[Fai-commit] r5321 - people/michael/experimental/patches
Michael Tautschnig
mt at alioth.debian.org
Thu Apr 9 18:17:07 UTC 2009
Author: mt
Date: 2009-04-09 18:17:07 +0000 (Thu, 09 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 5321
removed patched that went into trunk
Deleted: people/michael/experimental/patches/bugfix-521153
--- people/michael/experimental/patches/bugfix-521153 2009-04-09 18:16:49 UTC (rev 5320)
+++ people/michael/experimental/patches/bugfix-521153 2009-04-09 18:17:07 UTC (rev 5321)
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-2009-03-25 Michael Tautschnig <mt at debian.org>
- * bin/setup-storage, setup-storage/Volumes.pm: When propagating preserve
- markers also check to ensure that the to-be-preserved volume is defined at
- all (closes: #521153)
-Index: trunk/bin/setup-storage
---- trunk.orig/bin/setup-storage
-+++ trunk/bin/setup-storage
-@@ -115,8 +115,9 @@
- print "Using config file: $opt_f\n";
- &FAI::run_parser($config_file);
--# mark devices as preserve, where not all already done so
-+# mark devices as preserve, where not all already done so and check that only
-+# defined devices are marked preserve
- # read the sizes and partition tables of all disks listed in $FAI::disks
- &FAI::get_current_disks;
-Index: trunk/lib/setup-storage/Volumes.pm
---- trunk.orig/lib/setup-storage/Volumes.pm
-+++ trunk/lib/setup-storage/Volumes.pm
-@@ -408,24 +408,31 @@
- ################################################################################
- #
- # @brief Mark devices as preserve, in case an LVM volume or RAID device shall be
--# preserved
-+# preserved and check that only defined devices are marked preserve
- #
- ################################################################################
--sub propagate_preserve {
-+sub propagate_and_check_preserve {
- # loop through all configs
- foreach my $config (keys %FAI::configs) {
-- # no physical devices here
-- next if ($config =~ /^PHY_./);
-- if ($config =~ /^VG_(.+)$/) {
-+ if ($config =~ /^PHY_(.+)$/) {
-+ foreach my $part_id (&numsort(keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions} })) {
-+ my $part = (\%FAI::configs)->{$config}->{partitions}->{$part_id};
-+ next unless ($part->{size}->{preserve} || $part->{size}->{resize});
-+ defined ($part->{size}->{range}) or die
-+ "Can't preserve ". &FAI::make_device_name($1, $part->{number})
-+ . " because it is not defined in the current config\n";
-+ }
-+ } elsif ($config =~ /^VG_(.+)$/) {
- next if ($1 eq "--ANY--");
- # check for logical volumes that need to be preserved and preserve the
- # underlying devices recursively
- foreach my $l (keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes} }) {
- next unless ($FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$l}{size}{preserve} == 1 ||
- $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$l}{size}{resize} == 1);
-+ defined ($FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$l}{size}{range}) or die
-+ "Can't preserve /dev/$1/$l because it is not defined in the current config\n";
- &FAI::mark_preserve($_) foreach (keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{devices} });
- last;
- }
-@@ -434,6 +441,8 @@
- # devices recursively
- foreach my $r (keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes} }) {
- next unless ($FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$r}{preserve} == 1);
-+ defined ($FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$r}{devices}) or die
-+ "Can't preserve /dev/md$r because it is not defined in the current config\n";
- &FAI::mark_preserve($_) foreach (keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$r}{devices} });
- }
- } else {
Modified: people/michael/experimental/patches/series
--- people/michael/experimental/patches/series 2009-04-09 18:16:49 UTC (rev 5320)
+++ people/michael/experimental/patches/series 2009-04-09 18:17:07 UTC (rev 5321)
@@ -8,12 +8,10 @@
Deleted: people/michael/experimental/patches/setup-storage_extended-opts
--- people/michael/experimental/patches/setup-storage_extended-opts 2009-04-09 18:16:49 UTC (rev 5320)
+++ people/michael/experimental/patches/setup-storage_extended-opts 2009-04-09 18:17:07 UTC (rev 5321)
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-2009-03-20 Michael Tautschnig <mt at debian.org>
- * setup-storage/Parser.pm, setup-storage/Commands.pm: Added support for
- optional (pv|vg|lv|md)createopts
- * Moved parsing of createopts,tuneopts to Parser.pm for simpler code and
- better syntax checking (closes: #521172)
- * man/setup-storage.8: Documented new options
