[Fai-commit] r5499 - in trunk: debian doc
Thomas Lange
lange at alioth.debian.org
Mon Aug 10 12:26:31 UTC 2009
Author: lange
Date: 2009-08-10 12:26:31 +0000 (Mon, 10 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 5499
new build-depends-indep for asciidoc tools
* doc/Makefile: new target for asciidoc documentation
* doc/fai-guide.txt: fai-guide now written with asciidoc
Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog 2009-08-10 12:22:11 UTC (rev 5498)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog 2009-08-10 12:26:31 UTC (rev 5499)
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
dereference symli nks when copying file into nfsroot
replace --print-installation-architecture by --print-architecture
* debian/control: Depends: iproute for fai-client, fai-server
+ new build-depends-indep for asciidoc tools
* fai-setup, make-fai-nfsroot, subroutine-linux, get-boot-info,
task_sysinfo, S99fai-setup/FAISERVER: Replaced all calls to ifconfig
by proper ip + shell magic calls (closes: #524347). Thanks to Luk
@@ -62,7 +63,10 @@
* policy-rc.d.fai: udev not should be started when running
* links.html: remove broken links
+ * doc/Makefile: new target for asciidoc documentation
+ * doc/fai-guide.txt: fai-guide now written with asciidoc
[ Michael Tautschnig ]
* setup-storage/Parser.pm: Set the boot flag on partition mounted at /, if
bootable is not explicitly set.
@@ -99,7 +103,7 @@
[ Holger Levsen ]
* update to standards version 3.8.2, no changes needed
- -- Thomas Lange <lange at debian.org> Mon, 03 Aug 2009 14:13:16 +0200
+ -- Thomas Lange <lange at debian.org> Mon, 10 Aug 2009 14:26:01 +0200
fai (3.2.20) unstable; urgency=low
Modified: trunk/debian/control
--- trunk/debian/control 2009-08-10 12:22:11 UTC (rev 5498)
+++ trunk/debian/control 2009-08-10 12:26:31 UTC (rev 5499)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Maintainer: Thomas Lange <lange at debian.org>
Uploaders: Holger Levsen <holger at debian.org>
Standards-Version: 3.8.2
-Build-Depends-Indep: debiandoc-sgml, texlive-base-bin, texlive-latex-extra, texlive-fonts-recommended, texlive-latex-recommended
+Build-Depends-Indep: asciidoc, dblatex, docbook-xsl
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7)
Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/fai/trunk
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/fai
Modified: trunk/doc/Makefile
--- trunk/doc/Makefile 2009-08-10 12:22:11 UTC (rev 5498)
+++ trunk/doc/Makefile 2009-08-10 12:26:31 UTC (rev 5499)
@@ -1,45 +1,50 @@
-docname = fai-guide
-fdocname = $(docname).sgml
+#!/bin/make -s
+DOC = fai-guide
MISC_DOC = classes_description.txt links.html changelog.old
-%.html: %.sgml
- debiandoc2html $<
+free: text html ps pdf
+# echo "`grep -c FIXME $(DOC).txt` FIXMEs left to fix:"
+# grep FIXME $(DOC).txt
-%.pdf: %.sgml
- debiandoc2latexpdf $<
+ a2x --icons-dir=.a2x-icons --icons --copy --asciidoc-opt="-a toc -a toclevels=3" -f xhtml $(DOC).txt
-%.ps: %.sgml
- debiandoc2latexps $<
+ a2x --icons -a toc -a toclevels=3 -f pdf $(DOC).txt
+ rm -f $(DOC).xml $(DOC).fo
-%.txt: %.sgml
- debiandoc2text $<
+ a2x --icons -a toc -a toclevels=3 -f ps $(DOC).txt
+ rm -f $(DOC).xml $(DOC).fo
-postscript: fai-guide.ps
+# a2x uses lynx, maybe use w3m instead
+# which texwidth for text output?
+# asciidoc --doctype=article -a "toc" -a "toclevels=3" -f /etc/asciidoc/text.conf -b html4 -o - "f-guide.txt" | lynx -dump -stdin >"./f-guide.text"
+ a2x --icons -a toc -a toclevels=3 -f text $(DOC).txt
-pdf: fai-guide.pdf
+# for openoffice
+doc: html
+ unoconv --show >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit "Please install the unoconv package."
+ unoconv -f doc $(DOC).html
-html: fai-guide.html
+all: free
-dvi: test
- debiandoc2latexdvi $(fdocname)
+ cp -dRp $(DOC)* $(DOCDIR)
+ cp -p $(MISC_DOC) $(DOCDIR)
-text: fai-guide.txt
+ rm -rf .a2x-icons
+ rm -f $(DOC).text $(DOC).html $(DOC).doc $(DOC).pdf $(DOC).xml $(DOC).ps docbook-xsl.css
- nsgmls -wall -E20 -gues $(fdocname)
+ asciidoc --version > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit "Please install the asciidoc package."
- rm -rf $(docname).txt $(docname).dvi $(docname).pdf $(docname).html $(docname).sasp* *~ $(docname).texinfo $(docname).ps $(docname).out $(docname).tpt $(docname).tex
- rm -f body.tmp head.tmp thb*.png *.log
-print: dvi
- dvips -f $(docname) | lpr
+.PHONY: all test clean
- rm -f $(docname).tpt $(docname).out
- cp -dRp $(docname)* $(DOCDIR)
- cp -p $(MISC_DOC) $(DOCDIR)
-all: test pdf text html postscript
-.PHONY: all dvi text html pdf test clean print postscript
Added: trunk/doc/fai-guide.txt
--- trunk/doc/fai-guide.txt (rev 0)
+++ trunk/doc/fai-guide.txt 2009-08-10 12:26:31 UTC (rev 5499)
@@ -0,0 +1,2903 @@
+//// -*- Doc -*-
+FAI Guide (Fully Automatic Installation)
+Thomas Lange <lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de>
+1.0, Fri, 07 Aug 2009 16:07:35 +0200
+:faiver: 3.3
+:faidate: not yet released
+:nfsrootsize: 380
+<tt> => _
+<file => '
+<var> => +
+<prgn> =>` ` (wie manref)
+<em> => _
+FAI is a non-interactive system to install, customize and manage Linux
+systems and software configurations on computers as well as virtual
+machines and chroot environments, from small networks to large
+infrastructures and clusters.
+This manual describes the Fully Automatic Installation package. This
+includes the installation of the package, planning and creating of the
+configuration and how to deal with errors.
+(c) 2000-2009 Thomas Lange +
+(c) 2005 Henning Glawe
+This manual is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *without
+any warranty*; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or
+fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License
+for more details.
+A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as
+'/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL' in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
+or on the World Wide Web at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html[the
+GNU website] You can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
+== [[introduction]]Introduction
+ -MT: general comments:
+ - dirinstall is only mentioned at the end
+ - mailinglists, IRC channel should be mentioned
+ - Variables $VARNAME or VARNAME only? Be consistent.
+In 1999, I had to perform an installation of a Linux cluster with one
+server and 16 clients. Since I had much experience doing automatic
+installations of Solaris operating systems on SUN SPARC hardware, the
+idea to build an automatic installation for Debian was born. Solaris
+has an automatic installation feature called JumpStart
+=== [[availability]]Availability
+MT: put Motivation before Availability
+The homepage of FAI is http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai.
+There's a wiki for FAI available at
+http://faiwiki.informatik.uni-koeln.de There you will find all
+information about FAI, for example the mailing list archives. The FAI
+packages are also available from
+http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai/download. They are also
+available from all Debian mirrors. To access the newest versions of
+the FAI packages, you can add the following line to your
+'/etc/apt/sources.list' file.
+deb http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai/download lenny koeln
+User visible changes are listed in
+Send any comments to mailto:fai at informatik.uni-koeln.de[]. You should
+use the Debian bug tracking system (BTS) http://bugs.debian.org for
+reporting errors.
+You can access the subversion repository containing the newest
+developer version of FAI from a Unix shell using the following
+$ svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/fai/trunk fai
+You can also use the web interface for the subversion repository at:
+Now read this manual, then enjoy the fully automatic installation and
+your saved time.
+=== [[motivation]]Motivation
+Have you ever performed identical installations of an operating system
+several times? Would you like to be able to install a Linux cluster
+with dozens of nodes single handedly?
+Repeating the same task again and again is boring -- and will surely
+lead to errors. Also a whole lot of time could be saved if the
+installations were done automatically. An installation process with
+manual interaction does not scale. But clusters have the habit of
+growing over the years. Think long-term rather than planning just a
+few months into the future.
+In 1999, I had to perform an installation of a Linux cluster with one
+server and 16 clients. Since I had much experience doing automatic
+installations of Solaris operating systems on SUN SPARC hardware, the
+idea to build an automatic installation for Debian was born. Solaris
+has an automatic installation feature called JumpStart
+footnote:[Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide at
+http://docs.sun.com]. In conjunction with the auto-install scripts
+from Casper Dik
+footnote:[ftp://ftp.wins.uva.nl:/pub/solaris/auto-install], I could
+save a lot of time not only for every new SUN computer, but also for
+re-installation of existing workstations. For example, I had to build
+a temporary LAN with four SUN workstations for a conference, which
+lasted only a few days. I took these workstations out of our normal
+research network and set up a new installation for the conference.
+When it was over, I simply integrated the workstations back into the
+research network, rebooted just once, and after half an hour,
+everything was up and running as before. The configuration of all
+workstations was exactly the same as before the conference, because
+everything was performed by the same installation process. I also used
+the automatic installation for reinstalling a workstation after a
+damaged hard disk had been replaced. It took two weeks until I
+received the new hard disk but only a few minutes after the new disk
+was installed, the workstation was running as before. And this is why
+I chose to adapt this technique to a PC cluster running Linux.
+=== [[overview]]Overview and concepts
+FAI is a non-interactive system to install, customize and manage Linux
+systems and software configurations on computers as well as virtual
+machines and chroot environments, from small networks to large
+infrastructures and clusters. You can take one or more virgin PCs,
+turn on the power and after a few minutes Linux is installed,
+configured and running on the whole cluster, without any interaction
+necessary. Thus, it's a scalable method for installing and updating a
+cluster unattended with little effort involved. FAI uses the Debian
+GNU/Linux distribution and a collection of shell and Perl scripts for
+the installation process. Changes to the configuration files of the
+operating system can be made by cfengine, shell, Perl and expect
+FAI's target group are system administrators who have to install Linux
+onto one or even hundreds of computers. Because it's a general purpose
+installation tool, it can be used for installing a Beowulf cluster, a
+rendering farm or a Linux laboratory or a classroom. Also large-scale
+Linux networks with different hardware or different installation
+requirements are easy to establish using FAI. But don't forget to plan
+your installation. Chapter <<plan>> has some useful hints for this
+First, some terms used in this manual are described.
+install server::
+The host where the package 'fai-server' is installed. It provides
+several services and data for all install clients. In the examples of
+this manual this host is called 'faiserver'.
+install client::
+A host which will be installed using FAI and a configuration provided
+by the install server. Also called client for short. In this manual,
+the example hosts are called 'demohost, nucleus, atom01, atom02,...'
+The details of how the installation of the clients should be
+performed. All configuration data is stored in a certain directory
+structure and is also called configuration space or config space for
+short. It includes information about:
+* Hard disk layout
+* Local file systems, their types, mount points and mount options
+* Software packages
+* Keyboard layout, time zone, NIS, Xorg configuration, remote file
+ systems, user accounts,printers ...
+A file system located on the install server. It's the complete file
+system for the install clients during the installation process. All
+clients share the same nfsroot, which they mount read only.
+=== [[work]]How does FAI work
+The install client which will be installed using FAI, is booted via
+network card or from CD or USB stick. It gets an IP address and boots
+a Linux kernel which mounts its root file system via NFS from the
+install server. After the kernel is loaded, the FAI startup script
+performs the automatic installation which doesn't need any
+interaction. First, the hard disks will be partitioned, file systems
+are created and then software packages are installed. After that, the
+new installed operating system is configured to your local needs using
+some scripts. Finally the new operating system will be booted from the
+local disk.
+The details of how to install the computer (the configuration) are
+stored in the configuration space on the install server. Configuration
+files are shared among groups of computers if they are similar using
+the class concept. So you need not create a configuration for every
+new host. Hence, FAI is a scalable method to install a big cluster
+with a great number of nodes.
+FAI can also be used as a network rescue system. You can boot your
+computer, but it will not perform an installation. Instead it will run
+a fully functional &dgl; without using the local hard disks. Then you
+can do a remote login and backup or restore a disk partition, check a
+file system, inspect the hardware or do any other task.
+MT: here the class concept should be described, move the entire section
+=== [[features]]Features
+* A fully automated installation can be performed.
+* Very quick unattended installation.
+* Update of running systems without re-installation.
+* Easy creation of a virtualization environment or a chroot
+* Hosts can boot from network card, CD, USB stick.
