[Fai-commit] r4954 - people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib trunk/lib/setup-storage
lange at alioth.debian.org
lange at alioth.debian.org
Thu Jun 12 11:37:52 UTC 2008
Author: lange
Date: 2008-06-12 11:37:51 +0000 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 4954
moving setup-storage to trunk
Deleted: people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/sizes.pm
--- people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/sizes.pm 2008-06-12 11:37:48 UTC (rev 4953)
+++ people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/sizes.pm 2008-06-12 11:37:51 UTC (rev 4954)
@@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as
-# `/usr/share/common-licences/GPL' in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
-# or on the World Wide Web at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. You
-# can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-use strict;
-# @file sizes.pm
-# @brief Compute the size of the partitions and volumes to be created
-# $Id$
-# @author Christian Kern, Michael Tautschnig
-# @date Sun Jul 23 16:09:36 CEST 2006
-package FAI;
-# @brief Build an array $start,$end from ($start-$end)
-# @param $rstr Range string
-# @param $size Size and unit
-# @return ($start,$end) in bytes
-sub make_range {
- use POSIX qw(ceil floor);
- my ($rstr, $size) = @_;
- # convert size to Bytes
- my $size_b = &FAI::convert_unit($size) * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
- # check the format of the string
- ($rstr =~ /^(\d+(\.\d+)?%?)-(\d+(\.\d+)?%?)$/) or &FAI::internal_error("Invalid range");
- my ($start, $end) = ($1, $3);
- # start may be given in percents of the size
- if ($start =~ /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)%$/) {
- # rewrite it to bytes
- $start = POSIX::floor($size_b * $1 / 100);
- } else {
- # it is given in megabytes, make it bytes
- $start = $start * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
- }
- # end may be given in percents of the size
- if ( $end =~ /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)%$/ ) {
- # rewrite it to bytes
- $end = POSIX::ceil($size_b * $1 / 100);
- } else {
- # it is given in megabytes, make it bytes
- $end = $end * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
- }
- # make sure that $end >= $start
- ($end >= $start) or &FAI::internal_error("end < start");
- return ($start, $end);
-# @brief Estimate the size of the device $dev
-# @param $dev Device the size of which should be determined. This may be a
-# a partition, a RAID device or an entire disk.
-# @return the size of the device in megabytes
-sub estimate_size {
- my ($dev) = @_;
- # try the entire disk first; we then use the data from the current
- # configuration; this matches in fact for than the allowable strings, but
- # this should be caught later on
- my ($i_p_d, $disk, $part_no) = &FAI::phys_dev($dev);
- if (1 == $i_p_d && -1 == $part_no) {
- defined ($FAI::current_config{$dev}{end_byte})
- or die "$dev is not a valid block device\n";
- # the size is known, return it
- return ($FAI::current_config{$dev}{end_byte} -
- $FAI::current_config{$dev}{begin_byte}) / (1024 * 1024);
- }
- # try a partition
- elsif (1 == $i_p_d && $part_no > -1) {
- # the size is configured, return it
- defined ($FAI::configs{"PHY_$disk"}{partitions}{$part_no}{size}{eff_size})
- and return $FAI::configs{"PHY_$disk"}{partitions}{$part_no}{size}{eff_size} /
- (1024 * 1024);
- # the size is known from the current configuration on disk, return it
- defined ($FAI::current_config{$disk}{partitions}{$part_no}{count_byte})
- and return $FAI::current_config{$disk}{partitions}{$part_no}{count_byte} /
- (1024 * 1024);
- # the size is not known (yet?)
- warn "Cannot determine size of $dev\n";
- return 0;
- }
- # try RAID; estimations here are very limited and possible imprecise
- elsif ($dev =~ /^\/dev\/md(\d+)$/) {
- # the list of underlying devices
- my @devs = ();
- # the raid level, like raid0, raid5, linear, etc.