-Index: trunk/lib/setup-storage/Commands.pm
---- trunk.orig/lib/setup-storage/Commands.pm
-+++ trunk/lib/setup-storage/Commands.pm
-@@ -54,23 +54,14 @@
- return if ($fs eq "-");
-- my ($create_options) = $partition->{fs_options} =~ m/createopts="([^"]+)"/;
-- my ($tune_options) = $partition->{fs_options} =~ m/tuneopts="([^"]+)"/;
-- # this enables the use of all remaining options as create option if
-- # you did not specify createopts= Example: -m0 -i0 will then be used
-- # as createopts. This fails if you do only specify tuneopts without
-- # using createopts. Therefore is disable this feature. IMO this
-- # special behaviour is also not documented in setup-storage.8
-- # T.Lange
-- # $create_options = $partition->{fs_options} unless $create_options;
-+ my ($create_options) = $partition->{createopts};
-+ my ($tune_options) = $partition->{tuneopts};
- # prevent warnings of uninitialized variables
- $create_options = '' unless $create_options;
- $tune_options = '' unless $tune_options;
-- print "$partition->{mountpoint} create_options: $create_options\n" if ($FAI::debug && $create_options);
-- print "$partition->{mountpoint} tune_options: $tune_options\n" if ($FAI::debug && $tune_options);
-+ print "$partition->{mountpoint} FS create_options: $create_options\n" if ($FAI::debug && $create_options);
-+ print "$partition->{mountpoint} FS tune_options: $tune_options\n" if ($FAI::debug && $tune_options);
- # check for encryption requests
- $device = &FAI::encrypt_device($device, $partition);
-@@ -225,11 +216,15 @@
- }
- }
-+ my ($create_options) = $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$id}{mdcreateopts};
-+ # prevent warnings of uninitialized variables
-+ $create_options = '' unless $create_options;
-+ print "/dev/md$id MD create_options: $create_options\n" if ($FAI::debug && $create_options);
- # create the command
- $pre_req = "exist_/dev/md" . ( $id - 1 ) . $pre_req if (0 != $id);
- $pre_req =~ s/^,//;
- &FAI::push_command(
-- "yes | mdadm --create /dev/md$id --level=$level --force --run --raid-devices="
-+ "yes | mdadm --create $create_options /dev/md$id --level=$level --force --run --raid-devices="
- . scalar(@eff_devs) . (scalar(@spares) !=0 ? " --spare-devices=" . scalar(@spares) : "") . " "
- . join(" ", @eff_devs) . " " . join(" ", @spares),
- "$pre_req", "exist_/dev/md$id" );
-@@ -296,19 +291,26 @@
- }
- }
-+ my ($pv_create_options) = $FAI::configs{$config}{pvcreateopts};
-+ my ($vg_create_options) = $FAI::configs{$config}{vgcreateopts};
-+ # prevent warnings of uninitialized variables
-+ $pv_create_options = '' unless $pv_create_options;
-+ $vg_create_options = '' unless $vg_create_options;
-+ print "/dev/$vg PV create_options: $pv_create_options\n" if ($FAI::debug && $pv_create_options);
-+ print "/dev/$vg VG create_options: $vg_create_options\n" if ($FAI::debug && $vg_create_options);
- # create the volume group, if it doesn't exist already
- if (!$vg_exists) {
- # create all the devices
- my @devices = keys %{ $FAI::configs{$config}{devices} };
- &FAI::erase_lvm_signature(\@devices);
-- &FAI::push_command( "pvcreate $_", "pv_sigs_removed,exist_$_",
-- "pv_done_$_" ) foreach (@devices);
-+ &FAI::push_command( "pvcreate $pv_create_options $_",
-+ "pv_sigs_removed,exist_$_", "pv_done_$_") foreach (@devices);
- # create the volume group
- my $pre_dev = "";
- $pre_dev .= ",exist_$_,pv_done_$_" foreach (@devices);
- $pre_dev =~ s/^,//;
-- &FAI::push_command( "vgcreate $vg " . join (" ", @devices), "$pre_dev",
-- "vg_created_$vg" );
-+ &FAI::push_command( "vgcreate $vg_create_options $vg " . join (" ",
-+ @devices), "$pre_dev", "vg_created_$vg" );
- # we are done
- return;
- }
-@@ -326,7 +328,8 @@
- # &FAI::erase_lvm_signature( \@new_devices );
- # create all the devices
-- &FAI::push_command( "pvcreate $_", "exist_$_", "pv_done_$_" ) foreach (@new_devices);
-+ &FAI::push_command( "pvcreate $pv_create_options $_", "exist_$_", "pv_done_$_"
-+ ) foreach (@new_devices);
- # extend the volume group by the new devices (includes the current ones)
- my $pre_dev = "";
-@@ -421,9 +424,14 @@
- next;
- }
-+ my ($create_options) = $FAI::configs{$config}{volumes}{$lv}{lvcreateopts};
-+ # prevent warnings of uninitialized variables
-+ $create_options = '' unless $create_options;
-+ print "/dev/$vg/$lv LV create_options: $create_options\n" if ($FAI::debug && $create_options);
- # create a new volume
-- &FAI::push_command( "lvcreate -n $lv -L " . $lv_size->{eff_size} . " $vg",
-- "vg_enabled_$vg,$lv_rm_pre", "exist_/dev/$vg/$lv" );
-+ &FAI::push_command( "lvcreate $create_options -n $lv -L " .
