[Fai-commit] r5680 - people/michael/experimental/patches

Michael Tautschnig mt at alioth.debian.org
Sun Nov 22 20:16:06 UTC 2009

Author: mt
Date: 2009-11-22 20:16:06 +0000 (Sun, 22 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 5680

Added Julien Blache's sameas option patch

Modified: people/michael/experimental/patches/series
--- people/michael/experimental/patches/series	2009-11-22 20:05:20 UTC (rev 5679)
+++ people/michael/experimental/patches/series	2009-11-22 20:16:06 UTC (rev 5680)
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@

Added: people/michael/experimental/patches/setup-storage_sameas-option
--- people/michael/experimental/patches/setup-storage_sameas-option	                        (rev 0)
+++ people/michael/experimental/patches/setup-storage_sameas-option	2009-11-22 20:16:06 UTC (rev 5680)
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+2009-11-22  Michael Tautschnig  <mt at debian.org>
+	* setup-storage/Parser.pm, setup-storage.8: Added new sameas disk_config
+		option (thanks Julien BLACHE for the patch).
+Index: trunk/lib/setup-storage/Parser.pm
+--- trunk.orig/lib/setup-storage/Parser.pm
++++ trunk/lib/setup-storage/Parser.pm	
+@@ -68,21 +68,17 @@
+ }
+ ################################################################################
++# @brief Determines a device's full path from a short name or number
+ #
+-# @brief Initialise a new entry in @ref $FAI::configs for a physical disk.
+-# Besides creating the entry in the hash, the fully path of the device is
+-# computed (see @ref $disk) and it is tested, whether this is a block device.
+-# The device name is then used to define @ref $FAI::device.
++# Resolves the device name (/dev/sda), short name (sda) or device number (0) to
++# a full device name (/dev/sda) and tests whether the device is a valid block
++# device.
+ #
+ # @param $disk Either an integer, occurring in the context of, e.g., disk2, or
+ # a device name. The latter may be fully qualified, such as /dev/hda, or a short
+ # name, such as sdb, in which case /dev/ is prepended.
+ ################################################################################
+-sub init_disk_config {
+-  # Initialise $disk
++sub resolv_disk_shortname {
+   my ($disk) = @_;
+   # test $disk for being numeric
+@@ -104,6 +100,28 @@
+   $disk = $candidates[0] if (scalar(@candidates) == 1);
+   die "Device name $disk could not be substituted\n" if ($disk =~ m{[\*\?\[\{\~]});
++  return $disk;
++# @brief Initialise a new entry in @ref $FAI::configs for a physical disk.
++# Checks whether the specified device is valid, creates the entry in the hash
++# and sets @ref $FAI::device.
++# @param $disk Either an integer, occurring in the context of, e.g., disk2, or
++# a device name. The latter may be fully qualified, such as /dev/hda, or a short
++# name, such as sdb, in which case /dev/ is prepended.
++sub init_disk_config {
++  # Initialise $disk
++  my ($disk) = @_;
++  $disk = &FAI::resolv_disk_shortname($disk);
+   # prepend PHY_
+   $FAI::device = "PHY_$disk";
+@@ -411,6 +429,7 @@
+           $FAI::configs{"VG_--ANY--"}{fstabkey} = $1;
+         }
+     option: /^preserve_always:(\d+(,\d+)*)/
+         {
+           # set the preserve flag for all ids in all cases
+@@ -456,6 +475,24 @@
+           # the information preferred for fstab device identifieres
+           $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{fstabkey} = $1;
+         }
++	| /^sameas:disk(\d+)/
++	{
++	  my $ref_dev = &FAI::resolv_disk_shortname($1);
++	  defined($FAI::configs{"PHY_" . $ref_dev}) or die "Reference device $ref_dev not found in config\n";
++	  use Storable qw(dclone);
++	  $FAI::configs{$FAI::device} = dclone($FAI::configs{"PHY_" . $ref_dev});
++	}
++	| /^sameas:(\S+)/
++	{
++	  my $ref_dev = &FAI::resolv_disk_shortname($1);
++	  defined($FAI::configs{"PHY_" . $ref_dev}) or die "Reference device $ref_dev not found in config\n";
++	  use Storable qw(dclone);
++	  $FAI::configs{$FAI::device} = dclone($FAI::configs{"PHY_" . $ref_dev});
++	}
+     volume: /^vg\s+/ name devices vgcreateopt(s?)
+         | /^raid([0156]|10)\s+/
+Index: trunk/man/setup-storage.8
+--- trunk.orig/man/setup-storage.8
++++ trunk/man/setup-storage.8	
+@@ -234,7 +234,19 @@
+ .br
+            may be the device (/dev/xxx), a label given using \-L, or the uuid
+ .br
+-           */  
++           */
++           | sameas:(disk[[:digit:]]+|[^[:space:]]+)
++           /* Indicate that this disk will use the same scheme
++           as the given device. The referenced device must be
++           defined before the device using this option. Use only
++           with identical hardware.
++           */
+ .br

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