- my $level = "";
- # let's see, whether there is a configuration of this volume
- if (defined ($FAI::configs{RAID}{volumes}{$1}{devices})) {
- @devs = keys %{ $FAI::configs{RAID}{volumes}{$1}{devices} };
- $level = $FAI::configs{RAID}{volumes}{$1}{mode};
- } elsif (defined ($FAI::current_raid_config{$1}{devices})) {
- @devs = $FAI::current_raid_config{$1}{devices};
- $level = $FAI::current_raid_config{$1}{mode};
- } else {
- die "$dev is not a known RAID device\n";
- }
- # prepend "raid", if the mode is numeric-only
- $level = "raid$level" if ($level =~ /^\d+$/);
- # the number of devices in the volume
- my $dev_count = scalar (@devs);
- # now do the mode-specific size estimations
- if ($level =~ /^raid[015]$/) {
- my $min_size = &estimate_size(shift @devs);
- foreach (@devs) {
- my $s = &FAI::estimate_size($_);
- $min_size = $s if ($s < $min_size);
- }
- return $min_size * POSIX::floor($dev_count / 2)
- if ($level eq "raid1");
- return $min_size * $dev_count if ($level eq "raid0");
- return $min_size * ($dev_count - 1) if ($level eq "raid5");
- } else {
- # probably some more should be implemented
- die "Don't know how to estimate the size of a $level device\n";
- }
- }
- # otherwise we are clueless
- else {
- die "Cannot determine size of $dev - scheme unknown\n";
- }
-# @brief Compute the desired sizes of logical volumes
-sub compute_lv_sizes {
- # loop through all device configurations
- foreach my $config (keys %FAI::configs) {
- # for RAID or physical disks there is nothing to be done here
- next if ($config eq "RAID" || $config =~ /^PHY_./);
- ($config =~ /^VG_(.+)$/) or &FAI::internal_error("invalid config entry $config");
- next if ($1 eq "--ANY--");
- my $vg = $1; # the volume group name
- # compute the size of the volume group; this is not exact, but should at
- # least give a rough estimation, we assume 1 % of overhead; the value is
- # stored in megabytes
- my $vg_size = 0;
- foreach my $dev (keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{devices} }) {
- # $dev may be a partition, an entire disk or a RAID device; otherwise we
- # cannot deal with it
- $vg_size += &FAI::estimate_size($dev);
- }
- # now subtract 1% of overhead
- $vg_size *= 0.99;
- # the volumes that require redistribution of free space
- my @redist_list = ();
- # the minimum and maximum space required in this volume group
- my $min_space = 0;
- my $max_space = 0;
- # set effective sizes where available
- foreach my $lv (keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes} }) {
- # reference to the size of the current logical volume
- my $lv_size = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{volumes}->{$lv}->{size};
- # get the effective sizes (in Bytes) from the range
- my ($start, $end) = &FAI::make_range($lv_size->{range}, "${vg_size}MB");
- # make them MB
- $start /= 1024.0 * 1024.0;
- $end /= 1024.0 * 1024.0;
- # increase the used space
- $min_space += $start;
- $max_space += $end;
- # write back the range in MB
- $lv_size->{range} = "$start-$end";
- # the size is fixed
- if ($start == $end) {
- # write the size back to the configuration
- $lv_size->{eff_size} = $start;
- } else {
- # add this volume to the redistribution list
- push @redist_list, $lv;
- }
- }
- # test, whether the configuration fits on the volume group at all
- ($min_space < $vg_size)
- or die "Volume group $vg requires $min_space MB, but available space was estimated to be $vg_size\n";
- # the extension factor
- my $redist_factor = 0;
- $redist_factor = ($vg_size - $min_space) / ($max_space - $min_space)
- if ($max_space > $min_space);
- # update all sizes that are still ranges
- foreach my $lv (@redist_list) {
- # get the range again
- my ($start, $end) =
- &FAI::make_range($FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$lv}{size}{range}, "${vg_size}MB");
- # make them MB
- $start /= 1024.0 * 1024.0;
- $end /= 1024.0 * 1024.0;
- # write the final size
- $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$lv}{size}{eff_size} =
- $start + (($end - $start) * $redist_factor);
- }
- }
-# @brief Handle preserved partitions while computing the size of partitions
-# @param $part_id Partition id within $config
-# @param $config Disk config
-# @param $current_disk Current config of this disk
-# @param $next_start Start of the next partition
-# @param $min_req_total_space Minimum space required on disk
-# @return Updated values of ($next_start, $min_req_total_space)
-sub do_partition_preserve {
- my ($part_id, $config, $current_disk, $next_start, $min_req_total_space) = @_;
- # reference to the current partition
- my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
- # a partition that should be preserved must exist already
- defined($current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id})
- or die "$part_id can't be preserved, it does not exist.\n";
- my $curr_part = $current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id};
- ($next_start > $curr_part->{begin_byte})
- and die "Previous partitions overflow begin of preserved partition $part_id\n";
- # set the effective size to the value known already
- $part->{size}->{eff_size} = $curr_part->{count_byte};
- # copy the start_byte and end_byte information
- $part->{start_byte} = $curr_part->{begin_byte};
- $part->{end_byte} = $curr_part->{end_byte};
- # and add it to the total disk space required by this config
- $min_req_total_space += $part->{size}->{eff_size};
- # set the next start
- $next_start = $part->{end_byte} + 1;
- # several msdos specific parts
- if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos") {
- # make sure the partition ends at a cylinder boundary
- (0 == ($curr_part->{end_byte} + 1)
- % ($current_disk->{sector_size} *
- $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
- $current_disk->{bios_heads})) or
- die "Preserved partition $part_id does not end at a cylinder boundary\n";
- # add one head of disk usage if this is a logical partition
- $min_req_total_space += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
- $current_disk->{sector_size} if ($part_id > 4);
- # extended partitions consume no space
- if ($part->{size}->{extended}) {
- # revert the addition of the size
- $min_req_total_space -= $part->{size}->{eff_size};
- # set the next start to the start of the extended partition
- $next_start = $part->{start_byte};
- }
- }
- # on gpt, ensure that the partition ends at a sector boundary
- if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "gpt") {
- (0 == ($current_disk->{partitions}{$part_id}{end_byte} + 1)
- % $current_disk->{sector_size})
- or die "Preserved partition $part_id does not end at a sector boundary\n";
- }
- return ($next_start, $min_req_total_space);
-# @brief Handle extended partitions while computing the size of partitions
-# @param $part_id Partition id within $config
-# @param $config Disk config
