[Fai-commit] r6421 - branches/experimental/patches

Michael Tautschnig mt at alioth.debian.org
Fri Apr 15 17:28:02 UTC 2011

Author: mt
Date: 2011-04-15 17:28:01 +0000 (Fri, 15 Apr 2011)
New Revision: 6421

Merged align-at stuff into trunk

Modified: branches/experimental/patches/series
--- branches/experimental/patches/series	2011-04-15 17:24:29 UTC (rev 6420)
+++ branches/experimental/patches/series	2011-04-15 17:28:01 UTC (rev 6421)
@@ -11,5 +11,3 @@

Deleted: branches/experimental/patches/setup-storage_no-cylinder-boundaries
--- branches/experimental/patches/setup-storage_no-cylinder-boundaries	2011-04-15 17:24:29 UTC (rev 6420)
+++ branches/experimental/patches/setup-storage_no-cylinder-boundaries	2011-04-15 17:28:01 UTC (rev 6421)
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-2011-02-11  Julien Blache  <jblache at debian.org>
-	* setup-storage/Sizes.pm: for backward compatibility with previous
-		setup-storage versions, msdos partitions must be aligned to cylinder
-		boundary and alignment constraints must not apply for start position of
-		partitions 1 and 5. Preserving partitions on systems installed with previous
-		versions of setup-storage breaks without this.
-2010-09-18  Michael Tautschnig  <mt at debian.org>
-	* setup-storage/{Parser.pm,Sizes.pm}: Align partition sizes to sectors or
-		user-requested alignment on all disk labels, dropping DOS
-		cylinder-alignment. Thanks Patrick Cervicek for suggesting the
-		user-specified alignment.
-	* setup-storage.8: Document new align-at option.
-	* setup-storage/Sizes.pm: Take alignment into account for partition size
-		computation (thanks Frank Doepper for bringing up this problem). Size of
-		extended (partition) boot record is 2 sectors.
-	* setup-storage/Sizes.pm: Do not rely on bios_sectors_per_track information
-		for computing the start location of first partition, always use 63 sectors
-		gap. Thanks Mathieu Alorent for extensive testing.
-Index: trunk/lib/setup-storage/Sizes.pm
---- trunk.orig/lib/setup-storage/Sizes.pm
-+++ trunk/lib/setup-storage/Sizes.pm
-@@ -354,9 +354,8 @@
-           $current_disk->{bios_heads})) or 
-       warn "Preserved partition $part_dev_name does not end at a cylinder boundary, parted may fail to restore the partition!\n";
--    # add one head of disk usage if this is a logical partition
--    $min_req_total_space += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
--      $current_disk->{sector_size} if ($part_id > 4);
-+    # add two sectors of disk usage if this is a logical partition
-+    $min_req_total_space += 2 * $current_disk->{sector_size} if ($part_id > 4);
-     # make sure we don't change extended partitions to ordinary ones and
-     # vice-versa
-@@ -402,9 +401,6 @@
-   ($part_id <= 4) or
-     &FAI::internal_error("Extended partition wouldn't be a primary one");
--  my $epbr_size = $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
--    $current_disk->{sector_size};
-   # initialise the size and the start byte
-   $part->{size}->{eff_size} = 0;
-   $part->{start_byte} = -1;
-@@ -413,10 +409,11 @@
-     next if ($p < 5);
-     $part->{start_byte} = $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{start_byte} -
--      $epbr_size if (-1 == $part->{start_byte});
-+      (2 * $current_disk->{sector_size}) if (-1 == $part->{start_byte});
--    $part->{size}->{eff_size} += $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{eff_size} +
--      $epbr_size;
-+    $part->{size}->{eff_size} +=
-+      $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{eff_size} + (2 *
-+        $current_disk->{sector_size});
-     $part->{end_byte} = $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{end_byte};
-   }
-@@ -431,8 +428,9 @@
- #
- # @param $part_id Partition id within $config
- # @param $config Disk config
--# @param $current_disk Current config of this disk
-+# @param $disk This disk
- # @param $next_start Start of the next partition
-+# @param $block_size Requested alignment
- # @param $min_req_total_space Minimum space required on disk
- # @param $max_avail The maximum size of a partition on this disk
- # @param $worklist Reference to the remaining partitions
-@@ -442,7 +440,7 @@
- ################################################################################
- sub do_partition_real {
--  my ($part_id, $config, $disk, $next_start, $min_req_total_space, $max_avail, $worklist) = @_;
-+  my ($part_id, $config, $disk, $next_start, $block_size, $min_req_total_space, $max_avail, $worklist) = @_;
-   # reference to the current disk config
-   my $current_disk = $FAI::current_config{$disk};
-@@ -451,6 +449,34 @@
-   my ($start, $end) = &FAI::make_range($part->{size}->{range}, $max_avail);
-+  # compute the effective start location on the disk
-+  # msdos specific offset for logical partitions
-+  if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
-+    && ($part_id > 4)) {
-+    # add 2 sectors of disk usage if this is a logical partition
-+    $min_req_total_space += 2 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
-+    # move the start byte as well
-+    $next_start += 2 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
-+  }
-+  # partition starts at where we currently are + requested alignment, or remains
-+  # fixed in case of resized ntfs
-+  # Also, don't apply alignment constraint to partition 1 and 5 in an msdos disklabel
-+  if ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$part_id}{size}{resize} &&
