{$i}{cmd} . ": " .
$FAI::commands{$i}{pre} . " -- system left untouched.\n";
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => $FAI::commands{$i}{cmd},
- pre => $FAI::commands{$i}{pre},
- post => $FAI::commands{$i}{post}
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( $FAI::commands{$i}{cmd}, $FAI::commands{$i}{pre},
+ $FAI::commands{$i}{post} );
delete $FAI::commands{$i};
Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/fstab.pm
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/fstab.pm 2008-06-02 12:38:37 UTC (rev 4926)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/fstab.pm 2008-06-02 15:16:54 UTC (rev 4927)
@@ -73,8 +73,55 @@
return join ("\t", @fstab_line);
+# @brief Obtain UUID and filesystem label information, if any.
+# @param device_name Full device name
+# @param key_type Type to be used (uuid, label, or device)
+# @return fstab key to be used
+sub get_fstab_key {
+ my ($device_name, $key_type) = @_;
+ ("uuid" eq $key_type) or ("label" eq $key_type) or ("device" eq $key_type) or
+ &FAI::internal_error("Invalid key type $key_type");
+ # write the device name as the first entry; if the user prefers uuids
+ # or labels, use these if available
+ my @uuid = ();
+ &FAI::execute_ro_command(
+ "/lib/udev/vol_id -u $device_name", \@uuid, 0);
+ # every device must have a uuid, otherwise this is an error (unless we
+ # are testing only)
+ ($FAI::no_dry_run == 0 || scalar (@uuid) == 1)
+ or die "Failed to obtain UUID for $device_name\n";
+ # get the label -- this is likely empty
+ my @label = ();
+ &FAI::execute_ro_command(
+ "/lib/udev/vol_id -l $device_name", \@label, 0);
+ # using the fstabkey value the desired device entry is defined
+ if ($key_type eq "uuid") {
+ chomp ($uuid[0]);
+ return "UUID=$uuid[0]";
+ } elsif ($key_type eq "label" && scalar(@label) == 1) {
+ chomp($label[0]);
+ return "LABEL=$label[0]";
+ } else {
+ # otherwise, use the usual device path
+ return $device_name;
+ }
# @brief this function generates the fstab file from our representation of the
# partitions to be created.
@@ -119,37 +166,6 @@
$device_name =~ "s#/#_#g";
$device_name = "/dev/mapper/crypt$device_name";
- # device key used for mounting
- my $fstab_key = "";
- # write the device name as the first entry; if the user prefers uuids
- # or labels, use these if available
- my @uuid = ();
- &FAI::execute_ro_command(
- "/lib/udev/vol_id -u $device_name", \@uuid, 0);
- # every device must have a uuid, otherwise this is an error (unless we
- # are testing only)
- ($FAI::no_dry_run == 0 || scalar (@uuid) == 1)
- or die "Failed to obtain UUID for $device_name\n";
- # get the label -- this is likely empty
- my @label = ();
- &FAI::execute_ro_command(
- "/lib/udev/vol_id -l $device_name", \@label, 0);
- # using the fstabkey value the desired device entry is defined
- if ($config->{$c}->{fstabkey} eq "uuid") {
- chomp ($uuid[0]);
- $fstab_key = "UUID=$uuid[0]";
- } elsif ($config->{$c}->{fstabkey} eq "label" && scalar(@label) == 1) {
- chomp($label[0]);
- $fstab_key = "LABEL=$label[0]";
- } else {
- # otherwise, use the usual device path
- $fstab_key = $device_name;
- }
# if the mount point is / or /boot, the variables should be set, unless
# they are already
@@ -162,10 +178,13 @@
$FAI::disk_var{BOOT_DEVICE} = $1;
- push @fstab, &FAI::create_fstab_line($p_ref, $fstab_key, $device_name);
+ push @fstab, &FAI::create_fstab_line($p_ref,
+ &FAI::get_fstab_key($device_name, $config->{$c}->{fstabkey}), $device_name);
} elsif ($c =~ /^VG_(.+)$/) {
+ next if ($1 eq "--ANY--");
