[Fai-commit] r5852 - in trunk: . bin debian doc doc/includes examples/simple/class lib man

Thomas Lange lange at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jul 9 14:11:38 UTC 2010

Author: lange
Date: 2010-07-09 14:11:32 +0000 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 5852

fai-client.install, copyright, bootexample.txt, fai-guide.txt,
subroutines, THANKS, setup-storage.8, Makefile, FAIBASE.var: remove
setup_harddisks and variable USE_SETUP_STORAGE

Modified: trunk/Makefile
--- trunk/Makefile	2010-07-09 13:51:52 UTC (rev 5851)
+++ trunk/Makefile	2010-07-09 14:11:32 UTC (rev 5852)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 export DOCDIR = $(shell pwd)/debian/fai-doc/usr/share/doc/fai-doc
 LIBDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/fai
 SHAREDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/fai
-USRSBIN_SCRIPTS = make-fai-nfsroot fai-setup fcopy ftar install_packages fai-chboot faimond fai-cd fai setup_harddisks faireboot fai-statoverride setup-storage dhcp-edit
+USRSBIN_SCRIPTS = make-fai-nfsroot fai-setup fcopy ftar install_packages fai-chboot faimond fai-cd fai faireboot fai-statoverride setup-storage dhcp-edit
 USRBIN_SCRIPTS = fai-class fai-do-scripts fai-mirror fai-debconf device2grub policy-rc.d.fai ainsl faimond-gui

Modified: trunk/THANKS
--- trunk/THANKS	2010-07-09 13:51:52 UTC (rev 5851)
+++ trunk/THANKS	2010-07-09 14:11:32 UTC (rev 5852)
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 Jonas Eriksson		zqad at hpc2n.umu.se
 Era Eriksson		era at iki.fi
 Stephane Fritsch	stephane.fritsch at rte-france.com
-Mattias Gaertner	gaertner at informatik.uni-koeln.de
 Sébastien Gallet	sgallet at ibourgogne.net
 Thomas Gebhardt		gebhardt at hrz.uni-marburg.de
 Sergio Gelato		Sergio.Gelato at astro.su.se

