[Fai-commit] r5622 - in trunk: bin debian

Thomas Lange lange at alioth.debian.org
Thu Oct 29 18:54:46 UTC 2009

Author: lange
Date: 2009-10-29 18:54:46 +0000 (Thu, 29 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 5622

  save maximal exit code now works

Modified: trunk/bin/fai-do-scripts
--- trunk/bin/fai-do-scripts	2009-10-29 16:12:46 UTC (rev 5621)
+++ trunk/bin/fai-do-scripts	2009-10-29 18:54:46 UTC (rev 5622)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-version="version 1.6.6, 29-oct-2009"
+version="version 1.7, 29-oct-2009"
 # variables needed: $classes, $cfclasses, $LOGDIR
@@ -36,12 +36,11 @@
 # If class is a directory, execute all $class/[0-9][0-9]* scripts in
 # it, but do not execute files ending in ~
-# TODO: -n only shows which scripts should be executed, but do not execute them
-maxstatus=0  # since maxstatus is set inside a pipe, the value is not available at the end
 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 savemaxstatus() {
+    $exitcode=$1 # set global variable
     # save the highest exit status
     [ $1 -gt $maxstatus ] && maxstatus=$1
@@ -56,7 +55,6 @@
 	res="FAILED with exit code $st."
-	savemaxstatus $st
     # put result in the log file and write to stdout
     printf "%-20s $res\n" $cmd | tee -a $LOGDIR/status.log
@@ -114,35 +112,40 @@
 	    echo "Executing   $shelldebug shell: $file"
 	    echo "=====   shell: $file   =====" >> $LOGDIR/shell.log 2>&1
 	    $shelldebug ./$file >> $LOGDIR/shell.log 2>&1
-	    fc_check_status $file $? | tee -a $LOGDIR/shell.log
+	    savemaxstatus $?
+	    fc_check_status $file $exitcode | tee -a $LOGDIR/shell.log
 	    echo "Executing cfagent: $file"
 	    echo "=====   cfagent: $file   =====" >> $LOGDIR/cfagent.log 2>&1
 	    ./$file $cfagentdebug -qKI -D${cfclasses} >> $LOGDIR/cfagent.log 2>&1
-	    fc_check_status $file $? | tee -a $LOGDIR/cfagent.log
+	    savemaxstatus $?
+	    fc_check_status $file $exitcode | tee -a $LOGDIR/cfagent.log
 	*"cfengine script"*)
 	    echo "Executing cfengine: $file"
 	    echo "=====   cfengine: $file   =====" >> $LOGDIR/cfengine.log 2>&1
 	    ./$file -K -v -f $file -D${cfclasses} >> $LOGDIR/cfengine.log 2>&1
-	    fc_check_status $file $? | tee -a $LOGDIR/cfengine.log
+	    savemaxstatus $?
+	    fc_check_status $file $exitcode | tee -a $LOGDIR/cfengine.log
 	    echo "Executing    perl: $file"
 	    echo "=====   perl: $file   =====" >> $LOGDIR/perl.log 2>&1
 	    ./$file >> $LOGDIR/perl.log 2>&1
-	    fc_check_status $file $? | tee -a $LOGDIR/perl.log
+	    savemaxstatus $?
+	    fc_check_status $file $exitcode | tee -a $LOGDIR/perl.log
 	*"expect script"*)
 	    echo "Executing  expect: $file"
 	    echo "=====   expect: $file   =====" >> $LOGDIR/expect.log 2>&1
 	    ./$file >> $LOGDIR/expect.log 2>&1
-	    fc_check_status $file $? | tee -a $LOGDIR/expect.log
+	    savemaxstatus $?
+	    fc_check_status $file $exitcode | tee -a $LOGDIR/expect.log
 	*) echo "File $file has unsupported type $filetype." ;;
@@ -184,6 +187,5 @@
 call_conf $1
 # move error number from child scripts to 100+x if any error happened
-# this does not work atm, cause fc_check.. is called inside a pipe
-# [ $maxstatus -gt 0 ] && maxstatus=$((100+$maxstatus))
+[ $maxstatus -gt 0 ] && maxstatus=$((100+$maxstatus))
 exit $maxstatus

Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog	2009-10-29 16:12:46 UTC (rev 5621)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog	2009-10-29 18:54:46 UTC (rev 5622)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-fai (3.2.23~beta34) unstable; urgency=low
+fai (3.2.23~beta35) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Thomas Lange ]
   * NEWS: add hint about missing packages in nfsroot, changes in
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
   * get-config-dir-cvs, fai-do-scripts: replace basename and dirname calls
     with bash functions
   * fai-do-scripts: remove warning about scripts with prefix S
+    save maximal exit code now works
   * dhcpd.conf: change path of pxelinux.0
   * get-config-dir, get-config-dir-file: print more info, print warning if
     no method is defined

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