my $device = $1;
# create a line in the output file for each logical volume
@@ -211,7 +230,8 @@
$FAI::disk_var{BOOT_DEVICE} = $device_name;
- push @fstab, &FAI::create_fstab_line($l_ref, $device_name, $device_name);
+ push @fstab, &FAI::create_fstab_line($l_ref,
+ &FAI::get_fstab_key($device_name, $config->{"VG_--ANY--"}->{fstabkey}), $device_name);
} elsif ($c eq "RAID") {
@@ -242,7 +262,8 @@
$FAI::disk_var{BOOT_DEVICE} = "$device_name";
- push @fstab, &FAI::create_fstab_line($r_ref, $device_name, $device_name);
+ push @fstab, &FAI::create_fstab_line($r_ref,
+ &FAI::get_fstab_key($device_name, $config->{RAID}->{fstabkey}), $device_name);
} else {
&FAI::internal_error("Unexpected key $c");
Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/init.pm
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/init.pm 2008-06-02 12:38:37 UTC (rev 4926)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/init.pm 2008-06-02 15:16:54 UTC (rev 4927)
@@ -124,6 +124,35 @@
+# @brief Add command to hash
+# @param cmd Command
+# @param pre Preconditions
+# @param post Postconditions
+sub push_command {
+ my ($cmd, $pre, $post) = @_;
+ $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
+ cmd => $cmd,
+ pre => $pre,
+ post => $post
+ };
+ $FAI::n_c_i++;
+# @brief Sort integer arrays
+sub numsort { return sort { $a <=> $b } @_; }
# @brief Check, whether $dev is a physical device, and extract sub-parts
# @param $dev Device string
Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/parser.pm
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/parser.pm 2008-06-02 12:38:37 UTC (rev 4926)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/parser.pm 2008-06-02 15:16:54 UTC (rev 4927)
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
if ($type eq "primary") {
# find all previously defined primary partitions
- foreach my $part_id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{partitions} }) {
+ foreach my $part_id (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{partitions} })) {
# break, if the partition has not been created by init_part_config
defined ($FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{partitions}{$part_id}{size}{extended}) or last;
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
# this branch, it has been ensured above
# find the index of the new partition, initialise it to the highest current index
- foreach my $part_id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{partitions} }) {
+ foreach my $part_id (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{partitions} })) {
# skip primary partitions
next if ($part_id < 5);
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
my $extended = 0;
# find all previously defined primary partitions
- foreach my $part_id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{partitions} }) {
+ foreach my $part_id (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{partitions} })) {
# break, if the partition has not been created by init_part_config
defined ($FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{partitions}{$part_id}{size}{extended}) or last;
@@ -316,7 +316,9 @@
# check, whether raid tools are available
&FAI::in_path("mdadm") or die "mdadm not found in PATH\n";
$FAI::device = "RAID";
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{fstabkey} = "device";
+ raid_option(s?)
| /^lvm/
@@ -325,7 +327,9 @@
# initialise $FAI::device to inform the following lines about the LVM
# being configured
$FAI::device = "VG_";
+ $FAI::configs{"VG_--ANY--"}{fstabkey} = "device";
+ lvm_option(s?)