-# @param $current_disk Current config of this disk
-sub do_partition_extended {
- my ($part_id, $config, $current_disk) = @_;
- # reference to the current partition
- my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
- ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
- or die "found an extended partition on a non-msdos disklabel\n";
- # ensure that it is a primary partition
- ($part_id <= 4) or
- &FAI::internal_error("Extended partition wouldn't be a primary one");
- my $epbr_size = $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
- $current_disk->{sector_size};
- # initialise the size and the start byte
- $part->{size}->{eff_size} = 0;
- $part->{start_byte} = -1;
- foreach my $p (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} })) {
- next if ($p < 5);
- $part->{start_byte} = $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{start_byte} -
- $epbr_size if (-1 == $part->{start_byte});
- $part->{size}->{eff_size} += $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{eff_size} +
- $epbr_size;
- $part->{end_byte} = $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{end_byte};
- }
- ($part->{size}->{eff_size} > 0)
- or die "Extended partition has a size of 0\n";
-# @brief Handle all other partitions while computing the size of partitions
-# @param $part_id Partition id within $config
-# @param $config Disk config
-# @param $current_disk Current config of this disk
-# @param $next_start Start of the next partition
-# @param $min_req_total_space Minimum space required on disk
-# @param $worklist Reference to the remaining partitions
-# @return Updated values of ($next_start, $min_req_total_space)
-sub do_partition_real {
- my ($part_id, $config, $current_disk, $next_start, $min_req_total_space,
- $worklist) = @_;
- # reference to the current partition
- my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
- my ($start, $end) = &FAI::make_range($part->{size}->{range},
- $current_disk->{size} . "B");
- # check, whether the size is fixed
- if ($end != $start) {
- # the end of the current range (may be the end of the disk or some
- # preserved partition or an ntfs volume to be resized)
- my $end_of_range = -1;
- # minimum space required by all partitions, i.e., the lower ends of the
- # ranges
- # $min_req_space counts up to the next preserved partition or the
- # end of the disk
- my $min_req_space = 0;
- # maximum useful space
- my $max_space = 0;
- # inspect all remaining entries in the worklist
- foreach my $p (@{$worklist}) {
- # we have found the delimiter
- if ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{preserve} ||
- ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{resize} &&
- ($current_disk->{partitions}->{$p}->{filesystem} eq "ntfs"))) {
- $end_of_range = $current_disk->{partitions}->{$p}->{begin_byte};
- # logical partitions require the space for the EPBR to be left
- # out
- if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
- && ($p > 4)) {
- $end_of_range -= $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
- $current_disk->{sector_size};
- }
- last;
- } elsif ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{extended}) {
- next;
- } else {
- my ($min_size, $max_size) = &FAI::make_range(
- $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{range},
- $current_disk->{size} . "B");
- # logical partitions require the space for the EPBR to be left
- # out
- if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
- && ($p > 4)) {
- $min_size += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
- $current_disk->{sector_size};
- $max_size += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
- $current_disk->{sector_size};
- }
- $min_req_space += $min_size;
- $max_space += $max_size;
- }
- }
- # set the end if we have reached the end of the disk
- $end_of_range = $current_disk->{end_byte} if (-1 == $end_of_range);
- my $available_space = $end_of_range - $next_start + 1;
- # the next boundary is closer than the minimal space that we need
- ($available_space < $min_req_space)
- and die "Insufficient space available for partition $part_id\n";
- # the new size
- my $scaled_size = $end;
- $scaled_size = POSIX::floor(($end - $start) *
- (($available_space - $min_req_space) /
- ($max_space - $min_req_space))) + $start
- if ($max_space > $available_space);
- ($scaled_size >= $start)
- or &FAI::internal_error("scaled size is smaller than the desired minimum");
- $start = $scaled_size;
- $end = $start;
- }
- # now we compute the effective locations on the disk
- # msdos specific offset for logical partitions
- if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
- && ($part_id > 4)) {
- # add one head of disk usage if this is a logical partition
- $min_req_total_space += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
- $current_disk->{sector_size};
- # move the start byte as well
- $next_start += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
- $current_disk->{sector_size};
- }
- # partition starts at where we currently are, or remains fixed in case of
- # resized ntfs
- if ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$part_id}{size}{resize} &&
- ($current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{filesystem} eq "ntfs")) {
- ($next_start <= $current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{begin_byte})
- or die "Cannot preserve start byte of ntfs volume on partition $part_id, space before it is too small\n";
- $next_start = $current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{begin_byte};
- }
- $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$part_id}{start_byte} =
- $next_start;
- # the end may need some alignment, depending on the disk label
- my $end_byte = $next_start + $start - 1;
- # on msdos, ensure that the partition ends at a cylinder boundary
- if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos") {
- $end_byte -=
- ($end_byte + 1) % ($current_disk->{sector_size} *
- $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
- $current_disk->{bios_heads});
- }
- # on gpt, ensure that the partition ends at a sector boundary
- if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "gpt") {
- $end_byte -=
- ($end_byte + 1) % $current_disk->{sector_size};
- }
- # set $start and $end to the effective values
- $start = $end_byte - $next_start + 1;
- $end = $start;
- # write back the size spec in bytes
- $part->{size}->{range} = $start . "-" . $end;
- # then set eff_size to a proper value
- $part->{size}->{eff_size} = $start;
- # write the end byte to the configuration
- $part->{end_byte} = $end_byte;
- # and add it to the total disk space required by this config
- $min_req_total_space += $part->{size}->{eff_size};
- # set the next start
- $next_start = $part->{end_byte} + 1;
- return ($next_start, $min_req_total_space);
-# @brief Compute the desired sizes of the partitions and test feasibility
-# thereof.