-+ $lv_size->{eff_size} . " $vg", "vg_enabled_$vg,$lv_rm_pre",
-+ "exist_/dev/$vg/$lv" );
- # create the filesystem on the volume
- &FAI::build_mkfs_commands("/dev/$vg/$lv",
-Index: trunk/lib/setup-storage/Parser.pm
---- trunk.orig/lib/setup-storage/Parser.pm
-+++ trunk/lib/setup-storage/Parser.pm
-@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@
- $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{fstabkey} = $1;
- }
-- volume: /^vg\s+/ name devices
-+ volume: /^vg\s+/ name devices vgcreateopt(s?)
- | /^raid([0156])\s+/
- {
- # make sure that this is a RAID configuration
-@@ -474,8 +474,8 @@
- # the reference is used by all further processing of this config line
- $FAI::partition_pointer = (\%FAI::configs)->{RAID}->{volumes}->{$vol_id};
- }
-- mountpoint devices filesystem mount_options fs_options
-- | type mountpoint size filesystem mount_options fs_options
-+ mountpoint devices filesystem mount_options mdcreateopts
-+ | type mountpoint size filesystem mount_options lv_or_fsopts
- type: 'primary'
- {
-@@ -669,9 +669,42 @@
- $FAI::partition_pointer->{filesystem} = $item[ 1 ];
- }
-- fs_options: /[^;\n]*/
-+ vgcreateopt: /pvcreateopts="([^"]*)"/
- {
-- $FAI::partition_pointer->{fs_options} = $item[ 1 ];
-+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{pvcreateopts} = $1 if (defined($1));
-+ # make sure this line is part of an LVM configuration
-+ ($FAI::device =~ /^VG_/) or
-+ die "pvcreateopts is invalid in a non LVM-context.\n";
-+ }
-+ | /vgcreateopts="([^"]*)"/
-+ {
-+ $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{vgcreateopts} = $1 if (defined($1));
-+ # make sure this line is part of an LVM configuration
-+ ($FAI::device =~ /^VG_/) or
-+ die "vgcreateopts is invalid in a non LVM-context.\n";
-+ }
-+ mdcreateopts: /mdcreateopts="([^"]*)"/ createtuneopt(s?)
-+ {
-+ $FAI::partition_pointer->{mdcreateopts} = $1;
-+ }
-+ | createtuneopt(s?)
-+ lv_or_fsopts: /lvcreateopts="([^"]*)"/ createtuneopt(s?)
-+ {
-+ $FAI::partition_pointer->{lvcreateopts} = $1;
-+ ($FAI::device =~ /^VG_/) or
-+ die "lvcreateopts is invalid in a non LVM-context.\n";
-+ }
-+ | createtuneopt(s?)
-+ createtuneopt: /createopts="([^"]*)"/
-+ {
-+ $FAI::partition_pointer->{createopts} = $1;
-+ }
-+ | /tuneopts="([^"]*)"/
-+ {
-+ $FAI::partition_pointer->{tuneopts} = $1;
- }
- }
- );
-Index: trunk/man/setup-storage.8
---- trunk.orig/man/setup-storage.8
-+++ trunk/man/setup-storage.8
-@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
- volume ::= <type> <mountpoint> <size> <filesystem> <mount_options> <fs_options>
- .br
-- | vg <name> <size>
-+ | vg <name> <size> <fs_options>
- .br
- /* lvm vg */
- .br
-@@ -318,11 +318,11 @@
- .br
--fs_options ::= (createopts=".*"|tuneopts=".*")*
-+fs_options ::= (createopts=".*"|tuneopts=".*"|(pv|vg|lv|md)createopts=".*")*
- .br
- /* options to append to mkfs.xxx and to the filesystem-specific
- .br
-- * tuning tool */
-+ * tuning tool, pvcreate, vgcreate, lvcreate or mdadm */
- .br
- The major differences to the prior configuration syntax are:
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