Deleted: trunk/bin/setup_harddisks
--- trunk/bin/setup_harddisks	2010-07-09 13:51:52 UTC (rev 5851)
+++ trunk/bin/setup_harddisks	2010-07-09 14:11:32 UTC (rev 5852)
@@ -1,957 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# setup_harddisks -- create partitions and filesystems on harddisk
-# This script is part of FAI (Fully Automatic Installation)
-# Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 by ScALE Workgroup, Universitaet zu Koeln
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 by Thomas Lange, Uni Koeln
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
-# MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# This program first read the configfiles, partitions and formats the harddisks,
-# produces fstab and FAI-variables-file.  It uses sfdisk, mke2fs, mkswap
-# Parameters:
-# [-X]                     no test, your harddisks will be formated
-#                          default: only test, no real formating
-# [-f<config-filename>]    default: parse classes
-# [-c<class-path>]         default: $FAI/disk_config/
-# [-d]                     default: no DOS alignment
-# Last changes:  see svn log
-# Last changes:  31.3.2005 by Thomas Lange add sub mapdisk{}
-# Last changes:  8.11.2004 by Thomas Lange add $devdisklist when calling sfdisk
-# Last changes:   3.2.2004 by Thomas Lange typos
-# Last changes: 14.07.2003 by Thomas Lange add xfs filesystem support
-# Last changes: 23.01.2003 by Thomas Lange print info data to stdout
-# Last changes: 03.12.2002 by Thomas Lange remove ida, cciss stuff. Just match everything
-# Last changes: 27.11.2002 by Thomas Lange allow more that 3 primary partitions
-# Last changes: 14.05.2002 by Thomas Lange use strict
-# Last changes: 04.05.2002 by Thomas Lange use strict
-# Last changes: 29.04.2002 by Thomas Lange add swaplist
-# Last changes: 12.01.2002 by Thomas Lange
-# /dev/ida/ patch 12.01.2002 by Marc Martinez <lastxit+fai at technogeeks.org>
-# Last changes: 9.11.2001 by Thomas Lange
-# reiserfs patch 8.11.2001 by Diane Trout <diane at caltech.edu>
-# Last changes: 25.10.2001 by Thomas Lange
-# Last changes: 09.07.2001 by Thomas Lange
-# Last changes: 04.07.2001 by Thomas Lange
-# Last changes: 06.05.2001 by Thomas Lange
-# Last changes: 09.03.2001 by Thomas Lange
-# Last changes: 05.12.2000 by Thomas Lange
-# Last changes: 03.05.2000 by Thomas Lange
-# Last changes: 03.04.2000 by Mattias Gaertner
-# config-file format:
-#   lines beginning with # are comments
-# "disk_config <device>|<diskN>|end"
-#   The disk_config command starts the parsing.
-#   It has to be the first command.
-#    <device> is the harddisk to format in short form like "hda" or "sdc".
-#    <diskN>  if first is used, the N-th disk of $disklist is used
-#    "end"    = end parsing here
-#   Example: "disk_config hdb"
-#   Example: "disk_config disk3"
-# Defining one partition:
-# "primary|logical mountpoint|swap|- <size in mb>|preserve<No> [fstab-options][;extraordinary options]"
-#    "primary|logical":
-#      "primary": this are the bootable partitions like the
-#         root directory "/" or the DOS "C:" disk.
-#      "logical": this are all other partitions like a linux
-#         "/var" or a swap partition or a DOS disk.
-#    "mountpoint|swap|-":
-#      "mountpoint": 
-#         This is the mount-point for fstab.
-#         For example "/","/var","/usr". There must not
-#         be a space in the mountpoint.
-#      "swap":
-#         swap-partitions
-#      "-":
-#         do not mount this partition.
-#    "<size in mb>|preserve<No>":
-#      "<size in mb>":
-#        The size of the partition in megabyte
-#         Examples:
-#          "30"     = 30 mb
-#          "10-100" = 10 to 100 mb
-#          "20-"    = minimum of 20 mb
-#          "-500"   = 1 to 500 mb
-#          The megabytes will be rounded up to cylinders.
-#      "preserve<No>":
-#         This is the alternative for the size attribute.
-#         <No> is the partition number. For example
-#         preserve3 for the third partition. If the
-#         <device> was hda then this results in hda3.
-#         The partition will be left unchanged. This
-#         is useful if you have partitions that do not
-#         need re-installation or if you want to have
-#         other operation systems on the device together
-#         with Linux. Extended Partitions can not be preserved.
-#         The bootable flag will not be preserved.
-#         Preserved partitions are mounted readonly during
-#         installation.
-#    "fstab-options":
-#         These options are copied to the fstab-file. The
-#         default is "default"
-#   After the semicolon there could be extra options like:
-#     -i <bytes>   : Bytes per inodes
-#                    (only ext2/3 filesystem)
-#     -m <blocks>% : reserved blocks percentage for superuser
-#                    (only ext2/3 filesystem)
-#     -j	   : format in ext3
-#     -c           : check for bad blocks
-#     format       : Always format this partition even if preserve
-#     lazyformat   : Do not format if partition has not moved
-#                    (useful for testing the installation)
-#     boot         : make this partition the boot-partition (the
-#                    linux root filesystem is the default)
-#     ext2         : Extended 2 filesystem (this is the default)
-#     swap         : swap partition
-#     dosfat16     : DOS 16bit FAT file system
-#     winfat32     : Win95 FAT32 file system
-#     writable     : mounts a preserved partition writable
-#     xfs          : xfs
-#     reiser       : reiserfs
-#       -h <hash>  : set reiserfs hash
-#       -v <ver>   : set reiserfs version
-use strict;
-# getopts variables:
-our ($opt_X, $opt_f, $opt_c, $opt_d);
-my $test;
-$| = 1;                     # flush always
-# Variables
-my $Version = "version 0.43fai";
-my $megabyte = 1024 * 1024;    # guess
-# $gigabyte = 1024 * $megabyte;
-my $sectorsize = 512;
-# used programs
-my $sfdisk_options = "-q $ENV{sfdisk}";     # be quiet
-my $mke2fs_options = "-q";     # be quiet
-my $mkreiserfs_options = "";
-my $mkxfs_options = "-f";
-my $mkswap_options = "";
-# FAI input variables
-my $ClassPath = "$ENV{FAI}/disk_config";# this directory contains the classes
-my $ConfigFileName = "";   # alternative classfile, only for tests
-my $DOS_Alignment = "";    # align partitions for tracks
-# FAI output variables
-my $BootPartition = "";    # the boot partition like "hda1"
-my $BOOT_DEVICE = "";      # the root device like "hda" or "sdb"
-my $FAIOutputFile = "$ENV{LOGDIR}/disk_var.sh"; # write output variables to this file
-# old partition tables
-my %DiskUnits = ();        # unit size of each disk in sectors
-my %DiskSize = ();         # size of every disk in units
-my %SectorsAlignment = ();  # tracksize in sectors
-my %PartOldBoot = ();      # partition was bootable. "yes"=yes
-my %PartOldStart = ();     # old startunit of partition
-my %PartOldEnd = ();       # old endunit of partition
-my %PartOldStartSec = ();  # old startsector of partition
-my %PartOldEndSec = ();    # old endsector of partition
-my %PartOldID = ();        # old ID of partition
-my %OldNotAligned = (); # "yes" if old partition boundaries are not DOS aligned
-# mountpoints  ("/<path>" or "swap<No>" or "no<No>" or "extended<disk>")
-my $NofSwapPart = 0;       # number of swap partitions
-my $NofNotMoPart = 0;      # number of not mountet partitions
-my %DiskMountpoints = ();  # mountpoints of every disk. separated by spaces
-my %MountpointPart = ();   # partition of every mountpoint. e.g. "hda2"
-my %PartMountpoint = ();   # mountpoint of every partition.
-my @swaplist;              # list of all swpa devices
-# size of partition/mountpoint
-my %MPMinSize = ();        # minimum size of mountpoint in units
-my %MPMaxSize = ();        # maximum size of mountpoint in units
-my %MPPreserve = ();       # preserve partition: "yes"=yes
-my %MPPrimary = ();        # primary partition: "yes"=yes
-my %MPStart = ();          # start of partition in units
-my %MPSize = ();           # size of partition in units
-my %MPID = ();             # id of partition
-# options
-my %MPfstaboptions = ();   # fstab options for every mountpoint
-my %MPOptions = ();        # extra options for every mountpoint
-# sfdisk partition tables
-my %sfdiskTables = ();     # partition tables for sfdisk
-my $verbose = 0;
-$verbose = $ENV{verbose} if $ENV{verbose};
-# Parse command line
-use Getopt::Std;
-&getopts('Xf:c:d') || die "
-USAGE: [-X]                     no test, your harddisks will be formated
-                                default: only test, no real formating
-       [-f<config-filename>]    default: parse classes
-       [-c<class-path>]         default: \$FAI/disk_config/
-       [-d]                     default: no DOS alignment
-print "setup_harddisks $Version\n";
-print "WARNING: setup_harddisks is deprecated and will be removed in the future.\n";