+* Simple creation of the CD and USB stick.
+* PXE with DHCP and BOOTP boot methods are supported.
+* Lilo and grub support.
+* ReiserFS, ext3 and XFS file system support.
+* Software RAID and LVM support.
+* Automatic hardware detection.
+* Remote login via ssh during installation process possible.
+* Two additional virtual terminals available during installation.
+* All similar configurations are shared among all install clients.
+* Log files for all installations are saved to the installation server.
+* Shell, Perl, expect and cfengine scripts are supported for the configuration setup.
+* Access to a Debian mirror via NFS, FTP or HTTP.
+* Can be used as a rescue system.
+* Flexible system through easy class concept.
+* Diskless client support.
+* Easily add your own functions via hooks.
+* Easily change the default behavior via hooks.
+== [[impatient]]Quickstart - For the impatient user
+So, you do not like to read the whole manual? You like to try an
+installation without reading the manual? OK. Here's how to succeed in
+a few minutes.
+* Install the package 'fai-quickstart' on your install server (see <<faisetup>>).
+* Edit 'fai.conf' run fai-setup -v and read its output.
+* Install the simple examples into the configuration space:
+$ cp -a /usr/share/doc/fai-doc/examples/simple/* /srv/fai/config/
+* Get the MAC address of your demo host.
+* Add your host (try to name it 'demohost') to 'dhcpd.conf' and
+ '/etc/hosts' (= your DNS) on the FAI server.
+* When using PXE, tell the install client to boot the install
+ kernel and perform an installation during the next boot by calling
+ `fai-chboot` on the install server.
+fai-chboot -IFv demohost
+* If you want to try FAI without setting up a PXE+DNS+DHCP-environment:
+ put the host names into '/etc/hosts' inside the nfsroot at '/srv/fai/nfsroot' and use
+ a CD/DVD to boot the client.
+* Boot your demo host and enjoy the fully automatic installation.
+* If the installation has finished successfully, the computer should boot a
+small Debian system. You can login as user _demo_ or _root_ with password _fai_.
+But now don't forget to read chapters <<plan>>, <<instprocess>> and <<config>>!
+== [[inst]]Installing FAI
+=== [[requirements]]Requirements
+MT: split this section to mark the specific requirments:
+ - boot media
+ - source of the root file system
+ - config source
+The following items are required for an installation via FAI.
+A computer::
+The computer must have a network interface card footnote:[If you
+install from USB stick or CD you do not need a network card]. Unless a
+diskless installation should be performed a local hard disk is also
+needed. No floppy disk, CD-ROM, keyboard or graphics adapter is
+DHCP or BOOTP server::
+The clients need one of these daemons to obtain boot information.
+TFTP server::
+The TFTP daemon is used for transferring the kernel to the
+clients. It's only needed when booting from network card with a boot
+It is a directory which contains the whole file system for the install
+clients during installation. It must be exported via NFS, so the
+install clients can mount it. It will be created during the setup of
+the FAI package and is also called *nfsroot*.
+Debian mirror::
+Access to a Debian mirror is needed. A local mirror of all Debian
+packages or an `apt-proxy(8)` is recommended if you install several
+Configuration space::
+This directory tree, which contains the configuration data, is mounted
+via NFS by default. But you can also get this directory from a
+revision control system like CVS, subversion or Git.
+The NFS server will be enabled automatically when installing the
+_fai-server_ package.
+=== [[debian-mirror]]How to create a local Debian mirror
+MT: move this section near the end of the chapter, it's not as
+The script `mkdebmirror` footnote:[You can find the script in
+'/usr/share/doc/fai-doc/examples/utils/'] can be used for creating
+your own local Debian mirror. This script uses the script
+`debmirror(1)`. A partial Debian mirror only for i386 architecture for
+Debian 5.0 (aka lenny) without the source packages needs about
+{mirrorsize} of disk space. Accessing the mirror via HTTP will be the
+default way in most cases. To see more output from the script call
++mkdebmirror -v+. A root account is not necessary to create and
+maintain the Debian mirror.
+You can use the command `fai-mirror(1)` for creating a partial mirror
+that only contains the software packages that are used in the classes
+in your configuration space. A partial mirror containing all package
+for the simple examples from the package fai-doc will only need about
+300MB of disk space.
+To use HTTP access to the local Debian mirror, install a web server
+and create a symlink to the local directory where your mirror is
+faiserver# apt-get install apache2
+faiserver# ln -s /files/scratch/debmirror /var/www/debmirror
+Create a file `sources.list(5)` in '/etc/fai/apt' which gives access
+to your Debian mirror. An example can be found in
+'/usr/share/doc/fai-doc/examples/etc'. Also add the IP-address of the
+HTTP server to the variable +NFSROOT\_ETC\_HOSTS+ in
+'make-fai-nfsroot.conf' when the install clients have no DNS access.
+MT: some link to a signing howto would be nice
+=== [[faisetup]]Setting up FAI
+To setup a FAI install server you need at least the packages
+_fai-server_ and _fai-doc_. The package _fai-quickstart_ contains
+dependencies on all required packages for an install server. Do not
+install the package _fai-nfsroot_ on a normal system. This package can
+only be installed inside the nfsroot.
+If you would like to install all packages that are useful for a FAI
+install server, use the following command
+# aptitude install fai-quickstart
+Reading Package Lists... Done
+Building Dependency Tree
+Reading extended state information
+Initializing package states... Done
+Reading task descriptions... Done
+The following NEW packages will be installed:
+ apt-move{a} dhcp3-server{a} fai-doc{a} fai-quickstart fai-server{a}
+ genisoimage{a} inetutils-inetd{a} nfs-kernel-server{a}
+ openssh-server{a} syslinux-common{a} tftpd-hpa{a}
+0 packages upgraded, 11 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
+Need to get 2593kB of archives. After unpacking 8561kB will be used.
+Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]
+The configuration for the FAI package (not the configuration data for
+the install clients) is defined in 'fai.conf'. Definitions that are
+only used for creating the nfsroot are located in
+'make-fai-nfsroot.conf'. Edit these files before calling
+'fai-setup'. These are important variables in 'make-fai-nfsroot.conf':
+For building the nfsroot there's the command called
+`debootstrap(8)`. It needs the location of a Debian mirror and the
+name of the distribution (etch, lenny, sid) for which the basic Debian
+system should be built.
+If you use HTTP or FTP access to the Debain mirror, add its IP-address
+and the name to this variable. For a Beowulf master node, add the name
+and IP-address of both networks to it. This variable is not needed
+when the clients have access to a DNS server.
+These are important variables in 'fai.conf':
+This variables described how to access the configuration space on the
+install clients. It's an Universal Resource Identifier
+(URI). Currently supported methods are:
+- +nfs://host/path/to/exported/config+
+The config space is mounted from host via NFS.
+- +cvs[+ssh]://user at host/path/to/cvsroot module[=tag]+
+The config space is received from a cvs checkout.
+- +svn://user@host/svnpath+
+The config space checked out from a subversion repository. Also
+supported are svn+file, svn+http, svn+ssh, svn+https and checkouts
+without a user name.
+- +git://host/path+
+The config space checked out from a
+git repository, host can be empty. Also supported is git+http.
+If +FAI\_CONFIG\_SRC+ is undefined in 'fai.conf', then the default is
+to use an NFS mount from the fai install server onto the install
+client. It's the same as _nfs://\`hostname\`/$FAI\_CONFIGDIR_ with the
+host name determined on the install server. Remember that this
+directory must be exported to all install clients, so that all files
+can be read by root.
+If you have NFS access to your local Debian mirror, specify the remote
+file system. It will be mounted to +$MNTPOINT+, which must also be
+defined. It's not needed if you use access via FTP or HTTP.
+The content of '/etc/fai/apt/sources.list' and +FAI\_DEBMIRROR+ are
+used by the install server and also by the clients. If your install
+server has multiple network cards and different host names for each
+card (as for a Beowulf server), use the install server name which is
+known by the install clients.
+FAI uses `debootstrap(8)` and `apt-get(8)` to create the nfsroot file
+system in '/srv/fai/nfsroot'. It needs about {nfsrootsize} of free
+disk space. After editing 'fai.conf' and 'make-fai-nfsroot.conf' call
+A complete example of 'fai-setup.log' is available on the FAI web
+page. It's important that you find both lines that are marked with an
+asterisk in your output. Otherwise something went wrong. If you'll get
+a lot of blank lines, it's likely that you are using _konsole_, the X
+terminal emulation for KDE which has a bug. Try again using _xterm_.
+The warning messages from dpkg about dependency problems can be
+ignored. If you have problems running fai-setup, they usually stem
+from `make-fai-nfsroot(8)` Adding '-v' gives you a more verbose output
+which may help you pinpoint the error. The output is written to
+'/var/log/fai/make-fai-nfsroot.log'. It may help to enter the chroot
+environment manually
+faiserver# chroot /srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir
+The setup routine adds some lines to '/etc/exports' to export the
+nfsroot and the configuration space to all hosts that belong to the
+netgroup _faiclients_. If you already export a parent directory of
+these directories, you may comment out these lines, since the kernel
+NFS server has problems exporting a directory and one of its
+subdirectories with different options.
+All install clients must belong to this netgroup, in order to mount
+these directories successfully. Netgroups are defined in
+'/etc/netgroup' or in the corresponding NIS map. An example for the
+netgroup file can be found in
+'/usr/share/doc/fai-doc/examples/etc/netgroup'. For more information,
+read the manual pages `netgroup(5)` and the NIS HOWTO. After changing
+the netgroups, the NFS server has to reload its configuration. Use the
+following command:
+faiserver# /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server reload
+The setup also creates the account _fai_ (defined by +$LOGUSER+) if
+not already available. So you can add a user before calling
+`fai-setup(8)` using the command `adduser(8)` and use this as your
+local account for saving log files. The log files of all install
+clients are saved to the home directory of this account. If you boot
+from network card, you should change the primary group of this
+account, so this account has write permissions to '/srv/tftp/fai' in
+order to change the symbolic links to the kernel image which is booted
+by a client.
+MT: the log files - which ones? Give a
+little explanation here
+After that, FAI is installed successfully on your server, but has no
+configuration for the install clients. Start with the examples from
+_/usr/share/doc/fai-doc/examples/simple/_ using the copy command above
+and read <<config>>. Before you can set up a DHCP or BOOTP daemon, you
+should collect some network information of all your install
+clients. This is described in section <<mac>>.
+When you make changes to 'fai.conf', 'make-fai-nfsroot.conf' the
+nfsroot has to be rebuilt by calling `make-fai-nfsroot(8)`. If you
+only like to install a new kernel to the nfsroot add the flags _-k_ or
+_-K_ to +make-fai-nfsroot+. This will not recreate your nfsroot, but
+only updates your kernel and kernel modules inside the nfsroot or add
+additional packages into the nfsroot.
+=== [[troublefaisetup]]Troubleshooting the setup
+The setup of FAI adds the _fai_ account, exports file systems and
+calls `make-fai-nfsroot(8)`. If you call _make-fai-nfsroot -v_ you
+will see more messages. When using a local Debian mirror, it's
+important that the install server can mount this directory via NFS. If
+this mount fails, check '/etc/exports' and '/etc/netgroup'.
+== [[booting]]Preparing booting
+Before booting the client for the first time, you have to choose which
+medium you use for booting. Normally, you will configure the computer
+to boot via network card. The preferred method for booting is using
+PXE. PXE is the Preboot Execution Environment which most modern
+network cards support. Also booting from CD-ROM or from an USB stick
+is easy to set up.
+=== [[nicboot]]Enabling PXE on a 3Com network card with boot PROM
+If you have a 3Com network card that is equipped with a boot ROM by
+Lanworks Technologies or already includes the DynamicAccess Managed PC
+Boot Agent (MBA) software
+footnote:[http://support.3com.com/infodeli/tools/nic/mba.htm], you can
+enter the MBA setup by typing +Ctrl+Alt+B+ during boot. The setup
+should look like this:
+Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA) v4.00
+(C) Copyright 1999 Lanworks Technologies Co. a subsidiary of 3Com Corporation
+All rights reserved.
+ Configuration
+Boot Method: PXE
+Default Boot: Network
+Local Boot: Enabled
+Config Message: Enabled
+Message Timeout: 3 Seconds
+Boot Failure Prompt: Wait for timeout
+ Use cursor keys to edit: Up/Down change field, Left/Right change value
+ ESC to quit, F9 restore previous settings, F10 to save
+Set the boot method to +PXE+ (do not use RPL or BOOTP) and enable
+local boot in this menu. So the first boot device will be the network
+card using PXE, and the second should be the local hard disk. This has
+to be configured in the BIOS of your computer.
+=== [[pxeboot]]Booting from network card with a PXE conforming boot ROM
+Most modern bootable network cards support the PXE boot environment.
