[Foo2zjs-maintainer] Bug#519628: hp LaserJet 1000 and 1005 don't work, patch

ilf ilf at zeromail.org
Fri Mar 13 21:20:16 UTC 2009

Package: foo2zjs
Version: 20090301dfsg-1
Severity: important
Tags: patch

The firmware for my hp LaserJet 1000 doesn't get loaded. I diff'd the
package with upstream and generated the applied patch, fixing it for me.

PS: This seems unrelated to #517434 and #477923.

ilf						 ilf at jabber.berlin.ccc.de

ueber 70 millionen deutsche benutzen keine konsole. klick dich nicht weg!
		-- eine initiative des bundesamtes fuer tastaturbenutzung
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