-print "WARNING: Please use setup-storage(8) instead.\n";
-if (defined $opt_X){
-    $test = 2;
-} else {
-    print "TEST ONLY - no real formating\n\n";
-    $test = 1;
-$ConfigFileName = $opt_f if $opt_f;# alternative config file
-$ClassPath      = $opt_c if $opt_c;# search classes here
-$DOS_Alignment  = "yes" if $opt_d; # track alignment
-# main part
-exit 0;
-# get a partition pathname
-sub PartName {
-    my ($disk, $partno) = @_;
-    my $ppath;
-    for ($disk) {
-      /^(i2o\/)?[a-z]+$/ and $ppath = "${disk}${partno}";
-      /\d$/ and $ppath = "${disk}p${partno}";
-    }
-    return $ppath;
-# Read all partition tables of this machine
-sub GetAllDisks{
-    my $line=""; my $disk=""; my $device=""; my $rest; my $result; my $divi;
-    my $devdisklist="";
-    foreach my $device(split(/\s/,$ENV{disklist})){
-      $devdisklist = "$devdisklist /dev/$device";
-    }
-    print "Probing disks: $devdisklist\n";
-    print "Disks found:";
-    $result = `sh -c "LC_ALL=C sfdisk -g -q $devdisklist"`;
-    foreach my $line(split(/\n/,$result)){
-	if($line =~ m'^/dev/(.+?):\s+(\d+)\s+cylinders,\s+(\d+)\s+heads,\s+(\d+)\s+sectors'i){
-	    $disk = $1;
-	    $DiskUnits{$disk} = $3 * $4;# heads * sectors = cylinder size in sectors
-	    $DiskSize{$disk} = $2;      # cylinders
-	    ($DOS_Alignment eq "yes") ? ($SectorsAlignment{$disk} = $4) : ($SectorsAlignment{$disk} = 1);
-	    print " $disk";
-	}
-    }
-    $result = `sh -c "LC_ALL=C sfdisk -d -q $devdisklist"`;
-    foreach my $line(split(/\n/,$result)){
-#	if($line =~ m'# partition table of /dev/(cciss/c\dd\d|ida/c\dd\d|rd/c\dd\d|[a-z]+)'i){
-# now just match all devices
-	if($line =~ m'# partition table of /dev/(\S+)$'i){
-	   $disk = $1;
-        }
-	if($line =~ m#^/dev/(.+?)\s*:\s+start=\s*(\d+),\s+size=\s*(\d+),\s+Id=\s*([a-z0-9]+)\b(.*)$#i){
-	    $device = $1;
-            # Sectors
-            $PartOldStartSec{$device} = $2;
-            $PartOldEndSec{$device} = $2 + $3 - 1;
-            # DiskUnits
-	    $PartOldStart{$device} = int ($2 / $DiskUnits{$disk});
-	    $PartOldEnd{$device} = int (($2 + $3 - 1) / $DiskUnits{$disk});
-	    $divi = $2 / $SectorsAlignment{$disk};
-	    ($divi != int ($divi)) && ($OldNotAligned{$device} = "yes");
-	    $divi = $3 / $SectorsAlignment{$disk};
-	    ($divi != int ($divi)) && ($OldNotAligned{$device} = "yes");
-	    $PartOldID{$device} = $4;
-	    $rest = $5;
-	    $PartOldBoot{$device} = ($rest =~ /bootable/) ? "yes" : "";
-	}
-    }
-    print "\n\n";
-# parse config file or all class files
-sub ParseAllConfigFiles{
-    my $ConfigFileExists = 0;  # no config file parsed yet
-    if ($ConfigFileName){
-	# Read config filename
-	&ParseConfigFile($ConfigFileName);
-	$ConfigFileExists = 1;
-    } else {
-	# Read classes
-	foreach my $classfile (reverse split(/\s+/,$ENV{"classes"})){
-	    my $filename = "$ClassPath/$classfile";
-	    if (($classfile) && (-r $filename)) {
-               &ParseConfigFile($filename);
-               $ConfigFileExists = 1;
-            }
-	    ($ConfigFileExists) && last;
-	}
-    }
-    ($ConfigFileExists == 0) && die "ERROR: no config file for setup_harddisk found. Please check you classes and files in disk_config.\n";
-# map "disk_config first" to real disk device
-sub mapdisk {
-  my ($disk) = @_;
-  my @dlist = split /\s+/,$ENV{disklist};
-  unshift @dlist, "nodisk"; # add dummy element, so disk1 will be mapped to dlist[1]
-  if ($disk =~ /disk(\d+)/) {
-    my $n = $1;
-    print "Mapping disk name disk$n to $dlist[$n]\n";
-    $disk = $dlist[$n];
-  }
-  return $disk;
-# parse config-file
-sub ParseConfigFile{
-    my $size=""; my $mountpoint=""; my $device ="";
-    my $fstaboptions=""; my $options=""; my $disk=""; my $command = "";
-    my $LogPartNo; my $PrimPartNo; my $NoMoreLogicals;
-    my $LastPresPart; my $extmp; my $Min; my $Max;
-    my $filename = shift;
-    open (FILE,"$filename")
-      || die "config file not found: $filename\n";
-    (print "Using config file: $filename\n");
-    $disk = "";
-    my $a = 1, my $paras ="", my $number=0;
-    while (my $line = <FILE>){
-	chomp($line);
-	$a++;
-	next if( $line =~ /^#|^\s*$/ );
-	# disk_config - command
-	if ($line =~ /^disk_config(.*)/i){
-	    $paras = $1;
-	    if ($paras =~ / end/i){
-		$disk = "";
-	    } else {
-#		if($paras =~ m# (/dev/)?(cciss/c\dd\d|ida/c\dd\d|rd/c\dd\d|[a-z]+)#i){
-# now match all devives
-		if($paras =~ m# (/dev/)?(\S+)#i){
-		    $disk = mapdisk($2);
-		    ($DiskMountpoints{$disk})
-		      && die "ERROR: there are more than one configuration of disk $disk.\n";
-		    ($DiskSize{$disk}) || die "ERROR: could not read device /dev/$disk\n";
-		    ($test != 1) || (print "config: $disk\n");
-		    $DiskMountpoints{$disk} = "";
-		    $MPPrimary{"extended$disk"} = "";
-		    $LogPartNo = 4;
-		    $PrimPartNo = 0;
-		    $NoMoreLogicals = 0;
-		    $LastPresPart = "";
-		    $extmp = "extended$disk";
-		} else {
-		    die "SYNTAX ERROR: in config file line $a, unknown disk_config parameter $paras\n$line\n";
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if ($disk){
-	    # primary|partition - command
-	    if($line =~ /^\s*(primary|logical)\s+(.*)$/i){
-		$command = $1;
-		# split variables
-		$paras = $2;
-		$options = "";
-		if($paras =~ /(.*?)\s*;\s*(.*)$/){
-		    $paras = $1;
-		    $options = $2;
-		}
-		$size="";
-		$mountpoint ="";
-		$fstaboptions = "";
-		($mountpoint,$size,$fstaboptions)=split(/\s+/,$paras);
-		# mountpoint
-		($mountpoint =~ m#^/.*|^swap$|^-$#i)
-		  || die "SYNTAX ERROR in config file line $a, mountpoint: $mountpoint\n$line\n";
-		($MountpointPart{$mountpoint})
-		  && die "SYNTAX ERROR in config file line $a. Mountpoint $mountpoint redefined.\n$line\n";
-		if($mountpoint eq "/"){
-		    ($BootPartition) || ($BOOT_DEVICE = $disk);
-		}
-		if($mountpoint eq "-"){
-		    $NofNotMoPart++;
-		    $mountpoint = "no$NofNotMoPart";
-		}
-		if($mountpoint eq "swap"){
-		    $NofSwapPart++;
-		    $mountpoint = "swap$NofSwapPart";
-		    ($options !~ /\bswap\b/i) && ($options .= " swap");
-		    ($fstaboptions) || ($fstaboptions = "sw");
-		}
-		if($mountpoint =~ m#^/#){
-		    ($fstaboptions) || ($fstaboptions = "defaults");
-		}
-		if ($command eq "primary") {
-		    ($MPPrimary{$extmp} eq "yes") && ($NoMoreLogicals = 1);
-		    $MPPrimary{$mountpoint} = "yes";
-		    $PrimPartNo++;
-#		    ($PrimPartNo == 3) && ($disk =~ /^sd/) && ($PrimPartNo++);
-                    ($PrimPartNo >4 ) && die "ERROR: Too much primary partitions (max 4).".
-                                " All logicals together need one primary too.\n";
-		    $MountpointPart{$mountpoint} = PartName($disk,$PrimPartNo);
-		    if($options =~ /\bboot\b/i){
-		        ($BootPartition) && die "ERROR: only one partition can be bootable at a time.";
-			$BootPartition = $MountpointPart{$mountpoint};
-			$BOOT_DEVICE = $disk;
-		    }
-		} else {
-		    ($NoMoreLogicals != 0) && die "ERROR: the logical partitions must be together.\n";
-		    $MPPrimary{$mountpoint} = "";
-		    $LogPartNo++;
-		    $MountpointPart{$mountpoint} = PartName($disk,$LogPartNo);
-		    if (!$MPPrimary{$extmp}){
-		        $MPPreserve{$extmp} = "";
-		        $MPPrimary{$extmp} = "yes";
-			$MPMinSize{$extmp} = 0;
-			$MPMaxSize{$extmp} = 0;
-			$MPID{$extmp} = 5;
-			$PrimPartNo++;
-			($PrimPartNo == 3) && ($disk =~ /^sd/) && ($PrimPartNo++);
-                        ($PrimPartNo >4 ) 
-			  && die "ERROR: too much primary partitions (max 4).".
-                               " All logicals together need one primary too.\n";
-			$MountpointPart{$extmp} = PartName($disk,$PrimPartNo);
-			$DiskMountpoints{$disk} .= " $extmp";
-		    }
-#		    ($options =~ /\bboot\b/i) && die "ERROR: line $a, only primary partitions can be bootable.\n";
-		}
-		$DiskMountpoints{$disk} .= " $mountpoint";
-		# size
-		($size =~ /^preserve\d+$|^\d+\-?\d*$|^-\d+$/i)
-		    || die "SYNTAX ERROR in config file line $a, size: $size\n$line\n";
-		if($size =~ /^preserve(\d+)$/i){
-		    my $number = $1;
-		    $device = PartName($disk,$number);
-		    ($OldNotAligned{$device} eq "yes")
-		      && die "ERROR: unable to preserve partition /dev/$device. Partition is not DOS aligned.";
-		    ($command eq "primary") && ($number != $PrimPartNo)
-                       && die "NUMERATION ERROR in line $a, the number of the partition can not be preserved:\n$line\n";
-		    ($command eq "logical") && ($number != $LogPartNo)
-                       && die "NUMERATION ERROR in line $a, the number of the partition can not be preserved:\n$line\n";
-		    if ($PartOldEnd{$device}){
-		        (($PartOldID{$device} == 5) || ($PartOldID{$device} == 85)) &&
-			  die "ERROR in config file line $a.".
-                              " Extended partitions can not be preserved. /dev/$device\n$line\n";
-			$MPPreserve{$mountpoint}="yes";
-			$MPMinSize{$mountpoint} = $PartOldEnd{$device}-$PartOldStart{$device}+1;