+Some network cards (e.g. on notebooks) have a fixed boot
+configuration, so they can only use the PXE boot protocol. This
+requires a PXE Linux boot loader and a special version of the _TFTP_
+daemon, which is available in the Debian package
+First install following additional needed packages:
+faiserver# apt-get install dhcp3-server syslinux-common tftpd-hpa
+Then set up the DHCP daemon. A sample configuration file can be found
+in '/usr/share/doc/fai-doc/examples/etc/dhcpd.conf'. Copy this file to
+'/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf'. Then enable the special tftp daemon using
+this line in file '/etc/inetd.conf':
+ tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /srv/tftp/fai
+The install client then loads the pxelinux boot loader which receives
+its configuration via TFTP from a file in the directory
+'/srv/tftp/fai/pxelinux.cfg' (defined by the variable +TFTPROOT+ in
+'make-fai-nfsroot.conf'). Using the command `fai-chboot(8)` you can
+define which kernel will be loaded by the PXE Linux loader and which
+additional parameters are passed to this kernel. You should read the
+manual pages, which give you some good examples.
+MT: $TFTPROOT only tells FAI where the tftpd directory is found, but what
+you are saying here rather refers to the entry in inetd.conf
+See '/usr/share/doc/syslinux/pxelinux.doc' for more detailed
+=== [[bootfloppy]]Creating a boot floppy
+If your network card can't boot by itself, you can create a small boot
+floppy that uses etherboot, which will provide the PXE feature for
+your network card. So you can use DHCP and TFTP to get the install
+kernel that was created with `mknbi-linux(8)`. A lot of ethernet
+cards support booting via ethernet if a special boot EPROM is inserted
+or booted from floppy provided by http://rom-o-matic.net. In depth
+documentation about booting via ethernet may be found at
+=== [[cdboot]]Booting from a CD-ROM
+It's possible to perform an automatic installation from CD-ROM without
+an install server. The CD-ROM contains all data needed for the
+installation. The command `fai-cd(8)` puts the nfsroot, the
+configuration space and a subset of the Debian mirror onto a
+CD-ROM. The partial mirror is created using the command
+`fai-mirror(1)` which contains all packages that are used by the
+classes used in your configuration space. A sample ISO image is
+available at http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai/fai-cd.
+=== [[usbboot]]Booting from USB stick
+Using the command `fai-cd(8)` you can also create a bootable USB
+stick. First format your stick with an ext2 file system (ext3 makes no
+sense on flash memory devices). Then mount it. After that call:
+faiserver# fai-cd -m /path/to/mirror -u /path/to/mounted/stick
+Then unmount the USB stick. The USB stick must be formatted with an
+ext2 file system. VFAT is not yet tested. Currently the file system
+that will be written onto the stick is not compressed.
+=== [[mac]]Collecting Ethernet addresses
+Now it's time to boot your install clients for the first time. They
+will fail to boot completely, because no BOOTP or DHCP daemon is
+running yet or recognizes the hosts. But you can use this first boot
+attempt to easily collect all Ethernet addresses of the network cards.
+You have to collect all Ethernet (MAC) addresses of the install
+clients and assign a host name and IP address to each client. To
+collect all MAC addresses, now boot all your install clients. While
+the install clients are booting, they send broadcast packets to the
+LAN. You can log the MAC addresses of these hosts by running the
+following command simultaneously on the server:
+faiserver# tcpdump -qtel broadcast and port bootpc >/tmp/mac.list
+After the hosts have been sent some broadcast packets (they will fail
+to boot because `bootpd` isn't running or does not recognize the MAC
+address yet) abort `tcpdump` by typing _ctrl-c_. You get a list of all
+unique MAC addresses with these commands:
+faiserver$ perl -ane 'print "\U$F[0]\n"' /tmp/mac.lis|sort|uniq
+After that, you only have to assign these MAC addresses to host names
+and IP addresses ('/etc/ethers' and '/etc/hosts' or corresponding NIS
+maps). With this information you can configure your `BOOTP` or `DHCP`
+daemon (see the section <<bootptab>>). I recommend to write the MAC
+addresses (last three bytes will suffice if you have network cards
+from the same vendor) and the host name in the front of each chassis.
+=== [[bootptab]]Configuration of the BOOTP daemon
+You should only use this method if you can't use a DHCP server, since
+it's easier to create and manage the configuration for DHCP. An
+example configuration for the BOOTP daemon can be found in
+ # /etc/bootptab example for FAI
+ # replace FAISERVER with the name of your install server
+ .faiglobal:\
+ :ms=1024:\
+ :hd=/srv/tftp/fai:\
+ :hn:bs=auto:\
+ :rp=/srv/fai/nfsroot:
+ .failocal:\
+ :tc=.faiglobal:\
+ :sm=\
+ :gw=\
+ :dn=informatik.uni-koeln.de:\
+ :ds=,,,\
+ :nt=time.rrz.uni-koeln.de,time2.rrz.uni-koeln.de:
+ # now one entry for each install client
+ demohost:ha=0x00105A240012:bf=demohost:tc=.failocal:T172="verbose sshd createvt debug":
+ ant01:ha=0x00105A000000:bf=ant01:tc=.failocal:T172="sshd":
+Insert one entry for each install client at the end of this file as
+done for the hosts _demohost_ and _ant01_. Replace the string
+_FAISERVER_ with the name of your install server. If the install
+server has multiple network cards and host names, use the host name of
+the network card to which the install clients are connected. Then
+adjust the other network tags (_sm, gw, dn, ds_) to your local needs.
+Subnet mask
+Default gateway / router
+Domain name
+List of DNS server. The
+'/etc/resolv.conf' file will be created using this list
+of DNS servers and the domain name.
+List of +FAI\_FLAGS+ e.g. verbose, debug, reboot, createvt, sshd
+The tag for time servers (_nt_) are optional. Tags with prefix _T_
+(starting from T170) are generic tags which are used to transfer some
+FAI specific data to the clients footnote:[T170=FAI\_LOCATION (now
+defined in 'fai.conf') and T171=FAI\_ACTION. You can define theses
+variables in a class/*.var script. But for backward compatibility, you
+can define theses variables also from a BOOTP or DHCP server.]
+The list of +FAI\_FLAGS+ can be space or comma separated. +FAI\_FLAGS+
+in 'bootptab' must be separated by whitespace. If you define
++FAI\_FLAGS+ as an additional kernel parameter, the flags must be
+separated with a comma. If you do not have full control over the
+BOOTP or DHCP daemon (because this service is managed by a central
+service group) you can also define the variable +FAI\_ACTION+ in the
+'$FAI/class/*.var' scripts.
+When you have created your 'bootptab' file, you have to enable the
+BOOTP daemon once. It's installed but Debian does not enable it by
+default. Edit '/etc/inetd.conf' and remove the comment (the hash) in
+the line containing _#bootps_. Then tell `inetd` to reload its
+ # /etc/init.d/inetd reload
+The BOOTP daemon automatically reloads the configuration file if any
+changes are made to it. The daemon for DHCP must always be manually
+restarted after changes to the configuration file are made.
+Now it's time to boot all install clients again! FAI can perform
+several actions when the client is booting. This action is defined in
+the variable +FAI_ACTION+. Be very careful if you set +FAI_ACTION +
+to *install*. This can destroy all your data on the install client,
+indeed most time it should do this ;-). It's recommended to change
+this only on a per-client base in the BOOTP configuration. Do not
+change it in the section _.failocal_ in '/etc/bootptab', which is a
+definition for all clients.
+==== [[troublebootp]]Troubleshooting BOOTP daemon
+The BOOTP daemon can also be started in debug mode if it is not
+enabled in 'inetd.conf':
+ # bootpd -d7
+=== [[bootdhcp]]Configuration of the DHCP daemon
+An example for `dhcpd.conf(5)` is available in
+'/usr/share/doc/fai-doc/examples/etc/dhcpd.conf', which is working
+with version 3.x of the DHCP daemon. Start using this example and look
+at all options used therein. The only FAI specific information inside
+this configuration file is to set _filename_ to _pxelinux.0_ and to
+set _next-server_ and _server-name_. All other information is only
+network related data, which is used in almost all DHCP configurations.
+If you make any changes to the DHCP daemon configuration, you must
+restart the daemon.
+ # /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
+By default, the DHCP daemon writes its log files to
+'/var/log/daemon.log'. The command `fai-chboot(8)` is used for
+creating a per host configuration for the pxelinux environment.
+=== [[bootmesg]]Boot messages
+When booting from network card with PXE you will see:
+When the copyright message of FAI is shown, the install client has
+mounted the nfsroot footnote:['/srv/fai/nfsroot' from the install
+server] to the clients' root directory. This is the whole file system
+for the client at this moment.
+After _task_confdir_ is executed, the configuration space is mounted
+or received from a CVS repository.
+Before the installation is started (+FAI_ACTION=install+) the computer
+beeps three times. So, be careful when you hear three beeps but you do
+not want to perform an installation!
+==== [[booterror]]Troubleshooting the boot messages
+This is the error message you will see, when your network card is
+working, but the install server does not export the configuration
+space directory to the install clients, mostly a problem of missing
+permissions on the server side.
+Begin: Mounting root file system... ...
+eth0: link up
+BusyBox v1.10.2 (Debian 1:1.10.2-1) Built-in shell (ash)
+Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
+/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
+You will get a shell prompt and can look at the log files, for
+examples '/live.log' or '/tmp/net-eth0.conf'.
+Use the following command on the install server to see which directories are exported
+from the install server (named faiserver):
+$ showmount -e faiserver
+The following error message indicates that your install client doesn't
+get an answer from a DHCP server. Check your cables or start the
+`dhcpd(8)` daemon with the debug flag enabled.
+ PXE-E51: No DHCP or BOOTP offers received
+ Network boot aborted
+These are the messages when you are using the BOOTP method and no
+BOOTP server replies.
+ Sending BOOTP requests ........ timed out!
+ IP-Config: Retrying forever (NFS root)...
+If you get the following error message, the install kernel could not
+detect your network card, for example because of a missing driver:
+ Begin: Mounting root file system... ...
+ Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
+Check the initrd in the nfsroot if the kernel driver of your network
+card is included there.
+=== [[sysinfo]]Collecting other system information
+Now the clients have booted with +FAI_ACTION+ set to _sysinfo_. Type
+_ctrl-c_ to get a shell or use _Alt-F2_ or _Alt-F3_ and you will get
+another console terminal, if you have added _createvt_ to +FAI_FLAGS+.
+Remote login is available via the secure shell if _sshd_ is added to
++FAI_FLAGS+. The encrypted password is set with the variable
++FAI_ROOTPW+ in 'make-fai-nfsroot.conf' and defaults to "fai". You can
+create the encrypted password using `mkpasswd(1)` and use the
+`crypt(3)` or md5 algorithm. This is only the root password during the
+installation process, not for the new installed system. You can also
+log in without a password when using + SSH_IDENTITY+. To log in from
+your server to the install client (named demohost in this example)
+$ ssh root at demohost
+Warning: Permanently added 'demohost,' to the list of known hosts.
+root at demohost's password:
+You now have a running Linux system on the install client without
+using the local hard disk. Use this as a rescue system if your local
+disk is damaged or the computer can't boot properly from hard
+disk. You will get a shell and you can execute various commands
+(`dmesg`, `lsmod`, `df`, `lspci`, ...). Look at the log file in
+'/tmp/fai'. There you can find much information about the boot
+All log files from '/tmp/fai' are also written to the +$LOGSERVER+ (if
+not defined: the server defined by +$SERVER+ from _get-boot-info_)
+into the directory _~fai/demohost/sysinfo/_.
+More general:
+Two additional symbolic links are created. The symlink 'last' points
+to the log directory of the last fai action performed. The symlinks
+'last-install' and 'last-sysinfo' point to the directory with of the
+last corresponding action. Examples of the log files can be found on
+the FAI homepage.
+MT: I think it should be _~$LOGUSER/$HOSTNAME/$FAI_ACTION-\`DATE\`/_
+FAI mounts all file systems it finds on the local disks read only. It
+also tells you on which partition a file '/etc/fstab' exists. When
+only one file system table is found, the partitions are mounted
+according to this information. Here's an example:
+demohost:~# df
+Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
+rootfs 4099064 414088 3645296 11% /
+udev 10240 76 10164 1% /dev
+ 3905600 410976 3454944 11% /live/image
+aufs 4099064 414088 3645296 11% /
+tmpfs 193464 0 193416 0% /live
+tmpfs 193464 3112 190352 2% /live/cow
+ 3905600 410976 3454944 11% /var/lib/fai/config
+/dev/sda1 241116 74519 154149 33% /target
+/dev/sda9 4364212 139888 4179988 4% /target/home
+/dev/sda7 553376 16840 536536 4% /target/tmp
+/dev/sda8 2221628 275936 1832840 14% /target/usr
+/dev/sda6 577096 172924 374856 32% /target/var
+aufs 193464 2376 191243 2% /target/dev
+*This method can be used as a rescue environment!* In the future it
+will be possible to make backups or restore data to existing file
+systems. If you need a file system with read-write access use the
+`rwmount` command:
+demohost# rwmount /target/home
+=== [[checkbootp]]Checking parameters from BOOTP and DHCP servers
+If the install client boots with action _sysinfo_, you can also check
+if all information from the BOOTP or DHCP daemons are received
+correctly. The received information is written to
+'/tmp/fai/boot.log'. An example of the result of a DHCP request can be
+found in <<s1>>.