| 'end'
# exit config mode
@@ -347,7 +351,60 @@
&FAI::init_disk_config($item[ 1 ]);
+ raid_option: /^preserve_always:(\d+(,\d+)*)/
+ {
+ # set the preserve flag for all ids in all cases
+ $FAI::configs{RAID}{volumes}{$_}{preserve} = 1 foreach (split (",", $1));
+ }
+ | /^preserve_reinstall:(\d+(,\d+)*)/
+ {
+ # set the preserve flag for all ids if $FAI::reinstall is set
+ if ($FAI::reinstall) {
+ $FAI::configs{RAID}{volumes}{$_}{preserve} = 1 foreach (split(",", $1));
+ }
+ }
+ | /^fstabkey:(device|label|uuid)/
+ {
+ # the information preferred for fstab device identifieres
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{fstabkey} = $1;
+ }
+ lvm_option: m{^preserve_always:([^/,\s\-]+-[^/,\s\-]+(,[^/,\s\-]+-[^/,\s\-]+)*)}
+ {
+ # set the preserve flag for all ids in all cases
+ foreach (split (",", $1)) {
+ (m{^([^/,\s\-]+)-([^/,\s\-]+)\s+}) or
+ die &FAI::internal_error("VG re-parse failed");
+ $FAI::configs{"VG_$1"}{volumes}{$2}{size}{preserve} = 1
+ }
+ }
+ | m{^preserve_reinstall:([^/,\s\-]+-[^/,\s\-]+(,[^/,\s\-]+-[^/,\s\-]+)*)}
+ {
+ # set the preserve flag for all ids if $FAI::reinstall is set
+ if ($FAI::reinstall) {
+ foreach (split (",", $1)) {
+ (m{^([^/,\s\-]+)-([^/,\s\-]+)\s+}) or
+ die &FAI::internal_error("VG re-parse failed");
+ $FAI::configs{"VG_$1"}{volumes}{$2}{size}{preserve} = 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ | m{^resize:([^/,\s\-]+-[^/,\s\-]+(,[^/,\s\-]+-[^/,\s\-]+)*)}
+ {
+ # set the resize flag for all ids
+ foreach (split (",", $1)) {
+ (m{^([^/,\s\-]+)-([^/,\s\-]+)\s+}) or
+ die &FAI::internal_error("VG re-parse failed");
+ $FAI::configs{"VG_$1"}{volumes}{$2}{size}{resize} = 1
+ }
+ }
+ | /^fstabkey:(device|label|uuid)/
+ {
+ # the information preferred for fstab device identifieres
+ $FAI::configs{"VG_--ANY--"}{fstabkey} = $1;
+ }
option: /^preserve_always:(\d+(,\d+)*)/
# set the preserve flag for all ids in all cases
@@ -421,7 +478,7 @@
# initialise a logical partition
&FAI::init_part_config($item[ 1 ]);
- | m{^([^/\s\-]+)-([^/\s\-]+)\s+}
+ | m{^([^/,\s\-]+)-([^/,\s\-]+)\s+}
# set $FAI::device to VG_$1
$FAI::device = "VG_$1";
@@ -429,13 +486,16 @@
defined ($FAI::configs{$FAI::device}) or
die "Volume group $1 has not been declared yet.\n";
# make sure, $2 has not been defined already
- defined ($FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{volumes}{$2}) and
+ defined ($FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{volumes}{$2}{size}{range}) and
die "Logical volume $2 has been defined already.\n";
# initialise the new hash
- $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{volumes}{$2} = {};
+ defined($FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{volumes}{$2}) or
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{volumes}{$2} = {};
# initialise the preserve and resize flags
- $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{volumes}{$2}{size}{preserve} = 0;
- $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{volumes}{$2}{size}{resize} = 0;
+ defined($FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{volumes}{$2}{size}{preserve}) or
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{volumes}{$2}{size}{preserve} = 0;
+ defined($FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{volumes}{$2}{size}{resize}) or
+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{volumes}{$2}{size}{resize} = 0;
# set the reference to the current volume
# the reference is used by all further processing of this config line
$FAI::partition_pointer = (\%FAI::configs)->{$FAI::device}->{volumes}->{$2};
@@ -466,7 +526,7 @@
- name: m{^([^/\s\-]+)}
+ name: m{^([^/,\s\-]+)}
# set the device name to VG_ and the name of the volume group
$FAI::device = "VG_$1";
Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/sizes.pm
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/sizes.pm 2008-06-02 12:38:37 UTC (rev 4926)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/sizes.pm 2008-06-02 15:16:54 UTC (rev 4927)
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@
# for RAID or physical disks there is nothing to be done here
next if ($config eq "RAID" || $config =~ /^PHY_./);
($config =~ /^VG_(.+)$/) or &FAI::internal_error("invalid config entry $config");
+ next if ($1 eq "--ANY--");
my $vg = $1; # the volume group name
# compute the size of the volume group; this is not exact, but should at
@@ -370,7 +371,7 @@