-			$MPMaxSize{$mountpoint} = $MPMinSize{$mountpoint}; # Max=Min
-			$MPStart{$mountpoint} = $PartOldStart{$device};
-			$MPSize{$mountpoint} = $MPMinSize{$mountpoint};
-			$MPID{$mountpoint} = $PartOldID{$device};
-		    } else {
-			die "ERROR: cannot preserve partition $device. partition not found.$PartOldEnd{$device}\n";
-		    }
-		    if ($LastPresPart) {
-		        ($PartOldStart{$device} < $PartOldStart{$LastPresPart}) &&
-			  die "ERROR: misordered partitions: cannot preserve partitions $LastPresPart and $device\n".
-                              "       in this order because of their positions on disk.";
-		    }
-		    $LastPresPart = $device;
-		    ($MPMinSize{$mountpoint} < 1)
-		      && die "ERROR: unable to preserve partitions of size 0.\n$line\n ";
-		  } else {
-		    # If not preserve we must know the filesystemtype
-	            ($options !~ /\b(ext2|ext3|auto|swap|dosfat16|winfat32|reiser|xfs)\b/i ) && ($options .= " auto");
-		  }
-		if($size =~ /^(\d*)(\-?)(\d*)$/){
-		    $Min = $1;
-		    $Min||= 1;
-		    $Max = $3;
-		    $MPMinSize{$mountpoint} = int (($Min * $megabyte - 1) / ($DiskUnits{$disk} * $sectorsize)) + 1;
-		    if ($2 eq "-"){
-			if($Max =~ /\d+/){
-			    $MPMaxSize{$mountpoint} = int (($Max * $megabyte - 1) / ($DiskUnits{$disk} * $sectorsize)) + 1;
-			} else {
-			    $MPMaxSize{$mountpoint} = $DiskSize{$disk};
-			}
-		    } else {
-			$MPMaxSize{$mountpoint} = $MPMinSize{$mountpoint}; # Max=Min
-		    }
-		    ($MPMinSize{$mountpoint} > $DiskSize{$disk})
-		      && die "ERROR in config file line $a: Minsize larger than disk.\n$line\n";
-		    ($MPMinSize{$mountpoint} > $MPMaxSize{$mountpoint}) 
-                       && die "SYNTAX ERROR in config file line $a, MIN-MAX-size: $MPMinSize{$mountpoint}-$MPMaxSize{$mountpoint}\n$line\n";
-		    ($MPMinSize{$mountpoint} < 1)
-		      && die "SYNTAX ERROR in config file line $a. Minsize must be greater than 1.\n$line\n";
-		    $MPPreserve{$mountpoint} = "";
-		}
-		# fstaboptions
-		$MPfstaboptions{$mountpoint} = $fstaboptions;
-		# extra options
-		($options =~ /\b(ext[23]|auto)\b/i) && ($MPID{$mountpoint} = 83); # Linux native
-		($options =~ /\bswap\b/i) && ($MPID{$mountpoint} = 82); # Linux swap
-		($options =~ /\bdosfat16\b/i) && ($MPID{$mountpoint} = 6); # DOS FAT 16bit (>=32MB, will be changed later)
-		($options =~ /\bwinfat32\b/i) && ($MPID{$mountpoint} = "b"); # Win 95 FAT 32
-		$MPOptions{$mountpoint} = $options;
-		if($test == 1){
-		    print "$mountpoint,$MPMinSize{$mountpoint}-$MPMaxSize{$mountpoint},";
-		    print "$fstaboptions,$options";
-		    ($MPPreserve{$mountpoint} eq "yes") && (print " Preserve: $MountpointPart{$mountpoint}");
-		    print "\n";
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    close(FILE);
-# Build all partition tables
-sub BuildNewPartTables{
-    my ($disk, $mountpoint, $part, $PrimaryMP, $LogicalMP);
-    ($test != 1) || (print "\nBuilding partition tables:\n");
-    # Build PartMountpoint array
-    foreach $disk(keys %DiskMountpoints) {
-	$DiskMountpoints{$disk} =~ s/\s(\s)/$1/g;
-	$DiskMountpoints{$disk} =~ s/^\s//;
-	$DiskMountpoints{$disk} =~ s/\s$//;
-	foreach $mountpoint(split(/\s/,$DiskMountpoints{$disk})) {
-	    $PartMountpoint{$MountpointPart{$mountpoint}} = $mountpoint;
-	}
-    }
-    foreach $disk(keys %DiskMountpoints) {
-	&SetPartitionPositions($disk);
-        # change units to sectors
-        foreach $mountpoint(split(/\s/,$DiskMountpoints{$disk})) {
-            if($MPPreserve{$mountpoint} eq "yes"){
-	        $MPStart{$mountpoint} = $PartOldStartSec{$MountpointPart{$mountpoint}};
-	        $MPSize{$mountpoint} = $PartOldEndSec{$MountpointPart{$mountpoint}} - $MPStart{$mountpoint} + 1;
-	    } else {
-	        $MPStart{$mountpoint} *= $DiskUnits{$disk};
-	        $MPSize{$mountpoint} *= $DiskUnits{$disk};
-	        # align first partition for mbr
-	        if($MPStart{$mountpoint} == 0){
-	            $MPStart{$mountpoint} += $SectorsAlignment{$disk};
-		    $MPSize{$mountpoint} -= $SectorsAlignment{$disk};
-	        }
-	    }
-	}
-	# align all logical partitions
-        foreach $mountpoint(split(/\s/,$DiskMountpoints{$disk})) {
-            next if ($MPPrimary{$mountpoint} eq "yes");
-	    if ($MountpointPart{$mountpoint} eq "${disk}5") {
-	        # partition with number 5 is first logical partition and start of extended partition
-  	        $MPStart{"extended$disk"} = $MPStart{$mountpoint};
-                ($MPPreserve{$mountpoint} eq "yes") && ($MPStart{"extended$disk"} -= $SectorsAlignment{$disk});
-	    }
-            if ($MPPreserve{$mountpoint} ne "yes") {
-  	        $MPStart{$mountpoint} += $SectorsAlignment{$disk};
-	        $MPSize{$mountpoint} -= $SectorsAlignment{$disk};
-	    }
-	}
-        &CalculateExtPartSize($disk);
-        # sort mountpoints of partition number
-        $PrimaryMP = "";
-        $LogicalMP = "";
-        foreach $mountpoint(split(/\s/,$DiskMountpoints{$disk})) {
-	  ($MPPrimary{$mountpoint} eq "yes") ? ($PrimaryMP .= " $mountpoint") : ($LogicalMP .= " $mountpoint");
-	}
-	$DiskMountpoints{$disk} = "$PrimaryMP$LogicalMP";
-	$DiskMountpoints{$disk} =~ s/^\s//;
-	# print partition table
-        ($test != 1) || (PrintPartitionTable($disk));
-    }
-    if (!$BootPartition){
-        $BootPartition = $MountpointPart{"/"};
-    }
-# set position for every partition
-sub SetPartitionPositions{
-    my $disk = shift;
-    my $mountpoint; my $DynGroup =""; my $StartPos; my $EndPos;
-    # Build groups of unpreserved partitions between
-    # preserved partitions
-    $StartPos = 0;
-    foreach $mountpoint(split(/\s/,$DiskMountpoints{$disk})) {
-        if ($MPPreserve{$mountpoint} eq "yes") {
-	    $EndPos = $PartOldStart{$MountpointPart{$mountpoint}} - 1;
-            &SetGroupPos($DynGroup,$StartPos,$EndPos);
-	    $DynGroup = "";
-	    $StartPos = $PartOldEnd{$MountpointPart{$mountpoint}} + 1;
-        } else {
-	    $DynGroup .= " $mountpoint";
-	}
-    }
-    $EndPos = $DiskSize{$disk} - 1;
-    &SetGroupPos($DynGroup,$StartPos,$EndPos);
-    foreach $mountpoint(split(/\s/,$DiskMountpoints{$disk})) {
-	($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /\bdosfat16\b/i)
-	    && (($MPSize{$mountpoint} * $DiskUnits{$disk} * $sectorsize) < 32 * $megabyte)
-		&& ($MPID{$mountpoint} = 4); # DOS 16-bit FAT <32MB
-    }
-# set position for a group of unpreserved partitions
-# between start and end
-sub SetGroupPos{
-    my ($PartGroup,$Start,$End) = @_;
-    $PartGroup =~ s/^ //;
-    ($PartGroup) || return;
-    my $totalsize = $End - $Start + 1;
-    ($totalsize <= 0) && return;
-    my $mountpoint; my $mintotal = 0; my $maxmintotal = 0; my $rest = 0; my $EndUnit = 0;
-    # compute total of MinSizes and difference to MaxSizes
-    foreach $mountpoint (split(/\s/,$PartGroup)) {
-        $mintotal += $MPMinSize{$mountpoint};
-        $maxmintotal += ($MPMaxSize{$mountpoint} - $MPMinSize{$mountpoint});
-        $MPSize{$mountpoint} = $MPMinSize{$mountpoint};
-    }
-    # Test if partitions fit
-    ($mintotal > $totalsize)
-      && die "ERROR: Mountpoints $PartGroup do not fit.\n";
-    # Maximize partitions
-    $rest = $totalsize - $mintotal;
-    ($rest > $maxmintotal) && ($rest = $maxmintotal);
-    if ($rest > 0) {
-        foreach $mountpoint (split(/\s/,$PartGroup)) {
-            $MPSize{$mountpoint} += int ((($MPMaxSize{$mountpoint} - $MPMinSize{$mountpoint}) * $rest) / $maxmintotal);
-        }
-    }
-    # compute rest
-    $rest = $totalsize;
-    foreach $mountpoint (split(/\s/,$PartGroup)) {
-        $rest -= $MPSize{$mountpoint};
-    }
-    # Minimize rest
-    foreach $mountpoint (split(/\s/,$PartGroup)) {
-        if (($rest >0) && ($MPSize{$mountpoint} < $MPMaxSize{$mountpoint})){
-            $MPSize{$mountpoint}++;
-	    $rest--;
-	}
-    }
-    # Set start for every partition
-    foreach $mountpoint (split(/\s/,$PartGroup)) {
-        $MPStart{$mountpoint} = $Start;
-	$Start += $MPSize{$mountpoint};
-	$EndUnit = $MPStart{$mountpoint} + $MPSize{$mountpoint} - 1;
-    }
-# calculate extended partition size
-sub CalculateExtPartSize{
-    my ($disk) = @_;
-    my $extmp = "extended$disk";
-    my $mountpoint; my $ExtEnd; my $NewEnd;
-    ($MPPrimary{$extmp}) || return;
-    $ExtEnd = $MPStart{$extmp};
-    foreach $mountpoint(split(/\s/,$DiskMountpoints{$disk})) {
-        next if ($MPPrimary{$mountpoint} eq "yes");
-	$NewEnd = $MPStart{$mountpoint} + $MPSize{$mountpoint} - 1;
-	($NewEnd > $ExtEnd) && ($ExtEnd = $NewEnd);
-    }
-    $MPSize{$extmp} = ($ExtEnd - $MPStart{$extmp} + 1);
-# Print partition "number - mountpoint" table
-sub PrintPartitionTable{
-    my ($disk) = @_;
-    my $part; my $mountpoint; my $mountpointname; my $end;
-    foreach $part (sort %MountpointPart) {
-        next if($part !~ /^$disk/);
-	$mountpoint = $PartMountpoint{$part};
-        if ($mountpoint =~ /^no(.*)/){