+=== [[reboot]]Rebooting the computer
+At any time you can reboot the computer using the command `faireboot`,
+also if logged in from remote. If the installation hasn't finished,
+use _faireboot -s_, so the log files are also copied to the install
+== [[instprocess]]Overview of the installation sequence
+The following tasks are performed during an installation after the
+Linux kernel has booted on the install clients.
+. Set up FAI
+. Define classes
+. Define variables
+. Partition local disks
+. Create and mount local file systems
+. Install software packages
+. Call site specific configuration scripts
+. Call tests if available
+. Save log files
+. Reboot the new installed system
+MT: debconf, update base missing
+You can also define additional programs or scripts which will be run
+on particular occasions. They are called _hooks_. Hooks can add
+additional functions to the installation process or replace the
+default subtasks of FAI. So it's very easy to customize the whole
+installation process. Hooks are explained in detail in <<hooks>>.
+The installation time is determined by the amount of software but also
+by the speed of the processor and hard disk. Here are some sample
+times. All install clients have a 100Mbit network card installed.
+Using a 10 Mbit LAN does not decrease the installation time
+considerably, so the network will not be the bottleneck when
+installing several clients simultaneously.
+ Athlon XP1600+ , 896MB,SCSI disk, 1 GB software 6 min
+ AMD-K7 500MHz , 320MB, IDE disk, 780 MB software 12 min
+ PentiumPro 200MHz , 128MB, IDE disk, 800 MB software 28 min
+ Pentium III 850MHz, 256MB, IDE disk, 820 MB software 10 min
+ Pentium III 850MHz, 256MB, IDE disk, 180 MB software 3 min
+=== [[faimond]]Monitoring the installation
+You can monitor the installation of all install clients with the
+command `faimond(8)`. All clients check if this daemon is running on
+the install server (or the machine defined by the variable
++monserver+. Then, a message is sent when a task starts and ends. The
+fai monitor daemon prints this messages to standard output. There's
+also a graphical frontend available, called `faimond-gui`.
+=== [[bootkernel]]Booting the kernel
+The install client receives and loads the kernel and initial RAM
+disk. The kernel boots up and load the RAM disk. It does some hardware
+detection and then tries to figure where the root file system is
+located. When booting from network, this is determined by parameters
+from additional kernel parameters (_root=/dev/nfs_ and
+_nfsroot=/srv/fai/nfsroot_). When booting from CD-ROM or USB stick the
+kernel and initial RAM disk probes removable devices and tries to
+figure out where the root file system is located. This may also be a
+compressed file system (using squashfs).
+After the root file system is mounted read only, it is made writable
+by mounting a RAM disk via aufs (another unionfs) on top of it. So
+it's possible for programms or daemons to write to files inside a read
+only mounted file system. We are using the package
+`live-initramfs(7)` to mount the nfsroot and to make this file system
+writable using aufs. The package _live-initramfs_ is only needed
+inside the nfsroot and adds some initramfs hooks.
+=== [[isetup]]Set up FAI
+MT: CVS, SVN missing
+After the install client has booted, only the script '/usr/sbin/fai'
+footnote:[Since the root file system on the clients is mounted via
+NFS, `fai` is located in
+'/srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir/usr/sbin' on the install
+server.] is executed. This is the main script which controls the
+sequence of tasks for FAI. No other scripts in '/etc/init.d/' are
+Additional parameters are received from the BOOTP or DHCP daemon and
+the configuration space is made available via the configured method
+(an NFS mount by default) from the install server to '$FAI'. The setup
+is finished after additional virtual terminals are created and the
+secure shell daemon for remote access is started on demand.
+=== [[iclass]]Defining classes, variables and loading kernel modules
+Now the script `fai-class(1)` is used to define classes. Therefore
+several scripts in '$FAI/class/' are executed to define classes. All
+scripts matching _[0-9][0-9]*_ (they start with two digits) are
+executed in alphabetical order. Every word that these scripts print to
+the standard output are interpreted as class names. Scripts ending in
+_.source_ are sourced, so they can define new classes by adding these
+classes to the variable +newclasses+ (see '20-hwdetect.source' for an
+MT: 20-hwdetect.source does not really use newclasses
+The output of these scripts is ignored. These classes are defined for
+the install client. You can also say this client belongs to these
+classes. A class is defined or undefined and has no value. Only
+defined classes are of interest for an install client. The description
+of all classes can be found in
+'/usr/share/doc/fai-doc/classes_description.txt'. It is advisable to
+document the job a new class performs. Then, this documentation is the
+base for composing the whole configuration from classes. The scripts
+`20-hwdetect.source` loads kernel modules on demand. The complete
+description of all these scripts can be found in <<cscripts>>.
+After defining the classes, every file matching _*.var_ with a prefix
+which matches a defined class is executed to define variables. There,
+you should define the variable +FAI_ACTION+ and others. By default,
++FAI_ACTION+ is defined via the command `fai-chboot(8)`.
+=== [[ipartition]]Partitioning local disks, creating file systems
+For disk partitioning exactly one disk configuration file from
+'$FAI/disk_config' is selected using classes. This file describes how
+all the local disks will be partitioned, where file systems should be
+created (and their types like ext2, ext3, reiserfs), and how they are
+mounted. It's also possible to preserve the disk layout or to preserve
+the data on certain partitions.
+The old tool for partitioning the hard disks is called
+`setup_harddisks`, which uses `sfdisk`. The format of the
+configuration file is described in <<diskconfig>>. With FAI 3.2.8 a
+new partitioning tool called `setup-storage(8)` was added to FAI. It
+uses `parted(8)` for editing the partition table and now has support
+for software RAID and LVM. This tool uses a slightly different format
+for the configuration files in 'disk_config'. Read the manual page for
+a detailed description of the new format. The variable
+_USE_SETUP_STORAGE_ now determines which tool to use. When set to 1 it
+uses the new tool which is now defined in 'FAIBASE.var' by default.
+During the installation process all local file systems are mounted
+relative to '/target'. For example '/target/home' will become '/home'
+in the new installed system.
+=== [[ipackages]]Installing software packages
+When local file systems are created, they are all empty (except for
+preserved partitions). Now the Debian base system and all requested
+software packages are installed on the new file systems. First the
+base archive is unpacked, then the command `install_packages(8)`
+installs all packages using `apt-get(8)` or `aptitude(1)` without any
+manual interaction needed. If a packages requires another package,
+both commands resolve this dependency by installing the required
+Classes are also used when selecting the configuration files in
+'$FAI/package_config/' for software installation. The format of the
+configuration files is described in <<packageconfig>>.
+=== [[icscripts]]Site specific configuration
+After all requested software packages are installed, the system is
+nearly ready to go. But not all default configurations of the software
+packages will meet your site-specific needs. So you can call arbitrary
+scripts which adjust the system configuration. Therefore scripts which
+match a class name in '$FAI/scripts' will be executed. If
+'$FAI/scripts/'+classname/+ is a directory, all scripts that match
+_[0-9][0-9]*_ in this directory are executed. So it is possible to
+have several scripts of different types (shell, cfengine, ...) to be
+executed for one class. FAI comes with some examples for these
+scripts, but you can write your own Bourne, bash, Perl, cfengine or
+expect scripts.
+More information about these scripts are described in <<cscripts>>.
+=== [[itests]]Automatic tests
+After the customization scripts are executed, FAI will execute some
+tests if available. Using these test, you can check for errors of the
+installation or of the softupdate. Test scripts are called via
+`fai-do-scripts(1)` and should append it's messages to
+_$LOGDIR/test.log_. A Perl module including some useful subroutines
+can be found in _Faitest.pm_. A test can also define a new class for
+executing another tests during next boot via the variable
+=== [[isavelog]]Save log files
+When all installation tasks are finished, the log files are written to
+footnote:['/var/log/fai/localhost/install/' is a link to this
+directory.] on the new system and to the account on the install server
+if +$LOGUSER+ is defined in 'fai.conf'. It is also possible to specify
+another host as log saving destination through the variable
++$LOGSERVER+. If +LOGSERVER+ is not defined, FAI uses the variable
++SERVER+ which is only defined during an initial installation (by
+get-boot-info). Make sure to set +LOGSERVER+ in a _class/*.var_ script
+if you are using the action _softupdate_.
+Additionally, two symlinks will be created to indicated the last
+directory written to. By default log files will be copied to the log
+server using scp.
+You can use other methods to save logs to the remote server. The
+currently selected method is defined by the +$FAI_LOGPROTO+ variable
+in file 'fai.conf':
+Use the rcp command to copy the log files to
+the log server.
+This option saves logs to the remote FTP server defined by the
++$LOGSERVER+ variable (+$SERVER+ value is used if not set). Connection
+to the FTP server is done as user +$LOGUSER+ using password
++$LOGPASSWD+. The FTP server log directory is defined in
++$LOGREMOTEDIR+. These variables are also defined in file
+'fai.conf'. You need write access for the +$LOGREMOTEDIR+ on the FTP
+All files in the directory _/tmp/fai_ are copied to the
+FTP server following this example:
+Don't save the log file to the install server.
+=== [[ireboot]]Reboot the new installed system
+At last the system is automatically rebooted if "reboot" was added to
++FAI_FLAGS+. Normally this should boot the new installed system from
+its second boot device, the local hard disk. To skip booting from
+network card, you can use the command `fai-chboot(8)` to enable
+== [[plan]]Plan your installation, and FAI installs your plans
+Before starting your installation, you should spend a lot of time in
+planning your installation. When you're happy with your installation
+concept, FAI can do all the boring, repetitive tasks to turn your
+plans into reality. FAI can't do good installations if your concept is
+imperfect or lacks some important details. Start planning the
+installation by answering the following questions:
+* Will I create a Beowulf cluster, or do I have to install some desktop machines?
+* What does my LAN topology look like?
+* Do I have uniform hardware? Will the hardware stay uniform in the future?
+* Does the hardware need a special kernel?
+* How should the hosts be named?
+* How should the local hard disks be partitioned?
+* Which applications will be run by the users?
+* Do the users need a queueing system?
+* MT: what is a queueing system?
+* What software should be installed?
+* Which daemons should be started, and what should the configuration for these look like?
+* Which remote file systems should be mounted?
+* How should backups be performed?
+* Do you have sufficient power supply?
+* MT: not a problem of using FAI
+* How much heat do the cluster nodes produce and how are they cooled?
+* MT: not a problem of using FAI
+You also have to think about user accounts, printers, a mail system,
+cron jobs, graphic cards, dual boot, NIS, NTP, timezone, keyboard
+layout, exporting and mounting directories via NFS and many other
+things. So, there's a lot to do before starting an installation. And
+remember that knowledge is power, and it's up to you to use
+it. Installation and administration is a process, not a product. FAI
+can't do things you don't tell it to do.
+But you need not start from scratch. Look at all files and scripts in
+the configuration space. There are a lot of things you can use for
+your own installation.
+A good paper called "Bootstrapping an Infrastructure". with more
+aspects of building an infrastructure is available at
+== [[config]]Installation details
+=== [[c3]]The configuration space
+The configuration is the collection of information about how exactly
+to install a computer. The central configuration space for all install
+clients is located on the install server in '/srv/fai/config' and its
+subdirectories. This will be mounted by the install clients to
+'/var/lib/fai/config'. It's also possible to receive all the
+configuration data from a `cvs(1)`, subversion (`svn(1)`) or Git
+(`git(1)`) repository. The following subdirectories are present and
+include several files:
+Scripts and files to
+define classes and variables and to load kernel modules.
+Configuration files for disk partitioning and file system creation.
+This directory holds all `debconf(8)` data. The format is the same
+that is used by `debconf-set-selections(8)`.
+File with
+lists of software
+packages to be installed or removed.
+Script for local site
+Files used by customization scripts. Most files are located in a
+subtree structure which reflects the ordinary directory tree. For
+example, the templates for 'nsswitch.conf' are located in
+'$FAI/files/etc/nsswitch.conf' and are named according to the classes
+that they should match: '$FAI/files/etc/nsswitch.conf/NIS' is the
+version of '/etc/nsswitch.conf' to use for the NIS class. Note that
+the contents of the files directory are not automatically copied to
+the target machine, rather they must be explicitly copied by
+customization scripts using the `fcopy(8)` command.
