[Fai-commit] r4985 - trunk/lib/setup-storage

lange at alioth.debian.org lange at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jun 13 15:02:40 UTC 2008

Author: lange
Date: 2008-06-13 15:02:39 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 4985

fix and document problem, when only tuneopts are defined,
prevent warnings about uninitialized variables

Modified: trunk/lib/setup-storage/Commands.pm
--- trunk/lib/setup-storage/Commands.pm	2008-06-13 14:22:36 UTC (rev 4984)
+++ trunk/lib/setup-storage/Commands.pm	2008-06-13 15:02:39 UTC (rev 4985)
@@ -56,7 +56,19 @@
   my ($create_options) = $partition->{fs_options} =~ m/createopts="([^"]+)"/;
   my ($tune_options)   = $partition->{fs_options} =~ m/tuneopts="([^"]+)"/;
-  $create_options = $partition->{fs_options} unless $create_options;
+  # this enables the use of all remaining options as create option if
+  # you did not specify createopts= Example: -m0 -i0 will then be used
+  # as createopts. This fails if you do only specify tuneopts without
+  # using createopts. Therefore is disable this feature. IMO this
+  # special behaviour is also not documented in setup-storage.8
+  # T.Lange
+  # $create_options = $partition->{fs_options} unless $create_options;
+  # prevent warnings of uninitialized variables
+  $create_options = '' unless $create_options;
+  $tune_options   = '' unless $tune_options;
   print "$partition->{mountpoint} create_options: $create_options\n" if ($FAI::debug && $create_options);
   print "$partition->{mountpoint} tune_options: $tune_options\n" if ($FAI::debug && $tune_options);

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