-+    ($current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{filesystem} eq "ntfs")) {
-+    ($next_start <= $current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{begin_byte})
-+      or die "Cannot preserve start byte of ntfs volume on partition $part_id, space before it is too small\n";
-+    $next_start = $current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{begin_byte};
-+  } elsif ((0 != $next_start % $block_size)
-+	   && ((($part_id != 5) && ($part_id != 1))
-+	       || ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} ne "msdos"))) {
-+    $next_start += $block_size - ($next_start % $block_size);
-+  }
-+  $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$part_id}{start_byte} =
-+    $next_start;
-   # check, whether the size is fixed
-   if ($end != $start) {
-@@ -478,11 +504,8 @@
-         # logical partitions require the space for the EPBR to be left
-         # out
--        if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
--          && ($p > 4)) {
--          $end_of_range -= $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
--            $current_disk->{sector_size};
--        }
-+        $end_of_range -= 2 * $current_disk->{sector_size}
-+          if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos") && ($p > 4));
-         last;
-       } elsif ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{extended}) {
-         next;
-@@ -491,13 +514,11 @@
-           $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$p}{size}{range}, $max_avail);
-         # logical partitions require the space for the EPBR to be left
--        # out
-+        # out; in fact, even alignment constraints would have to be considered
-         if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
--          && ($p > 4)) {
--          $min_size += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
--            $current_disk->{sector_size};
--          $max_size += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
--            $current_disk->{sector_size};
-+          && ($p != $part_id) && ($p > 4)) {
-+          $min_size += 2 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
-+          $max_size += 2 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
-         }
-         $min_req_space += $min_size;
-@@ -529,48 +550,9 @@
-     $end   = $start;
-   }
--  # now we compute the effective locations on the disk
--  # msdos specific offset for logical partitions
--  if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
--    && ($part_id > 4)) {
--    # add one head of disk usage if this is a logical partition
--    $min_req_total_space += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
--      $current_disk->{sector_size};
--    # move the start byte as well
--    $next_start += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
--      $current_disk->{sector_size};
--  }
--  # partition starts at where we currently are, or remains fixed in case of
--  # resized ntfs
--  if ($FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$part_id}{size}{resize} &&
--    ($current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{filesystem} eq "ntfs")) {
--    ($next_start <= $current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{begin_byte}) 
--      or die "Cannot preserve start byte of ntfs volume on partition $part_id, space before it is too small\n";
--    $next_start = $current_disk->{partitions}->{$part_id}->{begin_byte};
--  }
--  $FAI::configs{$config}{partitions}{$part_id}{start_byte} =
--    $next_start;
--  # the end may need some alignment, depending on the disk label
-+  # partitions must end at the requested alignment
-   my $end_byte = $next_start + $start - 1;
--  # on msdos, ensure that the partition ends at a cylinder boundary
--  if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos") {
--    $end_byte -=
--      ($end_byte + 1) % ($current_disk->{sector_size} *
--        $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
--        $current_disk->{bios_heads});
--  }
--  # on gpt, ensure that the partition ends at a sector boundary
--  if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "gpt" ||
--    $FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "gpt-bios") {
--    $end_byte -=
--      ($end_byte + 1) % $current_disk->{sector_size};
--  }
-+  $end_byte -= ($end_byte + 1) % $block_size;
-   # set $start and $end to the effective values
-   $start = $end_byte - $next_start + 1;
-@@ -619,6 +601,21 @@
-     # reference to the current disk config
-     my $current_disk = $FAI::current_config{$disk};
-+    # align to sector boundary by default
-+    my $block_size = $current_disk->{sector_size};
-+    # align to cylinder boundary for msdos disklabels, for backward compatibility
-+    if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos") {
-+      $block_size = $current_disk->{sector_size} *
-+        $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
-+        $current_disk->{bios_heads};
-+    }
-+    # but user-specified alignment wins no matter what
-+    defined ($FAI::configs{$config}{align_at}) and
-+      $block_size = $FAI::configs{$config}{align_at};
-+    (0 == $block_size % $current_disk->{sector_size}) or
-+      die "Alignment must be set to a multiple of the underlying disk sector size\n";
-     # at various points the following code highly depends on the desired disk label!