-            $mountpointname = "no mountpoint ($1)";
-	} else {
-	    $mountpointname = $mountpoint;
-	}
-	$end = $MPStart{$mountpoint} + $MPSize{$mountpoint} - 1;
-	print <<"EOM";
-/dev/$part $mountpointname start=$MPStart{$mountpoint} size=$MPSize{$mountpoint} end=$end id=$MPID{$mountpoint}
-      }
-# build all partition tables for sfdisk
-sub PartitionPersfdisk{
-    my ($disk, $mountpoint, $line, $part, $PrimaryNo);
-    my ($command, $result, $filename, $number);
-    print "Creating partition table: ";
-    foreach $disk(keys %DiskMountpoints) {
-        $sfdiskTables{$disk} = "# partition table of device: /dev/$disk\nunit: sectors\n\n";
-	$PrimaryNo = 1;
-        foreach $mountpoint(split(/\s/,$DiskMountpoints{$disk})) {
-	    $part = $MountpointPart{$mountpoint};
-	    $part =~ /(\d+)$/;
-	    ($1 < 5) && ($PrimaryNo++);
-	    if ( ($1 == 5) && ($PrimaryNo < 5) ){
-	        for my $number($PrimaryNo..4) {
-		    $sfdiskTables{$disk} .= BuildsfdiskDumpLine(PartName($disk,$number),0,0,0)."\n";
-	        }
-	    }
-	    $line = BuildsfdiskDumpLine($MountpointPart{$mountpoint},$MPStart{$mountpoint},$MPSize{$mountpoint},$MPID{$mountpoint});
-            ($part eq $BootPartition) && ($line .= ", bootable");
-            $sfdiskTables{$disk} .= "$line\n";
-	}
-#	print $sfdiskTables{$disk};
-	$filename = "$ENV{LOGDIR}/partition." . (($disk=~ m#/#) ? join('_', split('/', $disk)) : $disk);
-	if(($test != 1) && ($filename)){
-	    open(FILE, ">$filename") || die "unable to write temporary file $filename\n";
-	    print FILE $sfdiskTables{$disk};
-	    close(FILE);
-        }
-	$command = "LC_ALL=C sfdisk $sfdisk_options /dev/$disk < $filename";
-	if($test != 1){
-            print "$command\n";
-	    $result = `sh -c "$command"`;
-	    (($? >> 8) == 0) || (die "\nSFDISK ERROR:\n $result\n");
-	    -f "/etc/init.d/udev" && sleep 10; # when using udev, it takes some time until the device entries for each partition are available
-	}
-    }
-# build a sfdisk dump line
-sub BuildsfdiskDumpLine{
-  sprintf "/dev/%-5s: start=%10s, size=%10s, Id=%3s", at _;
-# Format all disks
-sub FormatDisks{
-    my ($disk, $device, $mountpoint, $mountpointname, $command, $result);
-    print "Creating file systems:\n";
-    foreach $disk(keys %DiskMountpoints) {
-        foreach $mountpoint (split(/\s/,$DiskMountpoints{$disk})) {
-	    $device = $MountpointPart{$mountpoint};
-            if ($mountpoint =~ /^no/){
-                $mountpointname = "no mountpoint";
-            } else {
-	        $mountpointname = $mountpoint;
-	    }
-	    # preserved partition
-	    if ( ($MPPreserve{$mountpoint} eq "yes") && ($MPOptions{$mountpoint} !~ /\bformat\b/i)){
-  	        print "Preserve partition $device";
-                if ($mountpoint =~ /^no$1/){
-                    print " with no mountpoint\n";
-                } else {
-	            print " with mountpoint $mountpoint\n";
-	        }
-		next;
-	    }
-	    # lazy format
-	    if ( ( $MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /\blazyformat\b/i )
-              && ($MPStart{$mountpoint} == $PartOldStartSec{$device})
-              && (($MPStart{$mountpoint} + $MPSize{$mountpoint} - 1) == $PartOldEndSec{$device}) ){
-	        print "Lazy format: $device";
-                if ($mountpoint =~ /^no$1/){
-                    print " with no mountpoint";
-                } else {
-	            print " with mountpoint $mountpoint";
-	        }
-                print " was neither moved nor formated.\n";
-		next;
-	    }
-	    # swap
-	    if ($mountpoint =~ /^swap/i) {
-#	        print "Make swap partition:\n";
-	        $command = "mkswap $mkswap_options";
-		($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /(\-c)\b/i) && ($command .= " $1");
-		push @swaplist, "/dev/$device";
-		$command .= " /dev/$device";
-	        print "  $command\n";
-	        if($test != 1){
-	            $result = `$command`;
-		    (($? >> 8) == 0) || (die "\nMKSWAP ERROR:\n $result\n");
-		}
-		next;
-	    }
-	    # Linux Reiser file system
-	    if ($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /\breiser\b/i) {
-#	        print "Make Reiser Filesystem:\n";
-	        $command = "echo y | LC_ALL=C mkreiserfs $mkreiserfs_options";
-		($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /(\-h\s*\w+)\b/) && ($command .= " $1");
-		($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /(\-v\s*\d+)\b/) && ($command .= " $1");
-		$command .= " /dev/$device";
-		print "  $command\n";
-		if ($test != 1){
-		    $result = `$command`;
-		    (($? >> 8) == 0) || die "\nMKREISERFS ERROR:\n $result\n";
-		}
-		next;
-	    }
-	    # Linux XFS file system
-	    if ($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /\bxfs\b/i) {
-#	        print "Make XFS Filesystem:\n";
-	        $command = "mkfs.xfs $mkxfs_options";
-		$command .= " /dev/$device";
-		print "  $command\n";
-		if ($test != 1){
-		    $result = `$command`;
-		    (($? >> 8) == 0) || die "\nMKFS.XFS ERROR:\n $result\n";
-		}
-		next;
-	    }
-	    # Linux Extended 2 file system
-	    if ($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /\b(ext[23]|auto)\b/i) {
-#	        print "Make Extended 2/3 Filesystem:\n";
-	        $command = "mke2fs $mke2fs_options";
-		($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /(\-c)\b/i) && ($command .= " $1");
-		($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /(\-i\s*\d+)\b/) && ($command .= " $1");
-		($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /(\-m\s*\d+)\b/) && ($command .= " $1");
-		($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /(\-j)\b/) && ($command .= " $1");
-		$command .= " /dev/$device";
-		print "  $command\n";
-		if ($test != 1){
-		    $result = `$command`;
-		    (($? >> 8) == 0) || die "\nMKE2FS ERROR:\n $result\n";
-		}
-		next;
-	    }
-	    # DOS 16bit FAT / Win95 FAT 32
-	    if ($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /\b(dosfat16|winfat32)\b/i) {
-	        print "Clear first sector for DOS/Windows\n";
-	        $command = "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$MountpointPart{$mountpoint} bs=512 count=1";
-		print "  $command\n";
-		if ($test != 1){
-		    $result = `$command`;
-		    (($? >> 8) == 0) || die "\nDD ERROR:\n $result\n";
-		}
-		next;
-	    }
-        }
-    }
-# Build fstab and write it to <root>/etc/fstab
-sub WriteFSTab{
-    my ($FileSystemTab, $device, $type, $filename);
-    $FileSystemTab  = << "EOM";
-# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
-#<file sys>          <mount point>     <type>   <options>   <dump>   <pass>
-    # 1. /
-    $type = "ext2";
-    ($MPOptions{'/'} =~ /\b(reiser)\b/i) && ($type = "reiserfs");
-    ($MPOptions{'/'} =~ /\b(xfs)\b/i) && ($type = "xfs");
-    ($MPOptions{'/'} =~ /\b(ext3)\b/i) && ($type = "ext3");
-    ($MPOptions{'/'} =~ /\b(ext2)\b/i) && ($type = "ext2");
-    $FileSystemTab .= BuildfstabLine("/dev/$MountpointPart{'/'}","/",$type,$MPfstaboptions{'/'},0,1);
-    # 2. swap partitions
-    foreach my $mountpoint (%PartMountpoint){
-	next if( $mountpoint !~ /^swap/i);
-	$FileSystemTab .= BuildfstabLine("/dev/$MountpointPart{$mountpoint}",
-                           "none","swap",$MPfstaboptions{$mountpoint},0,0);
-    }
-    # 3. /proc
-    $FileSystemTab .= BuildfstabLine("proc","/proc","proc","rw,nosuid,noexec",0,0);
-    # 4. sorted others
-    foreach my $mountpoint (sort %PartMountpoint){
-	next if ( ($mountpoint !~ m#^/#) || ($mountpoint eq "/"));
-	$device = $MountpointPart{$mountpoint};
-	$type = "ext2";
-	($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /\b(dosfat16|winfat32)\b/i) && ($type = "vfat");
-	($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /\b(ntfs)\b/i) && ($type = "ntfs");
-	($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /\b(reiser)\b/i) && ($type = "reiserfs");
-	($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /\b(xfs)\b/i) && ($type = "xfs");
-	($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /\b(ext3)\b/i) && ($type = "ext3");
-	($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /\b(ext2)\b/i) && ($type = "ext2");
-	$FileSystemTab .= BuildfstabLine("/dev/$device",$mountpoint,$type,$MPfstaboptions{$mountpoint},0,2);
-    }
-    # write it
-    $filename = "$ENV{LOGDIR}/fstab";
-#    print $FileSystemTab;
-    print "Write fstab to $filename\n" if $verbose;
-    if($test != 1){
-	open(FILE, ">$filename") || die "unable to write fstab $filename\n";
-	print FILE $FileSystemTab;
-	close(FILE);
-    }
-# Build fstab line
-sub BuildfstabLine{
-    sprintf "%-10s   %-15s   %-6s  %-8s  %-4s %-4s\n", at _;
-# Write all FAI variables of this program to file
-sub WriteFAIVariables{
-  my $swaps;
-  print "Write FAI variables to file $FAIOutputFile\n" if $verbose;
-    return if ($test == 1);
-  $swaps = join ' ', at swaplist;
-    open(FILE, ">$FAIOutputFile") || die "Unable to write file $FAIOutputFile\n";
-    print FILE << "EOM";
-    close(FILE);

Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog	2010-07-09 13:51:52 UTC (rev 5851)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog	2010-07-09 14:11:32 UTC (rev 5852)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-fai (3.4~beta4) unstable; urgency=low
+fai (3.4~beta5) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Thomas Lange ]
   * dhcp-edit: new command that adds or removes entries to/from dhcpd.conf
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
   * 10-misc, subroutines: move adding /etc/hosts entry from task_prepareapt
     to config space script, add only if host does not belong to class DHCPC
   * make-fai-nfsroot: add test if etc/init is available
+  * fai-client.install, copyright, bootexample.txt, fai-guide.txt,
+    subroutines, THANKS, setup-storage.8, Makefile, FAIBASE.var: remove
+    setup_harddisks and variable USE_SETUP_STORAGE
   [ Michael Tautschnig ]
   * control: Move setup-storage to its own package (fai-setup-storage). Thanks
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@
     $FAI_ROOT, so let's get rid of them outside the chroot as well iff
     they are present
- -- Thomas Lange <lange at debian.org>  Fri, 25 Jun 2010 14:29:10 +0200
+ -- Thomas Lange <lange at debian.org>  Fri, 09 Jul 2010 16:11:07 +0200
 fai (3.3.5) unstable; urgency=high

Modified: trunk/debian/copyright
--- trunk/debian/copyright	2010-07-09 13:51:52 UTC (rev 5851)
+++ trunk/debian/copyright	2010-07-09 14:11:32 UTC (rev 5852)
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 Copyright (C) 1999-2010  Thomas Lange
 Major contributions Copyright by:
-	Mattias Gaertner	gaertner at informatik.uni-koeln.de
 	Henning Glawe		glaweh at physik.fu-berlin.de
 	Christian Kern		kernch at in.tum.de
 	Michael Tautschnig	mt at debian.org