$part->{size}->{eff_size} = 0;
$part->{start_byte} = -1;
- foreach my $p (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} }) {
+ foreach my $p (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} })) {
next if ($p < 5);
$part->{start_byte} = $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{start_byte} -
@@ -586,7 +587,7 @@
my $current_extended = -1;
# find the first existing extended partition
- foreach my $part_id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $current_disk->{partitions} }) {
+ foreach my $part_id (&numsort(keys %{ $current_disk->{partitions} })) {
if ($current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{is_extended}) {
$current_extended = $part_id;
@@ -621,7 +622,7 @@
# the list of partitions that we need to find start and end bytes for
- my @worklist = (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} });
+ my @worklist = (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} }));
while (scalar (@worklist))
@@ -683,7 +684,7 @@
(defined ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$_}{start_byte})
&& defined ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$_}{end_byte}))
or &FAI::internal_error("start or end of partition $_ not set")
- foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} });
+ foreach (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} }));
Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/volumes.pm
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/volumes.pm 2008-06-02 12:38:37 UTC (rev 4926)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/volumes.pm 2008-06-02 15:16:54 UTC (rev 4927)
@@ -51,12 +51,7 @@
# make sure, $disk is a proper block device
(-b $disk) or die "$disk is not a block special device!\n";
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "true",
- pre => "",
- post => "exist_$disk"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "true", "", "exist_$disk" );
# initialise the hash
$FAI::current_config{$disk}{partitions} = {};
@@ -301,12 +296,7 @@
foreach my $vg (get_volume_group_list()) {
# initialise the hash entry
$FAI::current_lvm_config{$vg}{physical_volumes} = ();
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "true",
- pre => "",
- post => "vg_created_$vg"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "true", "", "vg_created_$vg" );
# store the vg size in MB
my %vg_info = get_volume_group_information($vg);
@@ -322,12 +312,7 @@
$FAI::current_lvm_config{$vg}{volumes}{$short_name}{size} =
&FAI::convert_unit($lv_info{$lv_name}->{lv_size} .
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "true",
- pre => "",
- post => "exist_/dev/$vg/$short_name"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "true", "", "exist_/dev/$vg/$short_name" );
# store the physical volumes
@@ -369,17 +354,84 @@
if ($line =~ /^ARRAY \/dev\/md(\d+) level=(\S+) num-devices=\d+ UUID=/) {
$id = $1;
$FAI::current_raid_config{$id}{mode} = $2;
- $FAI::commands{$FAI::n_c_i} = {
- cmd => "true",
- pre => "",
- post => "exist_/dev/md$id"
- };
- $FAI::n_c_i++;
+ &FAI::push_command( "true", "", "exist_/dev/md$id" );
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*devices=(\S+)$/) {
@{ $FAI::current_raid_config{$id}{devices} } = split (",", $1);
+# @brief Set the appropriate preserve flag for $device_name
+# @param device_name Full device path
+sub mark_preserve {
+ my ($device_name) = @_;
+ my ($i_p_d, $disk, $part_no) = &FAI::phys_dev($device_name);
+ if (1 == $i_p_d && defined($FAI::configs{"PHY_$disk"}{partitions}{$part_no})) {
+ $FAI::configs{"PHY_$disk"}{partitions}{$part_no}{size}{preserve} = 1;
+ } elsif ($device_name =~ m{^/dev/md(\d+)$}) {
+ my $vol = $1;
+ if (defined($FAI::configs{RAID}{volumes}{$vol}) &&
+ $FAI::configs{RAID}{volumes}{$vol}{preserve} != 1) {
+ $FAI::configs{RAID}{volumes}{$vol}{preserve} = 1;
+ &FAI::mark_preserve($_) foreach (keys %{ $FAI::configs{RAID}{volumes}{$vol}{devices} });
+ }
+ } elsif ($device_name =~ m{^/dev/([^/\s]+)/([^/\s]+)$}) {
+ my $vg = $1;
+ my $lv = $2;
+ if (defined($FAI::configs{"VG_$vg"}{volumes}{$lv}) &&
+ $FAI::configs{"VG_$vg"}{volumes}{$lv}{size}{preserve} != 1) {
+ $FAI::configs{"VG_$vg"}{volumes}{$lv}{size}{preserve} = 1;
+ &FAI::mark_preserve($_) foreach (keys %{ $FAI::configs{"VG_$vg"}{devices} });
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn "Don't know how to mark $device_name for preserve\n";
