[Fakeroot-commits] fakeroot--main--0.0--patch-69 commit: Daemon support (TCP version)

Clint Adams schizo@costa.debian.org
Sat, 21 May 2005 08:45:02 +0000

2005-05-21  Timo Savola  <tsavola@movial.fi>  patch-69

	* configure.ac:
	* faked.c:
	* scripts/Makefile.am:
	* scripts/fakeroot.in:

	Daemon support (TCP version)

	faked goes into "detached" mode when it receives SIGHUP: it will terminate
	as soon as all clients close their connections.  The fakeroot script kills
	faked with SIGHUP instead of SIGTERM when it exits.  This is done in order
	to provide a working (although isolated) fakeroot environment for daemon
	processes that are launched from a fakeroot session.