-sub compute_partition_sizes
- # loop through all device configurations
- foreach my $config (keys %FAI::configs) {
- # for RAID or LVM, there is nothing to be done here
- next if ($config eq "RAID" || $config =~ /^VG_./);
- ($config =~ /^PHY_(.+)$/) or &FAI::internal_error("invalid config entry $config");
- # nothing to be done, if this is a configuration for a virtual disk
- next if $FAI::configs{$config}{virtual};
- my $disk = $1; # the device name of the disk
- # test, whether $disk is a block special device
- (-b $disk) or die "$disk is not a valid device name\n";
- # reference to the current disk config
- my $current_disk = $FAI::current_config{$disk};
- # at various points the following code highly depends on the desired disk label!
- # initialise variables
- # the id of the extended partition to be created, if required
- my $extended = -1;
- # the id of the current extended partition, if any; this setup only caters
- # for a single existing extended partition!
- my $current_extended = -1;
- # find the first existing extended partition
- foreach my $part_id (&numsort(keys %{ $current_disk->{partitions} })) {
- if ($current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{is_extended}) {
- $current_extended = $part_id;
- last;
- }
- }
- # the space required on the disk
- my $min_req_total_space = 0;
- # the start byte for the next partition
- my $next_start = 0;
- # on msdos disk labels, the first partitions starts at head #1
- if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos") {
- $next_start = $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
- $current_disk->{sector_size};
- # the MBR requires space, too
- $min_req_total_space += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
- $current_disk->{sector_size};
- }
- # on GPT disk labels the first 34 and last 34 sectors must be left alone
- if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "gpt") {
- $next_start = 34 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
- # modify the disk to claim the space for the second partition table
- $current_disk->{end_byte} -= 34 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
- # the space required by the GPTs
- $min_req_total_space += 2 * 34 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
- }
- # the list of partitions that we need to find start and end bytes for
- my @worklist = (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} }));
- while (scalar (@worklist))
- {
- # work on the first entry of the list
- my $part_id = $worklist[0];
- # reference to the current partition
- my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
- # the partition $part_id must be preserved
- if ($part->{size}->{preserve}) {
- ($next_start, $min_req_total_space) = &FAI::do_partition_preserve($part_id,
- $config, $current_disk, $next_start, $min_req_total_space);
- # partition done
- shift @worklist;
- }
- # msdos specific: deal with extended partitions
- elsif ($part->{size}->{extended}) {
- # make sure that there is only one extended partition
- ($extended == -1 || 1 == scalar (@worklist))
- or &FAI::internal_error("More than 1 extended partition");
- # set the local variable to this id
- $extended = $part_id;
- # the size cannot be determined now, push it to the end of the
- # worklist; the check against $extended being == -1 ensures that
- # there is no indefinite loop
- if (scalar (@worklist) > 1) {
- push @worklist, shift @worklist;
- next;
- }
- # determine the size of the extended partition
- &FAI::do_partition_extended($part_id, $config, $current_disk);
- # partition done
- shift @worklist;
- } else {
- ($next_start, $min_req_total_space) = &FAI::do_partition_real($part_id,
- $config, $current_disk, $next_start, $min_req_total_space, \@worklist);
- # partition done
- shift @worklist;
- }
- }
- # check, whether there is sufficient space on the disk
- ($min_req_total_space > $current_disk->{size})
- and die "Disk $disk is too small - at least $min_req_total_space bytes are required\n";
- # make sure, extended partitions are only created on msdos disklabels
- ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} ne "msdos" && $extended > -1)
- and &FAI::internal_error("extended partitions are not supported by this disklabel");
- # ensure that we have done our work
- (defined ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$_}{start_byte})
- && defined ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$_}{end_byte}))
- or &FAI::internal_error("start or end of partition $_ not set")
- foreach (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} }));
- }
Copied: trunk/lib/setup-storage/Sizes.pm (from rev 4953, people/michael/features/setup_harddisks_2/implementation/lib/sizes.pm)
--- trunk/lib/setup-storage/Sizes.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/lib/setup-storage/Sizes.pm 2008-06-12 11:37:51 UTC (rev 4954)
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as
+# `/usr/share/common-licences/GPL' in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
+# or on the World Wide Web at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. You
+# can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+use strict;
+# @file sizes.pm
+# @brief Compute the size of the partitions and volumes to be created
+# $Id$
+# @author Christian Kern, Michael Tautschnig
+# @date Sun Jul 23 16:09:36 CEST 2006
+package FAI;
+# @brief Build an array $start,$end from ($start-$end)
+# @param $rstr Range string
+# @param $size Size and unit