+ }
+# @brief Mark devices as preserve, in case an LVM volume or RAID device shall be
+# preserved
+sub propagate_preserve {
+ # loop through all configs
+ foreach my $config (keys %FAI::configs) {
+ # no physical devices here
+ next if ($config =~ /^PHY_./);
+ if ($config =~ /^VG_(.+)$/) {
+ next if ($1 eq "--ANY--");
+ # check for logical volumes that need to be preserved and preserve the
+ # underlying devices recursively
+ foreach my $l (keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes} }) {
+ next unless ($FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$l}{size}{preserve} == 1);
+ &FAI::mark_preserve($_) foreach (keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{devices} });
+ last;
+ }
+ } elsif ($config eq "RAID") {
+ # check for volumes that need to be preserved and preserve the underlying
+ # devices recursively
+ foreach my $r (keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes} }) {
+ next unless ($FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$r}{preserve} == 1);
+ &FAI::mark_preserve($_) foreach (keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$r}{devices} });
+ }
+ } else {
+ &FAI::internal_error("Unexpected key $config");
+ }
+ }
Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/setup-storage
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/setup-storage 2008-06-02 12:38:37 UTC (rev 4926)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/setup-storage 2008-06-02 15:16:54 UTC (rev 4927)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
package FAI;
-my $version = "0.1.4893";
+my $version = "0.9";
# command line parameter handling
use Getopt::Std;
@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@
warn "Starting setup-storage $version";
+# mark devices as preserve, where not all already done so
# read the sizes and partition tables of all disks listed in $FAI::disks
@@ -162,13 +165,13 @@
# run all commands
# debugging only: print the command script
-$FAI::debug and print "$_:" . $FAI::commands{$_}{cmd} . "\n" foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %FAI::commands);
+$FAI::debug and print "$_:" . $FAI::commands{$_}{cmd} . "\n" foreach (&numsort(keys %FAI::commands));
# run the commands (if $FAI::no_dry_run is set)
# load the modules to support encryption
`modprobe aes`;
`modprobe dm-crypt`;
-&FAI::execute_command($FAI::commands{$_}{cmd}) foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %FAI::commands);
+&FAI::execute_command($FAI::commands{$_}{cmd}) foreach (&numsort(keys %FAI::commands));
# generate the proposed fstab contents
# wait for udev to set up all devices
Modified: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/setup-storage.8
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/setup-storage.8 2008-06-02 12:38:37 UTC (rev 4926)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/setup-storage.8 2008-06-02 15:16:54 UTC (rev 4927)
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@
comment ::= #.*
-config ::= disk_config lvm
- | disk_config raid
+config ::= disk_config lvm( <lvmoption>)*
+ | disk_config raid( <raidoption>)*
| disk_config end
| disk_config disk[[:digit:]]+( <option>)*
| disk_config [^[:space:]]+( <option>)*
@@ -144,6 +144,30 @@
* path is assumed to be /dev/hda */
| <volume>
+lvmoption ::= /* empty */
+ | preserve_always:[[:digit:]]+(,[[:digit:]]+)*
+ /* preserve partitions -- always */
+ | preserve_reinstall:[[:digit:]]+(,[[:digit:]]+)*
+ /* preserve partitions -- unless the system is installed for the
+ first time */
+ | resize:[[:digit:]]+(,[[:digit:]]+)*
+ /* attempt to resize partitions */
+ | fstabkey:(device|label|uuid)
+ /* when creating the fstab, the key used for defining the device
+ may be the device (/dev/xxx), a label given using -L, or the uuid
+ */
+raidoption ::= /* empty */
+ | preserve_always:[[:digit:]]+(,[[:digit:]]+)*
+ /* preserve partitions -- always */
+ | preserve_reinstall:[[:digit:]]+(,[[:digit:]]+)*
+ /* preserve partitions -- unless the system is installed for the
+ first time */
+ | fstabkey:(device|label|uuid)
+ /* when creating the fstab, the key used for defining the device
+ may be the device (/dev/xxx), a label given using -L, or the uuid
+ */
option ::= /* empty */
| preserve_always:[[:digit:]]+(,[[:digit:]]+)*
/* preserve partitions -- always */
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