Modified: trunk/debian/fai-client.install
--- trunk/debian/fai-client.install	2010-07-09 13:51:52 UTC (rev 5851)
+++ trunk/debian/fai-client.install	2010-07-09 14:11:32 UTC (rev 5852)
@@ -18,5 +18,4 @@

Modified: trunk/doc/fai-guide.txt
--- trunk/doc/fai-guide.txt	2010-07-09 13:51:52 UTC (rev 5851)
+++ trunk/doc/fai-guide.txt	2010-07-09 14:11:32 UTC (rev 5852)
@@ -1017,15 +1017,12 @@
 mounted. It's also possible to preserve the disk layout or to preserve
 the data on certain partitions.
-The old tool for partitioning the hard disks is called
-`setup_harddisks`. This tool is deprecated. With FAI 3.2.8 the
-new partitioning tool called `setup-storage(8)` was added to FAI. It
-uses `parted(8)` for editing the partition table and now has support
-for software RAID and LVM. This tool uses a slightly different format
-for the configuration files in 'disk_config' than the old tool. Read
-the manual page for a detailed description of the new format. The variable
-_USE_SETUP_STORAGE_ now determines which tool to use. When set to 1 it
-uses the new tool which is now defined in 'FAIBASE.var' by default.
+With FAI 3.2.8 the new partitioning tool called `setup-storage(8)` was
+added to FAI. It uses `parted(8)` for editing the partition table and
+now has support for software RAID and LVM. This tool uses a slightly
+different format for the configuration files in 'disk_config' than the
+old tool. Read the manual page for a detailed description of the new
 During the installation process all local file systems are mounted
 relative to '/target'. For example '/target/home' will become '/home'
@@ -1650,17 +1647,11 @@
 parameters) which are loaded during boot of the new system (written to
-If set to one (the default when using the class _FAIBASE_ the new
-partitioning tool `setup-storage(8)` will be used. Otherwise the old
-`setup_harddisks` program is used.
 === [[diskconfig]]Hard disk configuration
 Read the manual page of `setup-storage(8)` for a detailed description
-of the new format. This is used by default since FAI 3.2.8 or when
-setting the variable +$USE_SETUP_STORAGE+ to 1.
+of the new format. This is used by default since FAI 3.2.8.
 === [[packageconfig]]Software package configuration