+# @return ($start,$end) in bytes
+sub make_range {
+ use POSIX qw(ceil floor);
+ my ($rstr, $size) = @_;
+ # convert size to Bytes
+ my $size_b = &FAI::convert_unit($size) * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
+ # check the format of the string
+ ($rstr =~ /^(\d+(\.\d+)?%?)-(\d+(\.\d+)?%?)$/) or &FAI::internal_error("Invalid range");
+ my ($start, $end) = ($1, $3);
+ # start may be given in percents of the size
+ if ($start =~ /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)%$/) {
+ # rewrite it to bytes
+ $start = POSIX::floor($size_b * $1 / 100);
+ } else {
+ # it is given in megabytes, make it bytes
+ $start = $start * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
+ }
+ # end may be given in percents of the size
+ if ( $end =~ /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)%$/ ) {
+ # rewrite it to bytes
+ $end = POSIX::ceil($size_b * $1 / 100);
+ } else {
+ # it is given in megabytes, make it bytes
+ $end = $end * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
+ }
+ # make sure that $end >= $start
+ ($end >= $start) or &FAI::internal_error("end < start");
+ return ($start, $end);
+# @brief Estimate the size of the device $dev
+# @param $dev Device the size of which should be determined. This may be a
+# a partition, a RAID device or an entire disk.
+# @return the size of the device in megabytes
+sub estimate_size {
+ my ($dev) = @_;
+ # try the entire disk first; we then use the data from the current
+ # configuration; this matches in fact for than the allowable strings, but
+ # this should be caught later on
+ my ($i_p_d, $disk, $part_no) = &FAI::phys_dev($dev);
+ if (1 == $i_p_d && -1 == $part_no) {
+ defined ($FAI::current_config{$dev}{end_byte})
+ or die "$dev is not a valid block device\n";
+ # the size is known, return it
+ return ($FAI::current_config{$dev}{end_byte} -
+ $FAI::current_config{$dev}{begin_byte}) / (1024 * 1024);
+ }
+ # try a partition
+ elsif (1 == $i_p_d && $part_no > -1) {
+ # the size is configured, return it
+ defined ($FAI::configs{"PHY_$disk"}{partitions}{$part_no}{size}{eff_size})
+ and return $FAI::configs{"PHY_$disk"}{partitions}{$part_no}{size}{eff_size} /
+ (1024 * 1024);
+ # the size is known from the current configuration on disk, return it
+ defined ($FAI::current_config{$disk}{partitions}{$part_no}{count_byte})
+ and return $FAI::current_config{$disk}{partitions}{$part_no}{count_byte} /
+ (1024 * 1024);
+ # the size is not known (yet?)
+ warn "Cannot determine size of $dev\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # try RAID; estimations here are very limited and possible imprecise
+ elsif ($dev =~ /^\/dev\/md(\d+)$/) {
+ # the list of underlying devices
+ my @devs = ();
+ # the raid level, like raid0, raid5, linear, etc.
+ my $level = "";
+ # let's see, whether there is a configuration of this volume
+ if (defined ($FAI::configs{RAID}{volumes}{$1}{devices})) {
+ @devs = keys %{ $FAI::configs{RAID}{volumes}{$1}{devices} };
+ $level = $FAI::configs{RAID}{volumes}{$1}{mode};
+ } elsif (defined ($FAI::current_raid_config{$1}{devices})) {
+ @devs = $FAI::current_raid_config{$1}{devices};
+ $level = $FAI::current_raid_config{$1}{mode};
+ } else {
+ die "$dev is not a known RAID device\n";
+ }
+ # prepend "raid", if the mode is numeric-only
+ $level = "raid$level" if ($level =~ /^\d+$/);
+ # the number of devices in the volume
+ my $dev_count = scalar (@devs);
+ # now do the mode-specific size estimations
+ if ($level =~ /^raid[015]$/) {
+ my $min_size = &estimate_size(shift @devs);
+ foreach (@devs) {
+ my $s = &FAI::estimate_size($_);
+ $min_size = $s if ($s < $min_size);
+ }
+ return $min_size * POSIX::floor($dev_count / 2)
+ if ($level eq "raid1");
+ return $min_size * $dev_count if ($level eq "raid0");
+ return $min_size * ($dev_count - 1) if ($level eq "raid5");
+ } else {
+ # probably some more should be implemented
+ die "Don't know how to estimate the size of a $level device\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # otherwise we are clueless
+ else {
+ die "Cannot determine size of $dev - scheme unknown\n";
+ }
+# @brief Compute the desired sizes of logical volumes
+sub compute_lv_sizes {
+ # loop through all device configurations
+ foreach my $config (keys %FAI::configs) {
+ # for RAID or physical disks there is nothing to be done here
+ next if ($config eq "RAID" || $config =~ /^PHY_./);
+ ($config =~ /^VG_(.+)$/) or &FAI::internal_error("invalid config entry $config");
+ next if ($1 eq "--ANY--");
+ my $vg = $1; # the volume group name
+ # compute the size of the volume group; this is not exact, but should at
+ # least give a rough estimation, we assume 1 % of overhead; the value is
+ # stored in megabytes
+ my $vg_size = 0;
+ foreach my $dev (keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{devices} }) {
+ # $dev may be a partition, an entire disk or a RAID device; otherwise we
+ # cannot deal with it
+ $vg_size += &FAI::estimate_size($dev);
+ }
+ # now subtract 1% of overhead
+ $vg_size *= 0.99;
+ # the volumes that require redistribution of free space
+ my @redist_list = ();
+ # the minimum and maximum space required in this volume group
+ my $min_space = 0;
+ my $max_space = 0;
+ # set effective sizes where available
+ foreach my $lv (keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes} }) {
+ # reference to the size of the current logical volume
+ my $lv_size = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{volumes}->{$lv}->{size};
+ # get the effective sizes (in Bytes) from the range