+Normally the file '/var/tmp/base.tgz' is extracted on the install
+client after the new file systems are created and before package are
+installed. This is a minimal base image, created right after calling
+debootstrap during the make-fai-nfsroot process on the install
+server. If you want to install another distribution than the nfsroot
+is, you can put a tar file into the subdirectory 'basefiles/' and name
+it after a class. Then the command `ftar(8)` is used to extract the
+tar file based on the classes defined. This is done in task
+Hooks are user defined programs or scripts, which are called during
+the installation process. The can extend or replace the default tasks.
+The main installation command `fai(8)` uses all these subdirectories
+in the order listed except for hooks. The FAI package contains
+examples for all these configuration scripts and files in
+'/usr/share/doc/fai-doc/examples'. Copy the configuration examples to
+the configuration space and start an installation. These files need
+not belong to the root account. You can change their ownership and
+then edit the configuration with a normal user account.
+# cp -a /usr/share/doc/fai-doc/examples/simple/* /srv/fai/config
+# chown -R fai /srv/fai/config
+These files contain simple configuration for some example
+hosts. Depending on the host name used, your computer will be
+configured as follows:
+A machine which needs only a small hard disk. This machine is
+configured with network (as DHCP client), and an account demo is
+A GNOME desktop is installed, and the account demo is created.
+other host names::
+Hosts with other host name will most notably use the classes FAIBASE,
+Start looking at these examples and study them. Then change or add
+things to these examples. But don't forget to plan your own
+=== [[tasks]]The default tasks
+After the kernel has booted, it mounts the root file system via NFS
+from the install server and `init(8)` starts the script
+'/usr/sbin/fai'. This script controls the sequence of the
+installation. No other scripts in '/etc/init.d/' are used.
+The installation script uses many subroutines, which are defined in
+'/usr/share/fai/subroutines', and an operating system specific file
+footnote:['/usr/share/fai/subroutines-linux' for Linux.]. All
+important tasks of the installation are called via the subroutine
+_task_ appended by the name of the task as an option
+(e.g. __task_instsoft__). The subroutine _task_ calls hooks with prefix
+*name* if available and then calls the default task (defined as
+__task_<name>__ in 'subroutines'). The default task and its hooks can be
+skipped on demand by using the subroutine _skiptask()_.
+Now follows the description of all default tasks, listed in the order
+they are executed.
+The kernel appended parameters define variables, the syslog and kernel
+log daemon are started. The list of network devices is stored in
++$netdevices+. Then additional parameters are fetched from a DHCP or
+BOOTP server and also additional variables are defined. The DNS
+resolver configuration file is created.
+The location of the configuration space is defined by the variable
++$FAI_CONFIG_SRC+. You can use NFS, cvs, svn or git to access the
+configuration space. See section <<isetup>> for how to set the
+After that, the file '$FAI/hooks/subroutines' is sourced if it
+exists. Using this file, you can define your own subroutines or
+override the definition of FAI's subroutines.
+MT: there is no info about that at id="isetup"
+MT: config is also mounted/checked out in this task
+This task sets the system time, all +FAI_FLAGS+ are defined and two
+additional virtual terminals are opened on demand. A secure shell
+daemon is started on demand for remote logins.
+Calls `fai-class(1)` to define classes using scripts and files in
+'$FAI/class' and classes from '/tmp/fai/additional-classes' and the
+variable +ADDCLASSES+.
+Sources all files '$FAI/class/*.var' for every defined class. If a
+hook has written some variable definitions to the file
+'/tmp/fai/additional.var', this file is also sourced.
+Depending on the value of +$FAI_ACTION+ this subroutine decides which
+action FAI should perform. The default available actions are:
+_sysinfo_, _install_ and _softupdate_. If +$FAI_ACTION+ has another
+value, a user defined action is called if a file
+'$FAI/hooks/$FAI_ACTION' exists. So you can easily define your own
+Called when no installation is performed but the action is
+_sysinfo_. It shows information about the detected hardware and mounts
+the local hard disks read only to '/target/+partitionname+' or with
+regard to a 'fstab' file found inside a partition. Log files are
+stored to the install server.
+This task controls the installation sequence. You will hear three
+beeps before the installation starts. The major work is to call other
+tasks and to save the output to '/tmp/fai/fai.log'. If you have any
+problems during installation, look at all files in '/tmp/fai/'. You
+can find examples of the log files for some hosts in the download
+directory of the FAI homepage.
+This task, executed inside a running system via the `fai(8)` command
+line interface, performs a softupdate. See chapter <<softupdate>> for
+Calls `setup_harddisk` or `setup-storage(8)` to partition the hard
+disks and to create file systems. The task writes variable definitions
+for the root and boot partition and device (+$ROOT_PARTITION,
+$BOOT_PARTITION, $BOOT_DEVICE+) to '/tmp/fai/disk_var.sh' and creates
+an 'fstab' file.
+Mounts the created partitions according to the created
+'/tmp/fai/fstab' file relative to +$FAI_ROOT+.
+Extracts a minimal system after that a chroot can be made into it. By
+default the base tar file '/var/tmp/base.tgz' will be extracted. The
+command _ftar -1v -s $FAI/basefiles /_ is used for unpacking a
+different tar file depending on classes defined. This can be used for
+installing different Linux distributions than the one used for
+creating the nfsroot. The default file 'base.tgz' is a snapshot of a
+basic Debian system created by `debootstrap(8)`
+If a local Debian mirror is accessed via NFS (when +$FAI_DEBMIRROR+ is
+defined), this directory will be mounted to +$MNTPOINT+.
+Calls `fai-debconf(8)` to set the values for the debconf database.
+Set up resolv.conf and some
+other files, for the next task updatebase.
+Updates the base packages of the new system and updates the list of
+available packages. It also fakes some commands (called diversions)
+inside the new installed system using `dpkg-divert"(8)`.
+Installs the desired software packages using class files in
+Calls scripts in '$FAI/scripts/' and its subdirectories for every
+defined class.
+Unmounts all file systems in the new installed system and removes
+diversions of files using the command `fai-divert`.
+Changes the PXE configuration for a host on the install server which
+indicates which kernel image to load on the next boot from network
+card via TFTP. Therefore the `fai-chboot(8)` command is executed
+remotely on the install server.
+Saves log files to local disk and to the account +$LOGUSER+ on
++$LOGSERVER+ (defaults to the install server). Currently the file
+'error.log' will not be copied to the log server.
+MT: why is error.log not copied?
+Wait for background jobs to finish (e.g. emacs compiling lisp files)
+and automatically reboots the install clients or waits for manual
+input before reboot.
+=== [[s1]]The setup routines of the install clients
+After the subroutine `fai_init` has done some basic initialization
+(create RAM disk, read 'fai.conf' and all subroutines definitions, set
+path, print copyright notice), the setup continues by calling the task
+_confdir_ and the task _setup_. The command `get-boot-info` is called
+to get all information from the BOOTP or DHCP server. This command
+writes the file '/tmp/fai/boot.log', which then is sourced to define
+the corresponding global variables. This is an example for this log
+file when using a DHCP server.
+Additional information is passed via the kernel command line or read
+from 'fai.conf'. When booting with PXE, command line parameters are
+created using `fai-chboot(8)`.
+If you do not boot from network card but from CD-ROM or USB stick, you
+may also give network parameters to the kernel via the kernel command
+line. Two interesting parameters are
+Those parameters are described in the documentation of the Linux
+kernel sources in '/usr/src/linux/Documentation/nfsroot.txt'.
+The variable +$FAI_FLAGS+ contains a space separated list of
+flags. The following flags are known:
+Create verbose output during installation. This should always be the
+first flag, so consecutive definitions of flags will be verbosely
+Create debug output. No unattended installation is performed. During
+package installation you have to answer all questions of the
+postinstall scripts on the client's console. A lot of debug
+information will be printed out. This flag is only useful for FAI
+Start the ssh daemon to enable remote logins.
+Create two virtual terminals and execute a bash if _ctrl-c_ is typed
+in the console terminal. The additional terminals can be accessed by
+typing _Alt-F2_ or _Alt-F3_. Otherwise no terminals are available and
+typing _ctrl-c_ will reboot the install client. Setting this flag is
+useful for debugging. If you want an installation which should not be
+interruptible, do not set this flag.
+Reboot the install client after installation is finished without
+typing RETURN on the console. This is only useful if you can change
+the boot image or boot device automatically or your assembly robot can
+remove the boot floppy via remote control :-) Currently this should
+only be used when booting from network card.
+=== [[classc]]The class concept
+MT: as marked above, this section should be put in chapter 1
+Classes determine which configuration file to choose from a list of
+available templates. Classes are used in all further tasks of the
+installation. To determine which config file to use, an install client
+searches the list of defined classes and uses all configuration files
+that match a class name. It's also possible to use only the
+configuration file with the highest priority since the order of
+classes define the priority from low to high. There are some
+predefined classes (DEFAULT, LAST and the host name), but classes can
+also be listed in a file or defined dynamically by scripts. So it's
+easy to define a class depending on the subnet information or on some
+hardware that is available on the install client.
+The idea of using classes in general and using certain files matching
+a class name for a configuration is adopted from the installation
+scripts by Casper Dik for Solaris. This technique proved to be very
+useful for the SUN workstations, so I also use it for the fully
+automatic installation of Linux. One simple and very efficient feature
+of Casper's scripts is to call a command with all files (or on the
+first one) whose file names are also a class. The following loop
+implements this function in pseudo shell code:
+for class in $all_classes; do
+if [ -r $config_dir/$class ]; then
+ your_command $config_dir/$class
+ # exit if only the first matching file is needed
+Therefore it is possible to add a new file to the configuration
+without changing the script. This is because the loop automatically
+detects new configuration files that should be used. Unfortunately
+cfengine does not support this nice feature, so all classes being used
+in cfengine also need to be specified inside the cfengine
+scripts. Classes are very important for the fully automatic
+installation. If a client belongs to class _A_, we say the class _A_
+is defined. A class has no value, it is just defined or
+undefined. Within scripts, the variable +$classes+ holds a space
+separated list with the names of all defined classes. Classes
+determine how the installation is performed. For example, an install
+client can be configured to become an FTP server by just adding the
+class _FTP_ to it.
+Mostly a configuration is created by only changing or appending the
+classes to which a client belongs, making the installation of a new
+client very easy. Thus no additional information needs to be added to
+the configuration files if the existing classes suffice for your
+needs. There are different possibilities to define classes:
+. Some default classes are defined for every host: DEFAULT, LAST and its host name.
+. Classes may be listed within a file.
+. Classes may be defined by scripts.
+The last option is a very nice feature, since these scripts will
+define classes automatically. For example, several classes are defined
+only if certain hardware is identified. We use Perl and shell scripts
+to define classes. All names of classes, except the host name, are
+written in uppercase. They must not contain a hyphen, a hash or a dot,
+but may contain underscores. A description of all classes can be found
+in '/usr/share/doc/fai-doc/classes_description.txt'.
+host names should rarely be used for the configuration files in the
+configuration space. Instead, a class should be defined and then added
+for a given host. This is because most of the time the configuration
+data is not specific for one host, but can be shared among several
+=== [[s2]]Defining classes
+The task _defclass_ calls the script `fai-class(1)` to define
+classes. Therefore, scripts matching _[0-9][0-9]*_ in _$FAI/class_ are
+executed. Additionally, a file with the host name may contain a list
+of classes. For more information on defining class, read the manual
+pages for `fai-class(1)`.
+The list of all defined classes is stored in the variable +$classes+
+and saved to '/tmp/fai/FAI_CLASSES'. The list of all classes is
+transferred to `cfengine`, so it can use them too. The script
+'10-base-classes' (below is a stripped version) is used to define
+classes depending on the host name. First this script defines the
+class with the name of the hardware architecture in uppercase letters.
+# echo architecture and OS name in upper case. Do NOT remove these two lines
+uname -s | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
+dpkg --print-architecture | tr /a-z/ /A-Z/
+[ -f /etc/RUNNING_FROM_FAICD ] && echo "FAICD"
+# use a list of classes for our demo machine
+case $HOSTNAME in
+ demohost)
+ gnomehost)
+ *)
+The script _20-hwdetect.source_ uses the default Debian commands to
+detect hardware and to load some kernel modules. If some specific
+hardware is found, it can also define a new class for it. You can
+find messages from modprobe in '/tmp/fai/kernel.log' and on the fourth
+console terminal by pressing _Alt-F4_.
+=== [[classvariables]]Defining variables
+The task _defvar_ defines the variables for the install
+client. Variables are defined by scripts in _class/*.var_. All global
+variables can be set in 'DEFAULT.var'. For certain groups of hosts use
+a class file or for a single host use the file +$HOSTNAME+_.var_. Also
+here, it's useful to study all the examples.
+The following variables are used in the examples and may also be
+useful for your installation:
+Set the action fai should perform. Normally this is done by
+`fai-chboot(8)`. If you can't use this command and are not using a
+BOOTP server, define it in the script 'LAST.var'.