-     # initialise variables
-     # the id of the extended partition to be created, if required
-@@ -643,15 +640,11 @@
-     my $next_start = 0;
-     if ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos") {
--      # on msdos disk labels, the first partitions starts at head #1
--      $next_start = $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
--        $current_disk->{sector_size};
-+      # on msdos disk labels, the first partitions starts at head #1; well,
-+      # enforce a 63-sectors-per-track layout
-+      $next_start = 63 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
-       $min_req_total_space += $next_start;
--      # the MBR requires space, too
--      $min_req_total_space += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
--        $current_disk->{sector_size};
-     } elsif ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "gpt") {
-       # on GPT-EFI disk labels the first 34 and last 33 sectors must be left alone
-       $next_start = 34 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
-@@ -663,13 +656,12 @@
-       $min_req_total_space += (34 + 33) * $current_disk->{sector_size};
-     } elsif ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "gpt-bios") {
--      # on BIOS-style disk labels, the first partitions starts at head #1
--      $next_start = $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
--        $current_disk->{sector_size};
-       # the MBR requires space, too
--      $min_req_total_space += $current_disk->{bios_sectors_per_track} *
--        $current_disk->{sector_size};
-+      $next_start = $current_disk->{sector_size};
-+      $min_req_total_space += $current_disk->{sector_size};
-+      # not too sure whether this is needed: standard GPT partition table space
-+      $next_start += 33 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
-+      $min_req_total_space += 33 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
-       # apparently parted insists in having some space left at the end too
-       # modify the disk to claim the space for the second partition table
-@@ -761,7 +753,7 @@
-         shift @worklist;
-       } else {
-         ($next_start, $min_req_total_space) = &FAI::do_partition_real($part_id, 
--          $config, $disk, $next_start, $min_req_total_space, $max_avail, \@worklist);
-+          $config, $disk, $next_start, $block_size, $min_req_total_space, $max_avail, \@worklist);
-         # msdos does not support partitions larger than 2TiB
-         ($part->{size}->{eff_size} > (&FAI::convert_unit("2TiB") * 1024.0 *
-Index: trunk/lib/setup-storage/Parser.pm
---- trunk.orig/lib/setup-storage/Parser.pm
-+++ trunk/lib/setup-storage/Parser.pm
-@@ -573,6 +573,10 @@
-             }
-           }
-         }
-+        | /^align-at:(\d+[kKMGTPiB]*)/
-+        {
-+          $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{align_at} = &FAI::convert_unit($1) * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
-+        }
-     option: /^preserve_always:((\d+(,\d+)*)|all)/
-@@ -857,7 +861,7 @@
-           1;
-         }
--    size: /^((RAM:\d+%|\d+[kMGTP%iB]*)(-(RAM:\d+%|\d+[kMGTP%iB]*)?)?)(:resize)?/
-+    size: /^((RAM:\d+%|\d+[kKMGTP%iB]*)(-(RAM:\d+%|\d+[kKMGTP%iB]*)?)?)(:resize)?/
-         {
-           # complete the size specification to be a range in all cases
-           my $range = $1;
-@@ -888,7 +892,7 @@
-             $FAI::configs{$FAI::device}{preserveparts} = 1;
-           }
-         }
--        | /^(-(RAM:\d+%|\d+[kMGTP%iB]*))(:resize)?\s+/
-+        | /^(-(RAM:\d+%|\d+[kKMGTP%iB]*))(:resize)?\s+/
-         {
-           # complete the range by assuming 0 as the lower limit 
-           my $range = "0$1";
-@@ -909,7 +913,7 @@
-         }
-         | <error: invalid partition size near "$text">
--    tmpfs_size: /^(RAM:(\d+%)|\d+[kMGTPiB]*)\s+/
-+    tmpfs_size: /^(RAM:(\d+%)|\d+[kKMGTPiB]*)\s+/
-         {
-           my $size;
-Index: trunk/man/setup-storage.8
---- trunk.orig/man/setup-storage.8
-+++ trunk/man/setup-storage.8
-@@ -497,6 +497,20 @@
- .br
-            */
- .br
-+           | align-at:([[:digit:]]+[kKMGTPiB]*)
-+           /* Align partitions at multiples of the given block size (unit
-+           defaults to MiB, if omitted). Such an alignment, e.g., 4K, might be
-+           important for proper performance of RAID arrays which use a logical
-+           block size other than the sector size of the underlying disks. It
-+           must, however, always be a multiple of this sector size.