+ my ($start, $end) = &FAI::make_range($lv_size->{range}, "${vg_size}MB");
+ # make them MB
+ $start /= 1024.0 * 1024.0;
+ $end /= 1024.0 * 1024.0;
+ # increase the used space
+ $min_space += $start;
+ $max_space += $end;
+ # write back the range in MB
+ $lv_size->{range} = "$start-$end";
+ # the size is fixed
+ if ($start == $end) {
+ # write the size back to the configuration
+ $lv_size->{eff_size} = $start;
+ } else {
+ # add this volume to the redistribution list
+ push @redist_list, $lv;
+ }
+ }
+ # test, whether the configuration fits on the volume group at all
+ ($min_space < $vg_size)
+ or die "Volume group $vg requires $min_space MB, but available space was estimated to be $vg_size\n";
+ # the extension factor
+ my $redist_factor = 0;
+ $redist_factor = ($vg_size - $min_space) / ($max_space - $min_space)
+ if ($max_space > $min_space);
+ # update all sizes that are still ranges
+ foreach my $lv (@redist_list) {
+ # get the range again
+ my ($start, $end) =
+ &FAI::make_range($FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$lv}{size}{range}, "${vg_size}MB");
+ # make them MB
+ $start /= 1024.0 * 1024.0;
+ $end /= 1024.0 * 1024.0;
+ # write the final size
+ $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$lv}{size}{eff_size} =
+ $start + (($end - $start) * $redist_factor);
+ }
+ }
+# @brief Handle preserved partitions while computing the size of partitions
+# @param $part_id Partition id within $config
+# @param $config Disk config
+# @param $current_disk Current config of this disk
+# @param $next_start Start of the next partition
+# @param $min_req_total_space Minimum space required on disk
+# @return Updated values of ($next_start, $min_req_total_space)
+sub do_partition_preserve {
+ my ($part_id, $config, $current_disk, $next_start, $min_req_total_space) = @_;
+ # reference to the current partition
+ my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
+ # a partition that should be preserved must exist already
+ defined($current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id})
+ or die "$part_id can't be preserved, it does not exist.\n";
+ my $curr_part = $current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id};
+ ($next_start > $curr_part->{begin_byte})
+ and die "Previous partitions overflow begin of preserved partition $part_id\n";
+ # set the effective size to the value known already
+ $part->{size}->{eff_size} = $curr_part->{count_byte};
+ # copy the start_byte and end_byte information
+ $part->{start_byte} = $curr_part->{begin_byte};
+ $part->{end_byte} = $curr_part->{end_byte};
+ # and add it to the total disk space required by this config
+ $min_req_total_space += $part->{size}->{eff_size};
+ # set the next start
+ $next_start = $part->{end_byte} + 1;
+ # several msdos specific parts
+ if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos") {
+ # make sure the partition ends at a cylinder boundary
+ (0 == ($curr_part->{end_byte} + 1)
+ % ($current_disk->{sector_size} *
+ $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
+ $current_disk->{bios_heads})) or
+ die "Preserved partition $part_id does not end at a cylinder boundary\n";
+ # add one head of disk usage if this is a logical partition
+ $min_req_total_space += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
+ $current_disk->{sector_size} if ($part_id > 4);
+ # extended partitions consume no space
+ if ($part->{size}->{extended}) {
+ # revert the addition of the size
+ $min_req_total_space -= $part->{size}->{eff_size};
+ # set the next start to the start of the extended partition
+ $next_start = $part->{start_byte};
+ }
+ }
+ # on gpt, ensure that the partition ends at a sector boundary
+ if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "gpt") {
+ (0 == ($current_disk->{partitions}{$part_id}{end_byte} + 1)
+ % $current_disk->{sector_size})
+ or die "Preserved partition $part_id does not end at a sector boundary\n";
+ }
+ return ($next_start, $min_req_total_space);
+# @brief Handle extended partitions while computing the size of partitions
+# @param $part_id Partition id within $config
+# @param $config Disk config
+# @param $current_disk Current config of this disk
+sub do_partition_extended {
+ my ($part_id, $config, $current_disk) = @_;
+ # reference to the current partition
+ my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
+ ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
+ or die "found an extended partition on a non-msdos disklabel\n";
+ # ensure that it is a primary partition
+ ($part_id <= 4) or
+ &FAI::internal_error("Extended partition wouldn't be a primary one");
+ my $epbr_size = $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
+ $current_disk->{sector_size};
+ # initialise the size and the start byte
+ $part->{size}->{eff_size} = 0;
+ $part->{start_byte} = -1;
+ foreach my $p (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} })) {
+ next if ($p < 5);
+ $part->{start_byte} = $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{start_byte} -
+ $epbr_size if (-1 == $part->{start_byte});
+ $part->{size}->{eff_size} += $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{eff_size} +
+ $epbr_size;
+ $part->{end_byte} = $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{end_byte};
+ }
+ ($part->{size}->{eff_size} > 0)
+ or die "Extended partition has a size of 0\n";
+# @brief Handle all other partitions while computing the size of partitions
+# @param $part_id Partition id within $config
+# @param $config Disk config
