[File-rc-users] Bug#684994: Bug#684994: ifup: fails to open statefile, does not bring up the network
Alexander Wirt
formorer at formorer.de
Sun Aug 19 15:07:45 UTC 2012
Thorsten Glaser schrieb am Sunday, den 19. August 2012:
> Alexander Wirt dixit:
> >> So this looks like a missing Depends (insserv is Prio: optional) and
> >> thus is a grave bug. After manually installing it (of *course* it was
> >> not installed previously, because file-rc allowed getting rid of it):
> >Ah, this is some kind of an upgrade bug and won't happen often. I'll upload a
> >new version in the evening when its colder.
> Ok, thanks!
> >> So, now how do I get the /etc/runlevel.conf fixed “automagically”?
> >> I mean, it broke automagically, after all.
> >`update-rc.d networking defaults` should do the trick.
> Yes, it did the trick. Same as “dpkg-reconfigure ifupdown” and,
> probably, upgrading/reïnstalling.
> Is there some magic to do that for _all_ init scripts, or will
> the file-rc postinst of the version you’re going to upload later
> take care of that?
In fact this should change all initscript. As this is dependency based
booting the whole table should get rebuild whenever you install/update one
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