-+           */
- volume ::= <type> <mountpoint> <size> <filesystem> <mount_options> <fs_options>

Deleted: branches/experimental/patches/setup-storage_no-min-req-space
--- branches/experimental/patches/setup-storage_no-min-req-space	2011-04-15 17:24:29 UTC (rev 6420)
+++ branches/experimental/patches/setup-storage_no-min-req-space	2011-04-15 17:28:01 UTC (rev 6421)
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-2011-03-10  Michael Tautschnig  <mt at debian.org>
-	* setup-storage/Sizes.pm: Removed redundant min_req_total_space tracking
-		variable.
-Index: trunk/lib/setup-storage/Sizes.pm
---- trunk.orig/lib/setup-storage/Sizes.pm
-+++ trunk/lib/setup-storage/Sizes.pm
-@@ -295,15 +295,14 @@
- # @param $config Disk config
- # @param $current_disk Current config of this disk
- # @param $next_start Start of the next partition
--# @param $min_req_total_space Minimum space required on disk
- # @param $max_avail The maximum size of a partition on this disk
- #
--# @return Updated values of ($next_start, $min_req_total_space)
-+# @return Updated value of $next_start
- #
- ################################################################################
- sub do_partition_preserve {
--  my ($part_id, $config, $disk, $next_start, $min_req_total_space, $max_avail) = @_;
-+  my ($part_id, $config, $disk, $next_start, $max_avail) = @_;
-   # reference to the current disk config
-   my $current_disk = $FAI::current_config{$disk};
-@@ -335,9 +334,6 @@
-   $part->{start_byte} = $curr_part->{begin_byte};
-   $part->{end_byte} = $curr_part->{end_byte};
--  # and add it to the total disk space required by this config
--  $min_req_total_space += $part->{size}->{eff_size};
-   # set the next start
-   $next_start = $part->{end_byte} + 1;
-@@ -354,9 +350,6 @@
-           $current_disk->{bios_heads})) or 
-       warn "Preserved partition $part_dev_name does not end at a cylinder boundary, parted may fail to restore the partition!\n";
--    # add two sectors of disk usage if this is a logical partition
--    $min_req_total_space += 2 * $current_disk->{sector_size} if ($part_id > 4);
-     # make sure we don't change extended partitions to ordinary ones and
-     # vice-versa
-     ($part->{size}->{extended} == $curr_part->{is_extended})
-@@ -375,7 +368,7 @@
-       or die "Preserved partition $part_dev_name does not end at a sector boundary\n";
-   }
--  return ($next_start, $min_req_total_space);
-+  return $next_start;
- }
- ################################################################################
-@@ -431,16 +424,15 @@
- # @param $disk This disk
- # @param $next_start Start of the next partition
- # @param $block_size Requested alignment
--# @param $min_req_total_space Minimum space required on disk
- # @param $max_avail The maximum size of a partition on this disk
- # @param $worklist Reference to the remaining partitions
- #
--# @return Updated values of ($next_start, $min_req_total_space)
-+# @return Updated value of $next_start
- #
- ################################################################################
- sub do_partition_real {
--  my ($part_id, $config, $disk, $next_start, $block_size, $min_req_total_space, $max_avail, $worklist) = @_;
-+  my ($part_id, $config, $disk, $next_start, $block_size, $max_avail, $worklist) = @_;
-   # reference to the current disk config
-   my $current_disk = $FAI::current_config{$disk};
-@@ -451,15 +443,8 @@
-   # compute the effective start location on the disk
-   # msdos specific offset for logical partitions
--  if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos")
--    && ($part_id > 4)) {
--    # add 2 sectors of disk usage if this is a logical partition
--    $min_req_total_space += 2 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
--    # move the start byte as well
--    $next_start += 2 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
--  }
-+  $next_start += 2 * $current_disk->{sector_size}
-+    if (($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "msdos") && ($part_id > 4));
-   # partition starts at where we currently are + requested alignment, or remains
-   # fixed in case of resized ntfs
-@@ -567,13 +552,10 @@
-   # write the end byte to the configuration
-   $part->{end_byte} = $end_byte;
--  # and add it to the total disk space required by this config
--  $min_req_total_space += $part->{size}->{eff_size};
-   # set the next start
-   $next_start = $part->{end_byte} + 1;
--  return ($next_start, $min_req_total_space);
-+  return $next_start;
- }
- ################################################################################
-@@ -633,9 +615,6 @@
-       }