Modified: trunk/doc/includes/bootexample.txt
--- trunk/doc/includes/bootexample.txt	2010-07-09 13:51:52 UTC (rev 5851)
+++ trunk/doc/includes/bootexample.txt	2010-07-09 14:11:32 UTC (rev 5852)
@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@
 ++ TIMEZONE=Europe/Berlin
 ++ ROOTPW='$1$kBnWcO.E$djxB128U7dMkrltJHPf6d1'
 Loading keymap(s) us-latin1 ...done.
 Calling task_action
 FAI_ACTION: install

Modified: trunk/examples/simple/class/FAIBASE.var
--- trunk/examples/simple/class/FAIBASE.var	2010-07-09 13:51:52 UTC (rev 5851)
+++ trunk/examples/simple/class/FAIBASE.var	2010-07-09 14:11:32 UTC (rev 5852)
@@ -22,6 +22,3 @@
 # erros in tasks greater than this value will cause the installation to stop
-# use the new partitioning tool

Modified: trunk/lib/subroutines
--- trunk/lib/subroutines	2010-07-09 13:51:52 UTC (rev 5851)
+++ trunk/lib/subroutines	2010-07-09 14:11:32 UTC (rev 5852)
@@ -738,13 +738,12 @@
 task_partition() {
     if [ X$USE_SETUP_STORAGE = X1 ]; then
-	echo "Partitioning local harddisks using setup-storage"
-	[ ! -s $LOGDIR/disk_var.sh ] && setup-storage -X 2>&1 | tee $LOGDIR/format.log
-    else
-	echo "Partitioning local harddisks using setup_harddisks"
-	[ ! -s $LOGDIR/disk_var.sh ] && setup_harddisks -d -X 2>&1 | tee $LOGDIR/format.log
+	echo "WARNING: The variable USE_SETUP_STORAGE is not needed any more."
+	echo "setup-storage is now the default tool for partitioning."
+    [ ! -s $LOGDIR/disk_var.sh ] && setup-storage -X 2>&1 | tee $LOGDIR/format.log
     # partitioning tool must create $LOGDIR/disk_var.sh file
     if [ ! -s $LOGDIR/disk_var.sh ]; then
 	task_error 710

Modified: trunk/man/setup-storage.8
--- trunk/man/setup-storage.8	2010-07-09 13:51:52 UTC (rev 5851)
+++ trunk/man/setup-storage.8	2010-07-09 14:11:32 UTC (rev 5852)
@@ -32,12 +32,6 @@
 is 0 if all operations were performed successfully and non-zero if an error
-To enable the use of the new partioning tool setup-storage you have to
-in the according class file in configspace (like
-/srv/fai/config/class/FAIBASE.var for example).

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