+Is the font which is loaded during installation by `consolechars(8)`.
+Defines the keyboard map files in '/usr/share/keymaps' and
+'$FAI/files'. You need not specify the complete path, since this file
+will be located automatically.
+The encrypted root password for the new system. You can use `crypt(3)`
+or md5 encryption for the password.
+Set hardware clock to UTC if _$UTC=yes_. Otherwise set clock to local
+time. See `clock(8)` for more information.
+Is the file relative to '/usr/share/zoneinfo/' which indicates your
+time zone.
+Can be a multi line definition. List of modules (including kernel
+parameters) which are loaded during boot of the new system (written to
+If set to one (the default when using the class _FAIBASE_ the new
+partitioning tool `setup-storage(8)` will be used. Otherwise the old
+`setup_harddisks` program is used.
+=== [[diskconfig]]Hard disk configuration
+This section describes the old format of the configuration files in
+_disk_config_ when `setup_harddisks` is used. Read the manual page of
+`setup-storage(8)` for a detailed description of the new format. This
+is used by default since FAI 3.2.8 or when setting the variable
+The script `setup_harddisks` partitions and formats the local
+disks. It uses all configuration files in '$FAI/disk_config/' which
+are also defined as classes. Lines beginning with # are comments. The
+config file '$FAI/disk_config/FAIBASE' is a generic description for
+one hard disk (IDE or SCSI), which most installations should be able
+to adapt. If you can't partition your hard disk using this script
+footnote:[Currently this script uses the command _sfdisk(8)_, which
+isn't available on SUN SPARC, IA64 and PowerPC.], use a hook
+instead. The hook should write the new partition table, create the
+file systems and create the files '/tmp/fai/fstab' and
+'/tmp/fai/disk_var.sh', which contains definitions of boot and root
+The following example is a configuration for the first IDE disk
+_disk1_ and for the second SCSI disk _disk2_ The numbering of the
+disks comes from the order in '/proc/partitions'.
+# <type> <mount point> <size in MB> [mount options] [;extra options]
+disk_config disk1
+primary / 200 defaults,errors=remount-ro
+logical /home 100-300
+logical /scratch1 10- defaults,nosuid ; -i 15000 -m 0
+disk_config disk2
+primary /tmp 300-500 rw ;ext2
+primary /backup preserve2 rw
+logical swap 50-100
+logical /scratch2 100-300 rw ;-m 30
+logical - preserve7
+logical /var 100 ;-j
+logical /var/tmp preserve9 ;format
+primary /tmp/mytmp -300
+Every disk configuration starts with the command _disk_config_
+followed by _diskX_ where _X_ is the number of the HDD. The Linux
+device names '/dev/hda' and '/dev/sda' correspond to _disk1_, _disk2_
+corresponds to '/dev/hdb' and '/dev/sdb' and so on.
+After _disk_config_ one line containing the type, mount point and size
+is added for each partition on the hard disk. Mount options and
+additional parameters for `mke2fs` -- separated from the mount options
+by a semicolon -- can be added.
+There are two types of partitions: primary and logical. Primary
+partitions are bootable, but there is a maximum of four primary
+partitions on each disk. The Linux root file system must be of this
+All other partitions are called logical. Because logical partitions
+are gathered internally in one big primary partition, only three
+primary partitions can be used if logical partitions are defined.
+Normally only one primary partition for the root file system is
+created and all others are logical, like _disk1_ in the example above.
+Mount point::
+The mount point is the full path (beginning with a slash) for the file
+system. The value _swap_ defines a Linux swap partition. Both types
+will be automatically added to '/etc/fstab'. A dash (_-_) indicates
+that the partition will not be mounted and can be used for other types
+of file systems (FAT, NTFS, UFS, MINIX, ...)
+This is the size of the partition in megabytes. This value is rounded
+up to fit to a cylinder number. There are several ways of defining the
+ "200" means about 200MB, no more no less
+ "100-300" sets a 100MB minimum and a 300MB maximum
+ "10-" sets a minimum of 10MB and a maximum of the disk size
+ "-300" sets a minimum of 1MB and a 300MB maximum
+By default, a new file system (currently of type ext2 or swap) will be
+created, and all data on the partition is lost. The meaning of
+_preserve<no>_ will be described later.
+Calculating the partition size: If an interval is defined for several
+partition sizes, the script maximizes the values by preserving the
+ratio between them.
+Mount options::
+The mount options will be copied to '/etc/fstab'. An empty field sets
+the option to _defaults_ (see `mount(8)`).
+Extra options::
+The last field is a space separated extra options list. The following
+options are known:
+boot : Make this partition the boot-partition (the
+ Linux root file system is the default).
+-i <bytes> : bytes per inode (ext2/3 only)
+-m <blocks> : reserved blocks percentage (ext2/3 only)
+-j : Create the file system with an ext3 journal.
+-c : Check for bad blocks.
+ext2 : Flag as ext2 instead of auto in /etc/fstab.
+ext3 : Flag as ext3 instead of auto in /etc/fstab.
+swap : swap partition
+dosfat16 : DOS 16 bit FAT file system
+winfat32 : Win95 FAT32 file system
+reiser : Create a ReiserFS file system, not an ext2.
+xfs : XFS
+format : Always format even if preserve is specified.
+writable : Mounts a preserved partition writable.
+lazyformat : Do not format if partition has not moved.
+The order of the extra options is not relevant. For more information
+see `mke2fs(8)`.
+Thus, we have the following interactions between _-j_,
+_ext2_ and _ext3_ :
+<no option> : An ext2 fs flagged as auto in the fstab
+-j : An ext3 fs flagged as auto in the fstab.
+ext2 : An ext2 fs flagged as ext2 in the fstab.
+-j ext2 : An ext3 fs flagged as ext2 in the fstab.
+-j ext3 : An ext3 fs flagged as ext3 in the fstab.
+ext3 : An ext2 fs flagged as ext3 in the fstab. !!BAD!!
+ Using _auto_ in the fstab for ext3 file systems enables a
+ non-ext3-enabled kernel or tool to cope with these partitions.
+It is possible to preserve the size and even the existing data on a
+partition. To preserve only the partition size, the number of the
+partition must be unchanged and the size must be specified as
+_preserve<no>_ The number _<no>_ is the device number (as in
+'/dev/hda<no>', or see the output of `df`) of the partition. Primary
+partitions are numbered from one to four, the numbers for logical
+partitions begin at five.
+Problems were reported (February 2003) when using more than two
+primary partitions and trying to preserve a logical partition. If you
+have this problem, try to use only two primary partitions.
+In the following example, the partition numbers (= device number) are
+also shown for disk _disk2_:
+primary /tmp 300-500 # 1
+primary /backup preserve2 # 2
+logical swap 50-100 # (3) 5
+logical /scratch2 100-300 # (3) 6
+logical - preserve7 # (3) 7
+logical /var 100 # (3) 8
+logical /var/tmp preserve9 # (3) 9
+primary /tmp/mytmp -300 # 4
+The first two partitions are of type primary, so they get the numbers
+1 and 2. The logical partitions start at 5 and the last gets number
+9. All logical partitions define the primary partition 3, but this
+number is not used. So if you want to preserve '/dev/hda7' you have to
+insert a minimum of two logical partitions before it.
+Lazyformating partitions is another method to preserve partitions
+after they were formatted once. This is useful to design systems which
+can be reinstalled without loosing data on partitions like '/home' or
+'/var/log' or '/var/lib/mysql' or whatever. You can even lazyformat
+the swap partition to gain a minor installation speed improvement
+after the first installation!
+If you have a separate '/boot' partition, you must add the extra
+option _boot_ to make it your boot partition. Otherwise your system
+will not be bootable. By default (if no boot option was specified) the
+root partition ('/') will become the boot partition. `setup_harddisks`
+will write some variables containing the information about boot
+partition and boot device to '/tmp/fai/disk_var.sh'.
+=== [[packageconfig]]Software package configuration
+MT: This section is pretty much a chaos:
+which commands belong to which package tools
+you say something about PRELOADRM and PRELOAD commands, but give no example
+and don't list them otherwise
+The script `install_packages(8)` installs the selected software
+packages. It uses all configuration files in '$FAI/package_config'
+whose file name matches a defined class. The syntax is very simple.
+# an example package class
+PACKAGES taskinst
+PACKAGES aptitude
+adduser netstd ae
+less passwd
+PACKAGES remove
+gpm xdm
+lilo- grub
+PACKAGES dselect-upgrade
+ddd install
+a2ps install
+Comments are starting with a hash (#) and are ending at the end of the
+line. Every command begins with the word _PACKAGES_ followed by a
+command name. The command defines which command will be used to
+install the packages named after this command. The list of all
+available commands can be listed using _install_packages -H_.
+Supported package tools are: _aptitude, apt-get, smart, y2pmsh, yast,
+yum, urpm, rpm_
+Put a package on hold. This package will not be handled by dpkg, e.g
+not upgraded.
+Install all packages that are specified in the following lines. If a
+hyphen is appended to the package name (with no intervening space),
+the package will be removed, not installed. All package names are
+checked for misspellings. Any package which does not exist, will be
+removed from the list of packages to install. So be careful not to
+misspell any package names.
+Remove all packages that are specified in the following lines. Append
+a + to the package name if the package should be installed.
+Install all packages belonging to the tasks that are specified in the
+following lines using `tasksel(1)`. You can also use _aptitude_ for
+installing tasks.
+Install all packages with the command `aptitude`. This will be the
+default in the future and may replace apt-get and taskinst. Aptitude
+can also install task packages.
+Same as aptitude with option _--with-recommends_.
+Download package and unpack only. Do not configure the package.
+Set package selections using the following lines and install or remove
+the packages specified. These lines are the output of the command
+_dpkg --get-selections_.
+Multiple lines with lists of space separated names of packages follow
+the PACKAGES lines. All dependencies are resolved. Packages with
+suffix _-_ (eg. _lilo-_) will be removed instead of installed. The
+order of the packages is of no matter. If you like to install
+packages from another release than the default, you can append the
+release name to the package name like in
+_openoffice.org/etch-backports_. You can also specify a certain
+version like _apt=0.3.1_. More information on these features are
+described in `aptitude(8)`.
+A line which contains the _PRELOADRM_ commands, downloads a file using
+`wget(1)` into a directory before installing the packages. Using the
+_file:_ URL, this file is copied from +$FAI_ROOT+ to the download
+directory. For example the package `realplayer` needs an archive to
+install the software, so this archive is downloaded to the directory
+'/root'. After installing the packages this file will be removed. If
+the file shouldn't be removed, use the command _PRELOAD_ instead.
+It's possible to append a list of class names after the command for
+apt-get. So this _PACKAGE_ command will only be executed when the
+corresponding class is defined. So you can combine many small files
+into the file DEFAULT. WARNING! Use this feature only in the file
+DEFAULT to keep everything simple. See this file for some examples.
+If you want to remove a package name from a certain class was part of
+this class before, you should not remove the package name from the
+class file, but instead append a dash (-) to it. This will make sure
+that the package is remove during a softupdate on hosts which were
+installed using the old class definition which included this package
+If you specify a package that does not exist this package will be
+removed from the installation list when the command _install_ is used.
+=== [[cscripts]]Scripts in _$FAI/scripts_
+The default set of scripts in '$FAI/scripts' is only an example. But
+they should do a reasonable job for your installation. You can edit
+them or add new scripts to match your local needs.
+The command `fai-do-scripts(1)` is called to execute all scripts in
+this directory. If a directory with a class name exists, all scripts
+matching '[0-9][0-9]*' are executed in alphabetical order. So it's
+possible to use scripts of different languages (shell, cfengine,
+Perl,..) for one class.
+==== [[shell]]Shell scripts
+Most scripts are Bourne shell scripts. Shell scripts are useful if the
+configuration task only needs to call some shell commands or create a
+file from scratch. In order not to write many short scripts, it's
+possible to distinguish classes within a script using the command
+_ifclass_. For copying files with classes, use the command
+`fcopy(8)`. If you want to extract an archive using classes, use
+`ftar(8)`. But now have a look at the scripts and see what they are
+==== [[perl]]Perl scripts
+Currently no Perl script are used in the simple examples for modifying
+the system configuration.
+==== [[expect]]Expect scripts
+Currently no expect scripts are used in the simple examples for
+modifying the system configuration.
+==== [[cfengine]]Cfengine scripts
+Cfengine has a rich set of functions to edit existing configuration
+files, e.g _LocateLineMatching, ReplaceAll, InsertLine,
+AppendIfNoSuchLine, HashCommentLinesContaining_. But it can't handle
+variables which are undefined. If a variable is undefined, the whole
+cfengine script will abort. Study the examples that are included in
+the fai package.
+More information can be found in the manual page `cfengine(8)` or at
+the cfengine homepage http://www.cfengine.org.
