[Fakeroot-devel] fakeroot multilib support to run both x86_64 and x86_32 bins from x86_64 host

Dely Nicolas Nicolas.Dely at technicolor.com
Tue May 20 13:38:39 UTC 2014

Hi Clint,

I'm writting to you because it seems you're fakeroot maintainer and 
fakeroot-devel list looks unused (no post in archive)

a partner provides us only 32bits binaries and most our machines are 
x86_64 arch.
So when using fakeroot to run shell scripts that call both 32 or 64 
bits, both libfakeroot.so (32 and 64bits) should be preloaded.
I've googled on this subject and found nothing matching my request, so 
I've decided to add multiple fakeroot libs preloading passing --lib 
several times
see attached patch.
It works well using for example
fakeroot-sysv --lib 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfakeroot/libfakeroot-sysv.so --lib 

Drawback of this proposal is while preloading both libs at same time, 
ld.so will complain when fakeroot 32bits lib with a 64bits bin and 
respectively fakeroot 64bits lib with 32bits bin => so everytime :-(

reading DEBUG file makes me think about calling faked manually and 
exporting LD_PRELOAD/FAKEROOTKEY but within a perl script it is easier 
to manage only fakeroot-script call.

What is your opinion?


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