-     }
--    # the space required on the disk
--    my $min_req_total_space = 0;
-     # the start byte for the next partition
-     my $next_start = 0;
-@@ -643,7 +622,6 @@
-       # on msdos disk labels, the first partitions starts at head #1; well,
-       # enforce a 63-sectors-per-track layout
-       $next_start = 63 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
--      $min_req_total_space += $next_start;
-     } elsif ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "gpt") {
-       # on GPT-EFI disk labels the first 34 and last 33 sectors must be left alone
-@@ -652,31 +630,24 @@
-       # modify the disk to claim the space for the second partition table
-       $current_disk->{end_byte} -= 33 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
--      # the space required by the GPTs
--      $min_req_total_space += (34 + 33) * $current_disk->{sector_size};
-     } elsif ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} eq "gpt-bios") {
-       # the MBR requires space, too
-       $next_start = $current_disk->{sector_size};
--      $min_req_total_space += $current_disk->{sector_size};
-       # not too sure whether this is needed: standard GPT partition table space
-       $next_start += 33 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
--      $min_req_total_space += 33 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
-       # apparently parted insists in having some space left at the end too
-       # modify the disk to claim the space for the second partition table
-       $current_disk->{end_byte} -= 33 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
--      # the space required by the GPTs
--      $min_req_total_space += 33 * $current_disk->{sector_size};
-       # on gpt-bios we'll need an additional partition to store what doesn't fit
-       # in the MBR; this partition must be at the beginning, but it should be
-       # created at the very end such as not to invalidate indices of other
-       # partitions
-       $FAI::device = $config;
-       &FAI::init_part_config("primary");
--      $FAI::configs{$config}{gpt_bios_part} = $FAI::partition_pointer->{number};
-+      $FAI::configs{$config}{gpt_bios_part} =
-+        (&FAI::phys_dev($FAI::partition_pointer_dev_name))[2];
-       my ($s, $e) = &FAI::make_range("1-1", $current_disk->{size} . "B");
-       # enter the range into the hash
-       $FAI::partition_pointer->{size}->{range} = "$s-$s";
-@@ -684,7 +655,6 @@
-       $FAI::partition_pointer->{start_byte} = $next_start;
-       $FAI::partition_pointer->{end_byte} = $next_start + $s - 1;
-       $next_start += $s;
--      $min_req_total_space += $s;
-       # set proper defaults
-       $FAI::partition_pointer->{encrypt} = 0;
-       $FAI::partition_pointer->{filesystem} = "-";
-@@ -692,7 +662,7 @@
-     }
-     # the size of a 100% partition (the 100% available to the user)
--    my $max_avail = $current_disk->{size} - $min_req_total_space;
-+    my $max_avail = $current_disk->{size} - $next_start;
-     # expressed in bytes
-     $max_avail = "${max_avail}B";
-@@ -746,14 +716,14 @@
-         shift @worklist;
-       # the partition $part_id must be preserved
-       } elsif ($part->{size}->{preserve}) {
--        ($next_start, $min_req_total_space) = &FAI::do_partition_preserve($part_id,
--          $config, $disk, $next_start, $min_req_total_space, $max_avail);
-+        $next_start = &FAI::do_partition_preserve($part_id, $config, $disk,
-+          $next_start, $max_avail);
-         # partition done
-         shift @worklist;
-       } else {
--        ($next_start, $min_req_total_space) = &FAI::do_partition_real($part_id, 
--          $config, $disk, $next_start, $block_size, $min_req_total_space, $max_avail, \@worklist);
-+        $next_start = &FAI::do_partition_real($part_id, $config, $disk,
-+          $next_start, $block_size, $max_avail, \@worklist);
-         # msdos does not support partitions larger than 2TiB
-         ($part->{size}->{eff_size} > (&FAI::convert_unit("2TiB") * 1024.0 *
-@@ -765,8 +735,8 @@
-     }
-     # check, whether there is sufficient space on the disk
--    ($min_req_total_space > $current_disk->{size})
--      and die "Disk $disk is too small - at least $min_req_total_space bytes are required\n";
-+    ($next_start > $current_disk->{end_byte} + 1)
-+      and die "Disk $disk is too small - at least $next_start bytes are required\n";
-     # make sure, extended partitions are only created on msdos disklabels
-     ($FAI::configs{$config}{disklabel} ne "msdos" && $extended > -1)

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