+=== [[changeboot]]Changing the boot device
+Changing the boot sequence is normally done in the BIOS setup. But you
+can't change the BIOS from a running Linux system as far as I know. If
+you know how to perform this, please send me an email. But there's
+another way of swapping the boot device of a running Linux system.
+MT: recently, there has been some discussion on linux-fai, add a link to the
+So, normally the boot sequence of the BIOS will remain unchanged and
+your computer should always boot first from its network card and the
+second boot device should be the local disk. Then, it will get an
+install kernel image from the install server, when an installation
+should be performed, or we can tell pxelinux to boot from local
+disk. This is done using `fai-chboot(8)`.
+Here is how to set up a 3Com network card as first boot device.
+Enable LAN as first boot device in the BIOS.
+ Boot From LAN First: Enabled
+ Boot Sequence : C only
+Then enter the MBA setup of the 3Com network card and change it as follows:
+ Default Boot Local
+ Local Boot Enabled
+ Message Timeout 3 Seconds
+ Boot Failure Prompt Wait for timeout
+ Boot Failure Next boot device
+This will enable the first IDE hard disk as second boot device after
+the network card.
+=== [[hooks]]Hooks
+Hooks let you specify functions or programs which are run at certain
+steps of the installation process. Before a default task is called,
+FAI searches for existing hooks for this task and executes them. As
+you might expect, classes are also used when calling hooks. Hooks are
+executed for every defined class. You only have to create the hook
+with the name for the desired class and it will be used. If several
+hooks for a task exists, they are called in the order defined by the
+classes. If _debug_ is included in +$FAI_FLAG+ the option _-d_ is
+passed to all hooks, so you can debug your own hooks. If some default
+tasks should be skipped, use the subroutine _skiptask_ and a list of
+default tasks as parameters. The example 'partition.DISKLESS' skips
+some default tasks.
+The directory '$FAI/hooks/' contains all hooks. The file name of a
+hook consists of a task name as a prefix and a class name, separated
+by a dot. The prefix describes the time when the hook is called, if
+the class is defined for the install client. For example, the hook
+'partition.DISKLESS' is called for every client belonging to the class
+_DISKLESS_ before the local disks would be partitioned. If it should
+become a diskless client, this hook can mount remote file systems via
+NFS and create a _/tmp/fai/fstab_. After that, the installation
+process will not try to partition and format a local hard disk,
+because a file '/tmp/fai/fstab' already exists.
+A hook of the form _hookprefix.classname_ can't define variables for
+the installation script, because it's a subprocess. But you can use
+any binary executable or any script you wrote. Hooks that have the
+suffix _.source_ (e.g. 'partition.DEFAULT.source') must be Bourne
+shell scripts and are sourced. So it's possible to redefine variables
+for the installation scripts.
+In the first part of FAI, all hooks with prefix _confdir_ are called.
+Since the configuration directory '$FAI' is mounted in the default
+task _confdir_, the hooks for this task are the only hooks located in
++$nfsroot+'/$FAI/hooks' on the install server. All other hooks are
+found in '$FAI_CONFIGDIR/hooks' on the install server.
+MT: what about softupdate?
+All hooks that are called before classes are defined can only use the
+following classes: _DEFAULT $HOSTNAME LAST_. If a hook for class
+_DEFAULT_ should only be called if no hook for class +$HOSTNAME+ is
+available, insert these lines to the default hook:
+#! /bin/sh
+# skip DEFAULT hook if a hook for $HOSTNAME exists
+scriptname=$(basename $0 .DEFAULT)
+[-f $FAI/hooks/$scriptname.$HOSTNAME ] && exit
+# here follows the actions for class DEFAULT
+Some examples for what hooks could be used:
+- Use `ssh` in the very beginning to verify that you mounted the
+configuration from the correct server and not a possible spoofing
+- Do not mount the configuration directory, instead get a compressed
+archive via HTTP and extract it into a new RAM disk, then redefine
+- Load kernel modules before classes are defined in '$FAI/class'.
+- Send an email to the administrator if the installation is finished.
+- Install a diskless client and skip local disk partitioning. See
+- Partition the hard disk on an IA64 system, which needs a special
+partition table type that must be created with `parted(8)`.
+=== [[errors]]Looking for errors
+If the client can't successfully boot from the network card, use
+`tcpdump(8)` to look for Ethernet packets between the install server
+and the client. Search also for entries in several log files made by
+`tftpd(8)`, `dhcpd3(8)` or `bootpd(8)`:
+faiserver$ egrep "tftpd|bootpd|dhcpd" /var/log/*
+If the installation process finishes, the hook 'savelog.LAST.source'
+searches all log files for common errors and writes them to the file
+'error.log'. So, you should first look into this file for errors. Also
+the file 'status.log' give you the exit code of the last command
+executed in a script. To be sure, you should look for errors in all
+log files.
+Sometimes the installation seems to stop, but often there's only a
+postinstall script of a software package that requires manual input
+from the console. Change to another virtual terminal and look which
+process is running with tools like `top(1)` and `pstree(1)`. You can
+add _debug_ to _FAI_FLAGS_ to make the installation process show all
+output from the postinst scripts on the console and get its input also
+from the console. Don't hesitate to send an email to the mailing list
+or to mailto:fai at informatik.uni-koeln.de[] if you have any
+questions. Sample log files from successfully installed computers are
+available on the FAI homepage.
+== [[beowulf]]How to build a Beowulf cluster using FAI
+This chapter describes the details about building a Beowulf cluster
+using Debian/GNU Linux and FAI. This chapter was written for FAI
+version 2.x for Debian woody and was not yet updated. The example
+configuration files were removed from the fai packages after FAI
+For more information about the Beowulf concept look at
+=== [[beoplan]]Planning the Beowulf setup
+The example of a Beowulf cluster consists of one master node and 25
+clients. A big rack was assembled which all the cases were put into. A
+keyboard and a monitor, which are connected to the master server most
+of the time, were also put into the rack. But since we have very long
+cables for a monitor and a keyboard, they can also be connected to all
+nodes if something has to be changed in the BIOS, or when looking for
+errors when a node does not boot. Power supply is another topic you
+have to think about. Don't connect many nodes to one power cord and
+one outlet. Distribute them among several breakout boxes and outlets.
+And what about the heat emission? A dozen nodes in a small room can
+create too much heat, so you will need an air conditioner. Will the
+power supplies of each node go to stand-by mode or are all nodes
+turned on simultaneously after a power failure?
+All computers in this example are connected to a Fast Ethernet
+switch. The master node (or master server) is called _nucleus_. It has
+two network cards. One for the connection to the external Internet,
+one for the connection to the internal cluster network. If connected
+from the external Internet, it's called _nucleus_, but the cluster
+nodes access the master node with the name _atom00_, which is a name
+for the second network interface. The master server is also the
+install server for the computing nodes. A local Debian mirror will be
+installed on the local hard disk. The home directories of all user
+accounts are also located on the master server. It will be exported
+via NFS to all computing nodes. NIS will be used to distribute
+account, host, and printer information to all nodes.
+All client nodes _atom01_ to _atom25_ are connected via the switch
+with the second interface card of the master node. They can only
+connect to the other nodes or the master, but can't communicate to any
+host outside their cluster network. So, all services (NTP, DNS, NIS,
+NFS, ...) must be available on the master server. I chose the class C
+network address _192.168.42.0_ for building the local Beowulf cluster
+network. You can replace the subnet 42 with any other number you
+like. If you have more than 253 computing nodes, choose a class A
+network address (10.X.X.X).
+In the phase of preparing the installation, you have to boot the first
+install client many times, until there's no fault in your
+configuration scripts. Therefore you should have physical access to
+the master server and one client node. So, connect both computers to a
+switch box, so one keyboard and monitor can be shared among both.
+=== [[master]]Set up the master server
+The master server will be installed by hand if it is your first
+computer installed with Debian. If you already have a host running
+Debian, you can also install the master server via FAI. Create a
+partition on '/files/scratch/debmirror' for the local Debian mirror
+with more than &mirrorsize; GB space available.
+==== [[beonetworkmaster]]Set up the network
+Add the following lines for the second network card to
+# Beowulf cluster connection
+auto eth1
+iface eth1 inet static
+Add the IP addresses for the client nodes. The FAI package has an
+example for this '/etc/hosts' file:
+# create these entries with the Perl one liner
+# perl -e 'for (1..25) {printf "192.168.42.%s atom%02s\n",$_,$_;}'
+# Beowulf nodes
+# atom00 is the master server
+ atom00
+ atom01
+ atom02
+You can give the internal Beowulf network a name when you add this
+line to '/etc/networks':
+ beowcluster
+Activate the second network interface with: _/etc/init.d/networking start_.
+==== [[beonis]]Setting up NIS
+Add a normal user account +tom+ which is the person who edits
+the configuration space and manages the local Debian mirror:
+ # adduser tom
+ # addgroup linuxadmin
+This user should also be in the group +linuxadmin+.
+ # adduser tom linuxadmin
+First set the NIS domainname name by creating the file
+'/etc/defaultdomain' and call `domainname(8)`. To initialize the
+master server as NIS server call _/usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m_. Also edit
+'/etc/default/nis' so the host becomes a NIS master server. Then,
+copy the file 'netgroup' from the examples directory to '/etc' and
+edit other files there. Adjust access to the NIS service.
+# Always allow access for localhost
+# This line gives access to the Beowulf cluster
+Rebuild the NIS maps:
+master# cd /var/yp; make
+You will find much more information about NIS in the
+'NIS-HOWTO' document.
+==== [[beomirror]]Create a local Debian mirror
+Now the user +tom+ can create a local Debian mirror on
+'/files/scratch/debmirror' using `mkdebmirror`. You can add the option
+_--debug_ to see which files are received. This will need about 250 GB
+disk space for Debian 3.0 (aka woody). Export this directory to the
+netgroup _ at faiclients_ read only. Here's the line for '/etc/exports':
+ /files/scratch/debmirror *(ro)
+==== [[fai1]]Install FAI package on the master server
+Add the following packages to the install server:
+nucleus:/# apt-get install ntp tftpd-hpa dhcp3-server \
+ nfs-kernel-server etherwake fai
+nucleus:/# tasksel -q -n install dns-server
+nucleus:/# apt-get dselect-upgrade
+Configure NTP so that the master server will have the correct system time.
+It's very important to use the internal network name +atom00+ for the
+master server (not the external name +nucleus+) in
+'/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf' and 'make-fai-nfsroot.conf'. Replace the
+strings FAISERVER with _atom00_ and uncomment the following line in
+'make-fai-nfsroot.conf' so the Beowulf nodes can use the name for
+connecting to their master server.
+==== [[bootp1]]Prepare network booting
+Set up the install server daemon as described in <<pxeboot>>. If you
+will have many cluster nodes (more than about 10) and you will use
+_rsh_ in 'fai.conf' raise the number of connects per minute to some
+services in 'inetd.conf':
+ shell stream tcp nowait.300 root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.rshd
+ login stream tcp nowait.300 root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.rlogind
+The user +tom+ should have permission to create the
+symlinks for booting via network card, so change the group and add
+some utilities.
+# chgrp -R linuxadmin /srv/tftp/fai; chmod -R g+rwx /srv/tftp/fai
+# cp /usr/share/doc/fai-doc/examples/utils/* /usr/local/bin
+Now, the user +tom+ sets the boot image for the first beowulf
+$ fai-chboot -IFv atom01
+Now boot the first client node for the first time. Then start to
+adjust the configuration for your client nodes.
+=== [[beotools]]Tools for Beowulf clusters
+The following tools are useful for a Beowulf cluster:
+Print a list of all hosts, print only the hosts which respond to a
+ping or the hosts which do not respond. The complete list of hosts is
+defined by the netgroup _allhosts_. Look at
+'/usr/share/doc/fai-doc/examples/etc/netgroup' for an example.
+Execute a command on all hosts which are up via rsh. Uses `all_hosts`
+to get the list of all hosts up. You can also use the `dsh(1)` command
+(dancer's shell, or distributed shell).
+The command `rup(1)` shows briefly the CPU load of every host.
+The package clusterssh allows you to control multiple ssh or rsh
+sessions at the same time.
+These are some common tools for a cluster environment:
+For a huge cluster try `rgang`. It's is a tool which executes commands
+on or distributes files to many nodes. It uses an algorithm to build a
+tree-like structure to allow the distribution processing time to scale
+very well to 1000 or more nodes (available at
+For observing the resources of all clients (CPU, memory, swap,...)
+you can use `jmon(1)` which installs a simple daemon on every cluster
+This toolkit is very good for monitoring your cluster with a nice web
+frontend. Available at http://ganglia.sourceforge.net
+=== [[wol]]Wake on LAN with 3Com network cards
+Wake on LAN is a very nice feature to power on a computer without
+having physical access to it. By sending a special ethernet packet to
+the network card, the computer will be turned on. The following things
+have to be done, to use the wake on LAN (WOL) feature.