+# @param $current_disk Current config of this disk
+# @param $next_start Start of the next partition
+# @param $min_req_total_space Minimum space required on disk
+# @param $worklist Reference to the remaining partitions
+# @return Updated values of ($next_start, $min_req_total_space)
+sub do_partition_real {
+ my ($part_id, $config, $current_disk, $next_start, $min_req_total_space,
+ $worklist) = @_;
+ # reference to the current partition
+ my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
+ my ($start, $end) = &FAI::make_range($part->{size}->{range},
+ $current_disk->{size} . "B");
+ # check, whether the size is fixed
+ if ($end != $start) {
+ # the end of the current range (may be the end of the disk or some
+ # preserved partition or an ntfs volume to be resized)
+ my $end_of_range = -1;
+ # minimum space required by all partitions, i.e., the lower ends of the
+ # ranges
+ # $min_req_space counts up to the next preserved partition or the
+ # end of the disk
+ my $min_req_space = 0;
+ # maximum useful space
+ my $max_space = 0;
+ # inspect all remaining entries in the worklist
+ foreach my $p (@{$worklist}) {
+ # we have found the delimiter
+ if ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{preserve} ||
+ ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{resize} &&
+ ($current_disk->{partitions}->{$p}->{filesystem} eq "ntfs"))) {
+ $end_of_range = $current_disk->{partitions}->{$p}->{begin_byte};
+ # logical partitions require the space for the EPBR to be left
+ # out
+ if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
+ && ($p > 4)) {
+ $end_of_range -= $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
+ $current_disk->{sector_size};
+ }
+ last;
+ } elsif ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{extended}) {
+ next;
+ } else {
+ my ($min_size, $max_size) = &FAI::make_range(
+ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{range},
+ $current_disk->{size} . "B");
+ # logical partitions require the space for the EPBR to be left
+ # out
+ if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
+ && ($p > 4)) {
+ $min_size += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
+ $current_disk->{sector_size};
+ $max_size += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
+ $current_disk->{sector_size};
+ }
+ $min_req_space += $min_size;
+ $max_space += $max_size;
+ }
+ }
+ # set the end if we have reached the end of the disk
+ $end_of_range = $current_disk->{end_byte} if (-1 == $end_of_range);
+ my $available_space = $end_of_range - $next_start + 1;
+ # the next boundary is closer than the minimal space that we need
+ ($available_space < $min_req_space)
+ and die "Insufficient space available for partition $part_id\n";
+ # the new size
+ my $scaled_size = $end;
+ $scaled_size = POSIX::floor(($end - $start) *
+ (($available_space - $min_req_space) /
+ ($max_space - $min_req_space))) + $start
+ if ($max_space > $available_space);
+ ($scaled_size >= $start)
+ or &FAI::internal_error("scaled size is smaller than the desired minimum");
+ $start = $scaled_size;
+ $end = $start;
+ }
+ # now we compute the effective locations on the disk
+ # msdos specific offset for logical partitions
+ if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
+ && ($part_id > 4)) {
+ # add one head of disk usage if this is a logical partition
+ $min_req_total_space += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
+ $current_disk->{sector_size};
+ # move the start byte as well
+ $next_start += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
+ $current_disk->{sector_size};
+ }
+ # partition starts at where we currently are, or remains fixed in case of
+ # resized ntfs
+ if ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$part_id}{size}{resize} &&
+ ($current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{filesystem} eq "ntfs")) {
+ ($next_start <= $current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{begin_byte})
+ or die "Cannot preserve start byte of ntfs volume on partition $part_id, space before it is too small\n";
+ $next_start = $current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{begin_byte};
+ }
+ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$part_id}{start_byte} =
+ $next_start;
+ # the end may need some alignment, depending on the disk label
+ my $end_byte = $next_start + $start - 1;
+ # on msdos, ensure that the partition ends at a cylinder boundary
+ if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos") {
+ $end_byte -=
+ ($end_byte + 1) % ($current_disk->{sector_size} *
+ $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
+ $current_disk->{bios_heads});
+ }
+ # on gpt, ensure that the partition ends at a sector boundary
+ if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "gpt") {
+ $end_byte -=
+ ($end_byte + 1) % $current_disk->{sector_size};
+ }
+ # set $start and $end to the effective values
+ $start = $end_byte - $next_start + 1;
+ $end = $start;
+ # write back the size spec in bytes
+ $part->{size}->{range} = $start . "-" . $end;
+ # then set eff_size to a proper value
+ $part->{size}->{eff_size} = $start;
+ # write the end byte to the configuration
+ $part->{end_byte} = $end_byte;
+ # and add it to the total disk space required by this config
+ $min_req_total_space += $part->{size}->{eff_size};
+ # set the next start
+ $next_start = $part->{end_byte} + 1;
+ return ($next_start, $min_req_total_space);
+# @brief Compute the desired sizes of the partitions and test feasibility
+# thereof.
