[FAI-commit] [faiproject/fai] 1292e9: Additional bugfix to Kreidl's patch. Solves wipefs...

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Wed Jul 16 19:27:50 UTC 2014

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/faiproject/fai
  Commit: 1292e9d41cc44c01fbe5557d536efb56077336d6
  Author: Kerim Gueney <kgueney at uni-koeln.de>
  Date:   2014-07-16 (Wed, 16 Jul 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M lib/setup-storage/Commands.pm

  Log Message:
  Additional bugfix to Kreidl's patch. Solves wipefs issue when trying to preserve.

  Commit: d8fab6d1a3e2e80efb1dc875f634cc59a28074b1
  Author: Kerim Gueney <kgueney at uni-koeln.de>
  Date:   2014-07-16 (Wed, 16 Jul 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M lib/setup-storage/Commands.pm

  Log Message:
  Ensures that the VG active, before trying to wipe any LV

  Commit: bc0f462e3b85244f3a3efff9108a124627dc3f3b
  Author: Kerim Gueney <kgueney at uni-koeln.de>
  Date:   2014-07-16 (Wed, 16 Jul 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M lib/setup-storage/Commands.pm

  Log Message:
  Fixes preservation issue when attempting a combination of RAID and LVM

Issue was caused by the fact that setup-storage tries to call
vgchange -a n after deactivating the RAID. Added a global array that
keeps a list of RAID devices with "preserve" flags, using the array
FAI::build_lvm_commands then checks if any VG is on a RAID that needs
to be preserved and ensures that vgchange is called (or not called)

  Commit: 405760ac1921be286ee635c68a342ad2e93f6902
  Author: Thomas Lange <lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de>
  Date:   2014-07-16 (Wed, 16 Jul 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M debian/changelog

  Log Message:
  make beta

Compare: https://github.com/faiproject/fai/compare/9d00f62a7afa...405760ac1921

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