+. Connect the network card to the Wake-On-LAN connector on the
+motherboard using a 3 pin cable.
+. My ASUS K7M motherboard has a jumper called
+_Vaux (3VSBSLT)_ which allows to select the voltage supplied to add-in
+PCI cards. Set it to _Add 3VSB_ (3 Volt stand by).
+. Turn on the wake on LAN feature in BIOS
+. For a 3Com card using the 3c59x driver you must enable the
+WOL feature using the kernel module option _enable_wol_.
+To wake up a computer use the command `etherwake(8)`.
+== [[arch]]FAI on other architectures and distributions
+If you want to use FAI on other architectures than i386 or amd64 you
+might need to take care of some things yourself.
+These are things that may have to be changed on other architectures:
+Boot loader::
+There are scripts for setting up `lilo(8)` and `grub(8)`. Here you may
+add support for your specific boot loader.
+If you want to serve multiple nfsroot directories on one FAI server,
+you need to create specific config directories in '/etc' for fai, like
+'/etc/fai-sarge' and '/etc/fai-etch'. Then you need to set the
++NFSROOT+ variables to different directories and run
+faiserver#make-fai-nfsroot -c /etc/fai-sarge
+=== [[powerpc]]FAI on PowerPC
+There's some stuff on http://www.layer-acht.org/fai. Most notably
+there are hooks for partitioning and config-files to setup bootloaders
+for oldworld and newworld.
+=== [[ia64]]FAI on IA64
+There's one big IA64 Beowulf cluster running which was installed with
+FAI. Only the partitioning part has to be replaced by a short script,
+since sfdisk is not available on IA64. This should not be need any
+more since the patitioning tool `setup-storage(8)` works on all
+architectures, were parted is supported.
+=== [[odists]]FAI for Ubuntu, Suse, Redhat and Gentoo
+All FAI packages are available in Ubuntu and are used by a large
+number of people since many version.
+Many people are interested in FAI for other (mostly RPM based) Linux
+distributions. I made some research and it should not be much work to
+implement it. But I need more help to implement it. If you are
+interested and would like to help me, please send an email to
+mailto:fai at informatik.uni-koeln.de[].
+A brief description how to install SLES9 with FAI is available at
+There are also some information in the faiwiki.
+=== [[sparc]]FAI on SUN SPARC hardware running Linux
+Although FAI is architecture independent, there are some packages
+which are only available for certain architectures (e.g. silo,
+SUN SPARC computers can boot from their boot prompt. To boot a SUN
+ boot net:dhcp - ip=::::::dhcp
+You have to convert the kernel image from ELF format to a.out
+format. Use the program `elftoaout` (mentioned in the FAQ). The
+symlink to the kernel image to be booted is not the host name.
+A success report as of 2001 is available at http://www.opossum.ch/fai/.
+=== [[solaris]]FAI for Solaris
+FAI has also been ported for use with SUN Solaris OS installations in
+cooperation with Solaris jumpstart. This was done using FAI 2.8.4 and
+Solaris 9. Get the FAI sources from FAI 2.8.4 and change to the
+'sunos' directory. There you can call _make_ which creates the tarball
+'/tmp/fai-solaris.tar.gz'. You have to read the file 'README.sunos'
+and have some knowledge about Solaris jumpstart. The Solaris support
+was removed in FAI 2.9.
+The file format of the configuration files in 'disk_config' and
+'package_config' are different than those for Linux.
+== [[advanced]]Advanced FAI
+=== [[dirinstall]]Installing into a mounted directory for chroot and virtualization
+If you have some chroot environments to install, or a virtualization
+environment where you neither can nor want to run a normal Debian
+Installer in to get to a working system (for example, Xen guest
+domains), there is the FAI action _dirinstall_.
+By calling
+faiserver# fai <options> dirinstall <target-directory>
+and using either the option _-c <classes>_ or _-N_ you get a FAI
+installation, without the partitioning action, right into the target
+directory. The host name for the target installation can be specified
+using _-u <host-name>_
+This, for example, can be used to combine FAI with the tool
+_xen-tools_, which helps you to build Xen guest domains. _xen-tools_
+are very nice for generating configuration files and block devices for
+new guests based on simple commands and/or configuration files, but
+they can only assign one role per installation for customization.
+FAI-users need and want more, as they are used to have the class
+system. They get them even in xen-tools installations, by using the
+following code as a xen-tools role script:
+CMD="fai -N -v -u ${hostname} dirinstall $TARGET"
+echo running $CMD
+Then, you will want to set the variable _install=0_ the xen-tools
+config for that host (in previous versions of xen-tools, this was
+=== [[softupdate]]Using FAI for updates
+FAI is even usable for system updates, using the same configuration as
+if initially installing. System update means updating the running
+system without doing a re-installation. An updated client will almost
+look like a newly installed machine, though all local data is
+preserved (except of course newer configuration files introduced in
+the FAI config).
+==== [[aboutsoftupdate]]How does a softupdate work?
+Softupdate use the same configuration files as a new FAI
+installation. They even use the default FAI commands, so they behave
+_nearly_ in the same way as an installation, though some things are
+* By default the old list of classes (created during the initial
+installation) is used, so `fai-class` is not called to define a new
+list of classes. This can be changed by calling _fai -N softupdate_.
+MT: Is this still the current behavior?
+* No partitioning and file system creation is performed.
+* The basesytem isn't bootstrapped.
+* FAI skips tasks only useful when installing, such as setting up
+ a keymap or starting special daemons.
+* FAI doesn't prevent software packages to (re-)start daemons.
+* FAI doesn't reboot at the end of a softupdate.
+Except these changes, things are the same as when installing a new computer:
+. Define classes (by default use old list) and variables.
+. Update the installed packages.
+. Install new software.
+. Call configuration scripts.
+. Save the logfiles.
+==== [[runsoftupdate]]How to run a softupdate
+As softupdate use the same infrastructure as a FAI installation, you
+even start them by using the same command `fai(8)` which is used for
+# fai softupdate
+starts a softupdate.
+Make sure to set the variable +LOGSERVER+ (done in a _class/*.var_
+file) if fai should save the log files to a remote machine.
+===== How to do mass softupdates
+Probably you don't want to run to each client and start a softupdate
+there locally, so a mechanism to start an update there has to be
+thought of.
+===== Cron
+One possible solution is to use crontab entries on the clients to
+start an update, but in big installations you have to consider
+including a random-delay mechanism, because too many updates at the
+same time may produce too much traffic on your network.
+===== Starting a softupdate remotely
+If you want more control when exactly a softupdate is run on the
+clients and maybe want to monitor it while it is running, you can
+install remote root login mechanisms on your clients, preferably using
+ssh in connection with a authorized key for root logins.
+Tools like _clusterssh_ allow you to login onto a group of clients at
+once and run _fai softupdate_ there, while the results can be seen
+immediately in the terminals started for each host.
+==== [[confsoftupdate]]How to write a configuration suitable for softupdate
+When you want to do softupdate, you have to be even more careful when
+writing your configuration: it has to be *idempotent*, i.e. running
+all the scripts twice should result in the same system configuration
+as running them once. Some things to keep an eye on:
+- *Never* blindly append to files:
+ $ echo $SOMETHING >> /etc/fstab
+is almost certainly wrong. Either check manually if the line already
+exists *before* appending or use the command `ainsl(1)`. This has a
+similar function to cfengine's _AppendIfNoSuchLine_ statement
+- Make use of FAI's environment variables to determine what to do in
+ your configuration scripts! Some of the most important ones:
+is the URI of the configuration space.
+points to the client's rootdir.
+In case of softupdate: _/_
+contains a command for _chrooting_
+into the client. This is empty when doing
+softupdate (as _/_ is already our root...).
+contains the currently executed action:
+ * _install_ when installing.
+ * _softupdate_ when updating
+Restart daemons if needed: most daemons only read their
+configuration when starting; if you modify it, you need to
+make them reload it using
+ $ROOTCMD invoke-rc.d $somedaemon reload
+or even restart them
+ $ROOTCMD invoke-rc.d $somedaemon restart
+when the configuration for _$somedaemon_ has been changed
+footnote:[You can for example use `fcopy(8)`'s _postinst_ script
+support for doing this; if other things than _fcopy_ modify your
+conffiles, you have to keep track of the changes yourself.]
+- Other things like scheduling a reboot if a new kernel is installed
+==== [[localconfsoftupdate]]What if there are locally changed config files?
+*Short: there shouldn't be any!*
+*Long:* _if_ you are using FAI _softupdate_ to update client's
+configuration, you shouldn't do any local changes on the install
+clients, because they may be lost while updating. Backup copies are
+done by fcopy only on the local disk. By default, they are written to
+the same directory as the original file, with _.pre_fcopy_ appended.
+If you want to save them together with the logfiles,
+add following line to your _class/DEFAULT.var_:
+==== [[detectlocalchanges]]How to detect locally changed files?
+If you are playing with local configuration changes _despite all the
+warnings contained in this section_, there must be a way to check what
+has been changed locally. A simple approach would be to use _debsums
+-e_, but this method fails miserably if you modify conffiles in your
+FAI scripts, because it only checks against the version contained in
+the Debian package. A better proposal is to setup/abuse `tripwire(8)` or
+`integrit(1)` to scan for local changes and notify you about them.
+== [[hints]]Various hints
+This chapter has various hints which may not always be explained in great
+To generate a md5 hash for the password use this
+_echo "yoursecrectpassword" | mkpasswd -Hmd5 -s_
+When using HTTP access to a Debian mirror, the local _/var_ partition
+on all install clients must be big enough to keep the downloaded
+Debian packages. Do not try with less than 250 Mbytes unless you know
+why. You can limit the number of packages installed at a time with the
+variable +$MAXPACKAGES+.
+You can shorten some scripts by using one single fcopy
+command _fcopy -r /_.
+If you rebuild the nfsroot, you will create a new ssh host key inside
+the nfsroot. Then logging in to an install client may fail, because
+the host key changes. You can use this:
+$ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root at installclient
+You can also delete the host entry on your install client in your
+_~/.ssh/known_hosts_ file by unsing the _ssh-keygen -R_ command.
+In the tasks chboot and savelog, a connection using secure shell is
+opened to the FAI server (see <<isavelog>>). To ensure that this works
+non-interactively, a proper entry in 'NFSROOT/root/.ssh/known_hosts'
+must be created. When using fai-setup, this is done automatically, but
+it may require manual editing in case the name of your FAI server was
+not determined correctly. If you stumble over ssh connections that
+require typing "yes" to accept the host key during installation,
+please check the contents of your 'NFSROOT/root/.ssh/known_hosts file'
+You can calculate the IP subnet address (which is used in
+'make-fai-nfsroot.conf' for the variable +FAICLIENTS+ by using the
+nice tool ipcalc. Following example gives you the notation for a class
+C network (16) when the server netork interface has the IP address
+$ ipcalc -nb 16|grep Network:
+You can merge two directories which contain configuration information,
+if one is a global one, and the other a local one. We use it to merge
+the templates from the FAI package, and our local configuration, which
+contains encrypted passwords and other information that should not be
+readable by others. If you remove a file in your local configuration,
+do not forget to remove this file also in the configuration space,
+otherwise it will still be used.
+After calling `set-disk-info`, a list of all local hard disks is
+stored in +$disklist+ and +$device_size+ contains a list of disk
+devices and their sizes.
+Use `fai-divert -a` if a postinst script calls a configuration
+program, e.g. the postinst script for package apache calls
+apacheconfig, which needs manual input. You can fake the configuration
+program so the installation can be fully automatic. But don't forget
+to use `fai-divert -R` to remove all faked scripts.
+During the installation you can execute commands inside the newly
+installed system in a chroot environment by using _chroot /target_ or
+just _$ROOTCMD_ followed by the command you want to call; for example
+_$ROOTCMD dpkg -l_ shows the packages installed on the new system.
+MT: has been said already The only task which has to be done manually
+for new hardware is to assign the MAC address to a host name and to an
+IP address, and to define classes for this host if the existing
+configuration files are not generic enough to deal with this new host.
+There's a tradeoff between writing a few large configuration scripts,
+or many short scripts, one for each class. Large scripts can
+distinguish classes by using case statements, the _ifclass_ test or
+with class mechanisms for _cfengine_ scripts.
+If your computer can't boot from the network card, you do not always
+need to boot from floppy. Add the class _FAI\_BOOTPART_ and FAI will
+automatically create a lilo or grub entry for booting the FAI
+bootfloppy from this partition. So you can start the re-installation
+without a boot floppy. This will also make the test phase shorter,
+since booting from hard disk is much faster than booting from
+floppy. You can also set a password for this boot menu.
+How can I define classes on the kernel command line?
+Read the man page of `fai-class(8)`
+On http://www.layer-acht.org/fai you will find an example how to fully
+automatically install a system using the Debian Installer (d-i) in
+conjunction with FAI's softupdate (see <<softupdate>>).
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