+sub compute_partition_sizes
+ # loop through all device configurations
+ foreach my $config (keys %FAI::configs) {
+ # for RAID or LVM, there is nothing to be done here
+ next if ($config eq "RAID" || $config =~ /^VG_./);
+ ($config =~ /^PHY_(.+)$/) or &FAI::internal_error("invalid config entry $config");
+ # nothing to be done, if this is a configuration for a virtual disk
+ next if $FAI::configs{$config}{virtual};
+ my $disk = $1; # the device name of the disk
+ # test, whether $disk is a block special device
+ (-b $disk) or die "$disk is not a valid device name\n";
+ # reference to the current disk config
+ my $current_disk = $FAI::current_config{$disk};
+ # at various points the following code highly depends on the desired disk label!
+ # initialise variables
+ # the id of the extended partition to be created, if required
+ my $extended = -1;
+ # the id of the current extended partition, if any; this setup only caters
+ # for a single existing extended partition!
+ my $current_extended = -1;
+ # find the first existing extended partition
+ foreach my $part_id (&numsort(keys %{ $current_disk->{partitions} })) {
+ if ($current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{is_extended}) {
+ $current_extended = $part_id;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # the space required on the disk
+ my $min_req_total_space = 0;
+ # the start byte for the next partition
+ my $next_start = 0;
+ # on msdos disk labels, the first partitions starts at head #1
+ if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos") {
+ $next_start = $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
+ $current_disk->{sector_size};
+ # the MBR requires space, too
+ $min_req_total_space += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
+ $current_disk->{sector_size};
+ }
+ # on GPT disk labels the first 34 and last 34 sectors must be left alone
+ if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "gpt") {
+ $next_start = 34 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
+ # modify the disk to claim the space for the second partition table
+ $current_disk->{end_byte} -= 34 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
+ # the space required by the GPTs
+ $min_req_total_space += 2 * 34 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
+ }
+ # the list of partitions that we need to find start and end bytes for
+ my @worklist = (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} }));
+ while (scalar (@worklist))
+ {
+ # work on the first entry of the list
+ my $part_id = $worklist[0];
+ # reference to the current partition
+ my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
+ # the partition $part_id must be preserved
+ if ($part->{size}->{preserve}) {
+ ($next_start, $min_req_total_space) = &FAI::do_partition_preserve($part_id,
+ $config, $current_disk, $next_start, $min_req_total_space);
+ # partition done
+ shift @worklist;
+ }
+ # msdos specific: deal with extended partitions
+ elsif ($part->{size}->{extended}) {
+ # make sure that there is only one extended partition
+ ($extended == -1 || 1 == scalar (@worklist))
+ or &FAI::internal_error("More than 1 extended partition");
+ # set the local variable to this id
+ $extended = $part_id;
+ # the size cannot be determined now, push it to the end of the
+ # worklist; the check against $extended being == -1 ensures that
+ # there is no indefinite loop
+ if (scalar (@worklist) > 1) {
+ push @worklist, shift @worklist;
+ next;
+ }
+ # determine the size of the extended partition
+ &FAI::do_partition_extended($part_id, $config, $current_disk);
+ # partition done
+ shift @worklist;
+ } else {
+ ($next_start, $min_req_total_space) = &FAI::do_partition_real($part_id,
+ $config, $current_disk, $next_start, $min_req_total_space, \@worklist);
+ # partition done
+ shift @worklist;
+ }
+ }
+ # check, whether there is sufficient space on the disk
+ ($min_req_total_space > $current_disk->{size})
+ and die "Disk $disk is too small - at least $min_req_total_space bytes are required\n";
+ # make sure, extended partitions are only created on msdos disklabels
+ ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} ne "msdos" && $extended > -1)
+ and &FAI::internal_error("extended partitions are not supported by this disklabel");
+ # ensure that we have done our work
+ (defined ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$_}{start_byte})
+ && defined ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$_}{end_byte}))
+ or &FAI::internal_error("start or end of partition $_ not set")
+ foreach (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} }));
+ }
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